adaptive immune response relatively slow but very specific and effective immune response controlled by lymphocytes
afferent lymphatic vessels lead into a lymph node
antibody antigen-specific protein secreted by plasma cells; immunoglobulin
antigen molecule recognized by the receptors of B and T lymphocytes
barrier defenses antipathogen defenses deriving from a barrier that physically prevents pathogens from entering the body to establish an infection
B cells lymphocytes that act by differentiating into an antibody-secreting plasma cell
bone marrow tissue found inside bones; the site of all blood cell differentiation and maturation of B lymphocytes
bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) lymphoid nodule associated with the respiratory tract
chyle lipid-rich lymph inside the lymphatic capillaries of the small intestine
cisterna chyli bag-like vessel that forms the beginning of the thoracic duct
efferent lymphatic vessels lead out of a lymph node
germinal centers clusters of rapidly proliferating B cells found in secondary lymphoid tissues
high endothelial venules vessels containing unique endothelial cells specialized to allow migration of lymphocytes from the blood to the lymph node
immune system series of barriers, cells, and soluble mediators that combine to response to infections of the body with pathogenic organisms
innate immune response rapid but relatively nonspecific immune response
lymph fluid contained within the lymphatic system
lymph node one of the bean-shaped organs found associated with the lymphatic vessels
lymphatic capillaries smallest of the lymphatic vessels and the origin of lymph flow
lymphatic system network of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and ducts that carries lymph from the tissues and back to the bloodstream.
lymphatic trunks large lymphatics that collect lymph from smaller lymphatic vessels and empties into the blood via lymphatic ducts
lymphocytes white blood cells characterized by a large nucleus and small rim of cytoplasm
lymphoid nodules unencapsulated patches of lymphoid tissue found throughout the body
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoid nodule associated with the mucosa
naïve lymphocyte mature B or T cell that has not yet encountered antigen for the first time
natural killer cell (NK) cytotoxic lymphocyte of innate immune response
plasma cell differentiated B cell that is actively secreting antibody
primary lymphoid organ site where lymphocytes mature and proliferate; red bone marrow and thymus gland
right lymphatic duct drains lymph fluid from the upper right side of body into the right subclavian vein
secondary lymphoid organs sites where lymphocytes mount adaptive immune responses; examples include lymph nodes and spleen
spleen secondary lymphoid organ that filters pathogens from the blood (white pulp) and removes degenerating or damaged blood cells (red pulp)
T cell lymphocyte that acts by secreting molecules that regulate the immune system or by causing the destruction of foreign cells, viruses, and cancer cells
thoracic duct large duct that drains lymph from the lower limbs, left thorax, left upper limb, and the left side of the head
thymocyte immature T cell found in the thymus
thymus primary lymphoid organ; where T lymphocytes proliferate and mature
tonsils lymphoid nodules associated with the nasopharynx