Use the limit laws to evaluate the limit of a function
Limit Laws
The first two limit laws were stated earlier in the course and we repeat them here. These basic results, together with the other limit laws, allow us to evaluate limits of many algebraic functions.
Basic Limit Results
For any real number a and any constant c,
Example: Evaluating a Basic Limit
Evaluate each of the following limits using the basic limit results above.
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The limit of x as x approaches a is a: limx→2x=2.
The limit of a constant is that constant: limx→25=5.
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We now take a look at the limit laws, the individual properties of limits. The proofs that these laws hold are omitted here.
Limit Laws
Let f(x) and g(x) be defined for all x≠a over some open interval containing a. Assume that L and M are real numbers such that limx→af(x)=L and limx→ag(x)=M. Let c be a constant. Then, each of the following statements holds:
Sum law for limits: limx→a(f(x)+g(x))=limx→af(x)+limx→ag(x)=L+M
Difference law for limits: limx→a(f(x)−g(x))=limx→af(x)−limx→ag(x)=L−M
Constant multiple law for limits: limx→acf(x)=c⋅limx→af(x)=cL
Product law for limits: limx→a(f(x)⋅g(x))=limx→af(x)⋅limx→ag(x)=L⋅M
Quotient law for limits: limx→af(x)g(x)=limx→af(x)limx→ag(x)=LM for M≠0
Power law for limits: limx→a(f(x))n=(limx→af(x))n=Ln for every positive integer n.
Root law for limits: limx→an√f(x)=n√limx→af(x)=n√L for all L if n is odd and for L≥0 if n is even
We now practice applying these limit laws to evaluate a limit.
Example: Evaluating a Limit Using Limit Laws
Use the limit laws to evaluate limx→−3(4x+2).
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Let’s apply the limit laws one step at a time to be sure we understand how they work. We need to keep in mind the requirement that, at each application of a limit law, the new limits must exist for the limit law to be applied.
limx→−3(4x+2)=limx→−34x+limx→−32Apply the sum law.=4⋅limx→−3x+limx→−32Apply the constant multiple law.=4⋅(−3)+2=−10Apply the basic limit results and simplify.
Example: Using Limit Laws Repeatedly
Use the limit laws to evaluate limx→22x2−3x+1x3+4.
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To find this limit, we need to apply the limit laws several times. Again, we need to keep in mind that as we rewrite the limit in terms of other limits, each new limit must exist for the limit law to be applied.
limx→22x2−3x+1x3+4=limx→2(2x2−3x+1)limx→2(x3+4)Apply the quotient law, making sure that23+4≠0=2⋅limx→2x2−3⋅limx→2x+limx→21limx→2x3+limx→24Apply the sum law and constant multiple law.=2⋅(limx→2x)2−3⋅limx→2x+limx→21(limx→2x)3+limx→24Apply the power law.=2(4)−3(2)+123+4=14Apply the basic limit laws and simplify.
Try It
Use the limit laws to evaluate limx→6(2x−1)√x+4. In each step, indicate the limit law applied.
Begin by applying the product law.
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Limits of Polynomial and Rational Functions
By now you have probably noticed that, in each of the previous examples, it has been the case that limx→af(x)=f(a). This is not always true, but it does hold for all polynomials for any choice of a and for all rational functions at all values of a for which the rational function is defined.
Limits of Polynomial and Rational Functions
Let p(x) and q(x) be polynomial functions. Let a be a real number. Then,
To see that this theorem holds, consider the polynomial p(x)=cnxn+cn−1xn−1+⋯+c1x+c0. By applying the sum, constant multiple, and power laws, we end up with
It now follows from the quotient law that if p(x) and q(x) are polynomials for which q(a)≠0, then
The example below applies this result.
Example: Evaluating a Limit of a Rational Function
Evaluate the limx→32x2−3x+15x+4.
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Since 3 is in the domain of the rational function f(x)=2x2−3x+15x+4, we can calculate the limit by substituting 3 for x into the function. Thus,
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Evaluate limx→−2(3x3−2x+7).
Use limits of polynomial and rational functions
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