Quadratic Equations

Learning Outcomes

  • Quadratic Equations
    • Recognize a quadratic equation
    • Use the zero product principle to solve a quadratic equation that can be factored
    • Determine when solutions to quadratic equations can be discarded
  • Pythagorean Theorem
    • Recognize a right triangle from other types of triangles
    • Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the lengths of a right triangle
  • Projectiles
    • Define projectile motion
    • Solve a quadratic equation that represents projectile motion
    • Interpret the solution to a quadratic equation that represents projectile motion

When a polynomial is set equal to a value (whether an integer or another polynomial), the result is an equation. An equation that can be written in the form [latex]ax^{2}+bx+c=0[/latex] is called a quadratic equation. You can solve a quadratic equation using the rules of algebra, applying factoring techniques where necessary, and by using the Principle of Zero Products.

There are many applications for quadratic equations. When you use the Principle of Zero Products to solve a quadratic equation, you need to make sure that the equation is equal to zero. For example, [latex]12^{2}+11x+2=7[/latex] must first be changed to [latex]12x^{2}+11x+-5=0[/latex] by subtracting 7 from both sides.


The area of a rectangular garden is 30 square feet. If the length is 7 feet longer than the width, find the dimensions.

In the example in the following video, we present another area application of factoring trinomials.

The example below shows another quadratic equation where neither side is originally equal to zero. (Note that the factoring sequence has been shortened.)


Solve [latex]5b^{2}+4=−12b[/latex] for b.

The following video contains another example of solving a quadratic equation using factoring with grouping.


If you factor out a constant, the constant will never equal 0. So it can essentially be ignored when solving. See the following example.


Solve for k: [latex]-2k^2+90=-8k[/latex]

In this last video example, we solve a quadratic equation with a leading coefficient of -1 using the shortcut method of factoring and the zero product principle.

Pythagorean Theorem

Four types of triangles, scalene, right, equaliateral, and isosceles.


The Pythagorean theorem or Pythagoras’s theorem is a statement about the sides of a right triangle. One of the angles of a right triangle is always equal to 90 degrees. This angle is the right angle. The two sides next to the right angle are called the legs and the other side is called the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is the side opposite to the right angle, and it is always the longest side. The image above shows four common kinds of triangle, including a right triangle.

right triangle labeled with teh longest length = a, and the other two b and c.

Right Triangle Labeled

The Pythagorean theorem is often used to find unknown lengths of the sides of right triangles. If the longest leg of a right triangle is labeled c, and the other two a, and b as in the image on teh left,  The Pythagorean Theorem states that


Given enough information, we can solve for an unknown length.  This relationship has been used for many, many years for things such as celestial navigation and early civil engineering projects. We now have digital GPS and survey equipment that have been programmed to do the calculations for us.

In the next example we will combine the power of the Pythagorean theorem and what we know about solving quadratic equations to find unknown lengths of right triangles.


A right triangle has one leg with length x, another whose length is greater by two,  and the length of the hypotenuse is greater by four.  Find the lengths of the sides of the triangle. Use the image below.

Right triangle with one leg having length = x, one with length= x+2 and the hypotenuse = x+4

This video example shows another way a quadratic equation can be used to find and unknown length of a right triangle.

If you are interested in celestial navigation and the mathematics behind it, watch this video for fun.

Projectile Motion

Projectile motion happens when you throw a ball into the air and it comes back down because of gravity.  A projectile will follow a curved path that behaves in a predictable way.  This predictable motion has been studied for centuries, and in simple cases it’s height from the ground at a given time, t, can be modeled with a quadratic polynomial of the form [latex]\text{height}=at^2+bt+c[/latex] such as we have been studying in this module. Projectile motion is also called a parabolic trajectory because of the shape of the path of a projectile’s motion, as in the image of water in the fountain below.

Water from a fountain shoing classic parabolic motion.

Parabolic WaterTrajectory

Parabolic motion and it’s related equations allow us to launch satellites for telecommunications, and rockets for space exploration. Recently, police departments have even begun using projectiles with GPS to track fleeing suspects in vehicles, rather than pursuing them by high-speed chase [1].

In this section we will solve simple quadratic polynomials that represent the parabolic motion of a projectile. The real mathematical model for the path of a rocket or a police GPS projectile may have different coefficients or more variables, but the concept remains the same. We will also learn to interpret the meaning of the variables in a polynomial that models projectile motion.


A small toy rocket is launched from a 4-foot pedestal. The height (h, in feet) of the rocket t seconds after taking off is given by the formula [latex]h=−2t^{2}+7t+4[/latex]. How long will it take the rocket to hit the ground?

In the next example we will solve for the time that the rocket is at a given height other than zero.


Use the formula for the height of the rocket in the previous example to find the time when the rocket is 4 feet from hitting the ground on it’s way back down.  Refer to the image.


Parabolic motion of rocket which starts four feet up from the ground. t=0 is labeled at the starti of hte parabolic motion adn t=? is labeled at four feet from the ground on the other side of the parabola.

The video that follows presents another example of solving a quadratic equation that represents parabolic motion.

In this section we introduced the concept of projectile motion, and showed that it can be modeled with a quadratic polynomial.  While the models used in these examples are simple, the concepts and interpretations are the same.  The methods used to solve quadratic polynomials that don’t factor easily are many and well known, it is likely you will come across more in your studies.


You can find the solutions, or roots, of quadratic equations by setting one side equal to zero, factoring the polynomial, and then applying the Zero Product Property. The Principle of Zero Products states that if [latex]ab=0[/latex], then either [latex]a=0[/latex] or [latex]b=0[/latex], or both a and b are 0. Once the polynomial is factored, set each factor equal to zero and solve them separately. The answers will be the set of solutions for the original equation.

Not all solutions are appropriate for some applications. In many real-world situations, negative solutions are not appropriate and must be discarded.

  1. "Cops' Latest Tool in High-speed Chases: GPS Projectiles." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d. Web. 14 June 2016.