Literacy Narrative Assignment

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Literacy Narrative Assignment

Prompt: Write a 700-900 word, thesis-driven essay in which you discuss some moment of your literacy acquisition that you can relate to at least two of the essays we’ve read.

Essay Requirements:

  • Double-spaced
  • 12 pt font Courier New
  • Standard Essay format (title, introduction, thesis, at least three body paragraphs, conclusion)
  • Quotations in MLA format from at least two of the essays we’ve read


Introduction: Provide background information that you think will help your reader to understand the context for the story you’re going to tell. Close with a thesis that clarifies what your paper is going to be about; make sure it’s clear why what you’re going to write about is important. Make sure this thesis relies on one of the themes we’ve discussed (use your synthesis chart)

Section 1: THIS MAY BE MORE THAN ONE PARAGRAPH. Discuss a shared theme in two or more of the essays we’ve read (this includes those from the DALN, too. You can even quote from your classmates if you found what they posted about in discussion connects to what you’ve read); help your reader to understand how other writers have acquired literacy. When you provide examples, quote and/or paraphrase from the essay(s)  using MLA format.

Section 2: THIS MAY BE MORE THAN ONE PARAGRAPH. Discuss a key moment in your life related to that same literacy theme from section 1.

Conclusion: Make clear why what you’ve discussed is important for your reader.