Discussion Forum #3

This assignment requires a discussion forum.

I’d like you to try out this formula to find a point for narrative writing.  WHEN_____________happened, I learned __________.  For this discussion, please use my (Professor’s) essay about Effie.  There are many things I might have learned from that experience.  Write a sentence stating what you found as a point, using the formula:  “When my Professor was a hospice volunteer, she learned ________________.” Then, remember to go back and respond to at least THREE other posts. ***THUS, YOU HAVE A TOTAL OF FOUR POSTS (AT MINIMUM). IF YOU DO THIS, YOU WILL HAVE EARNED 100 POINTS FOR DISCUSSION IN THIS MODULE.

Remember:  Avoid “so-what” discoveries.  For example, do not say “Professor learned that hospital staff wear orange.”  Look for something that would be more general–something that would carry over into my life in the future.  Maybe  “Professor learned that hospital staff sometimes mistreat their patients, and that patients who complain may be telling the truth.”