Continuity Over an Interval

Learning Outcomes

  • Define continuity on an interval
  • State the theorem for limits of composite functions
  • Provide an example of the intermediate value theorem

Now that we have explored the concept of continuity at a point, we extend that idea to continuity over an interval. As we develop this idea for different types of intervals, it may be useful to keep in mind the intuitive idea that a function is continuous over an interval if we can use a pencil to trace the function between any two points in the interval without lifting the pencil from the paper. In preparation for defining continuity on an interval, we begin by looking at the definition of what it means for a function to be continuous from the right at a point and continuous from the left at a point.

Continuity from the Right and from the Left

A function f(x) is said to be continuous from the right at a if limxa+f(x)=f(a).


A function f(x) is said to be continuous from the left at a if limxaf(x)=f(a).

A function is continuous over an open interval if it is continuous at every point in the interval. A function f(x) is continuous over a closed interval of the form [a,b] if it is continuous at every point in (a,b) and is continuous from the right at a and is continuous from the left at b. Analogously, a function f(x) is continuous over an interval of the form (a,b] if it is continuous over (a,b) and is continuous from the left at b. Continuity over other types of intervals are defined in a similar fashion.

Requiring that limxa+f(x)=f(a) and limxbf(x)=f(b) ensures that we can trace the graph of the function from the point (a,f(a)) to the point (b,f(b)) without lifting the pencil. If, for example, limxa+f(x)f(a), we would need to lift our pencil to jump from f(a) to the graph of the rest of the function over (a,b].

Example: Continuity on an Interval

State the interval(s) over which the function f(x)=x1x2+2x is continuous.

Example: Continuity over an Interval

State the interval(s) over which the function f(x)=4x2 is continuous.

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State the interval(s) over which the function f(x)=x+3 is continuous.

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The Composite Function Theorem allows us to expand our ability to compute limits. In particular, this theorem ultimately allows us to demonstrate that trigonometric functions are continuous over their domains.

Composite Function Theorem

If f(x) is continuous at L and limxag(x)=L, then


Watch the following video to see examples of solving limits of composite functions.

Before we move on to the next example, recall that earlier, in the section on limit laws, we showed limx0cosx=1=cos(0). Consequently, we know that f(x)=cosx is continuous at 0. In the next example we see how to combine this result with the composite function theorem.

Example: Limit of a Composite Cosine Function

Evaluate limxπ/2cos(xπ2).

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Evaluate limxπsin(xπ).

The proof of the next theorem uses the composite function theorem as well as the continuity of f(x)=sinx and g(x)=cosx at the point 0 to show that trigonometric functions are continuous over their entire domains.

Continuity of Trigonometric Functions

Trigonometric functions are continuous over their entire domains.


We begin by demonstrating that cosx is continuous at every real number. To do this, we must show that limxacosx=cosa for all values of a.

limxacosx=limxacos((xa)+a)rewritexasxa+aand group(xa)=limxa(cos(xa)cosasin(xa)sina)apply the identity for the cosine of the sum of two angles=cos(limxa(xa))cosasin(limxa(xa))sinalimxa(xa)=0,andsinxandcosxare continuous at 0=cos(0)cosasin(0)sinaevaluate cos(0) and sin(0) and simplify=1cosa0sina=cosa

The proof that sinx is continuous at every real number is analogous. Because the remaining trigonometric functions may be expressed in terms of sinx and cosx, their continuity follows from the quotient limit law.


As you can see, the composite function theorem is invaluable in demonstrating the continuity of trigonometric functions. As we continue our study of calculus, we revisit this theorem many times.

The Intermediate Value Theorem

Functions that are continuous over intervals of the form [a,b], where a and b are real numbers, exhibit many useful properties. Throughout our study of calculus, we will encounter many powerful theorems concerning such functions. The first of these theorems is the Intermediate Value Theorem.

The Intermediate Value Theorem

Let f be continuous over a closed, bounded interval [a,b]. If z is any real number between f(a) and f(b), then there is a number c in [a,b] satisfying f(c)=z. (See Figure 7).

A diagram illustrating the intermediate value theorem. There is a generic continuous curved function shown over the interval [a,b]. The points fa. and fb. are marked, and dotted lines are drawn from a, b, fa., and fb. to the points (a, fa.) and (b, fb.). A third point, c, is plotted between a and b. Since the function is continuous, there is a value for fc. along the curve, and a line is drawn from c to (c, fc.) and from (c, fc.) to fc., which is labeled as z on the y axis.

Figure 7. There is a number c[a,b] that satisfies f(c)=z.

Example: Application of the Intermediate Value Theorem

Show that f(x)=xcosx has at least one zero.

Example: When Can You Apply the Intermediate Value Theorem?

If f(x) is continuous over [0,2],f(0)>0, and f(2)>0, can we use the Intermediate Value Theorem to conclude that f(x) has no zeros in the interval [0,2]? Explain.

Watch the following video to see the worked solution to Example: When Can You Apply the Intermediate Value Theorem?.

Example: When Can You Apply the Intermediate Value Theorem?

For f(x)=1/x,f(1)=1<0 and f(1)=1>0. Can we conclude that f(x) has a zero in the interval [1,1]?

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Show that f(x)=x3x23x+1 has a zero over the interval [0,1].

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