Module 1 What Is Art Key Links Learning Outcomes

Read Chapter 2 in Lumen Text:

By Thomas Quine – Cave paintings, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Reproductions at the Museo del Mamut, Barcelona 2011You are not required to use any specific website, or article to succeed in this module. You may always use your own independent research in all the assignments in this module. The websites, articles; and links, in the course are all examples of research done on the topic in this module.

Module Learning Outcomes: 

Module Learning Outcomes Recognize and summarize changing perceptions and definitions of art throughout history. Define aesthetics and some variables in how we perceive and assign value to art. Describe and discuss some contemporary theories in the definition of art.

Chapter 2 in Lumen Text: What is Art

The material covered in this section will help you understand how we arrived at our contemporary understanding of art and how to begin engaging in the ongoing definition and discussion of art.

Module Learning Outcomes

  • Recognize and summarize changing perceptions and definitions of art throughout history.
  • Define aesthetics and some variables in how we perceive and assign value to art.
  • Describe and discuss some contemporary theories in the definition of art.

Use link below for the Metropolitan Museum of Art

African Male Figure/ Metropolitan Museum of Art/ NYC

Key Links Used in Module 1

Module 1 Links

Module Overview: We will be writing, discussing; and reflecting about art. Also getting to know each other a bit.

Module Learning Objectives: Familiarizing oneself with course structure, writing, taking part in discussions. Beginning to think about art.

 See my first mini-lecture in this module, What is Art?

Discussion 1_What is Art?       See Instructions for Discussion in Module 1

Written Assignment_What Is Art

Chapter Test