Finding the Derivatives of Trig Functions

Learning Outcomes

  • Find the derivatives of the sine and cosine function.
  • Find the derivatives of the standard trigonometric functions.
  • Calculate the higher-order derivatives of the sine and cosine.

Derivatives of the Sine and Cosine Functions

We begin our exploration of the derivative for the sine function by using the formula to make a reasonable guess at its derivative. Recall that for a function f(x),



Consequently, for values of h very close to 0, f(x)f(x+h)f(x)h. We see that by using h=0.01,



By setting D(x)=sin(x+0.01)sinx0.01 and using a graphing utility, we can get a graph of an approximation to the derivative of sinx (Figure 1).

The function D(x) = (sin(x + 0.01) − sin x)/0.01 is graphed. It looks a lot like a cosine curve.

Figure 1. The graph of the function D(x) looks a lot like a cosine curve.

Upon inspection, the graph of D(x) appears to be very close to the graph of the cosine function. Indeed, we will show that



If we were to follow the same steps to approximate the derivative of the cosine function, we would find that



The Derivatives of sinx and cosx

The derivative of the sine function is the cosine and the derivative of the cosine function is the negative sine.






Because the proofs for ddx(sinx)=cosx and ddx(cosx)=sinx use similar techniques, we provide only the proof for ddx(sinx)=cosx. Before beginning, recall two important trigonometric limits we learned in Module 2: Limits.

limh0sinhh=1  and  limh0cosh1h=0


The graphs of y=(sinh)h and y=(cosh1)h are shown in Figure 2.

The function y = (sin h)/h and y = (cos h – 1)/h are graphed. They both have discontinuities on the y-axis.

Figure 2. These graphs show two important limits needed to establish the derivative formulas for the sine and cosine functions.

We also recall the following trigonometric identity for the sine of the sum of two angles:



Now that we have gathered all the necessary equations and identities, we proceed with the proof.

ddxsinx=limh0sin(x+h)sinxhApply the definition of the derivative.=limh0sinxcosh+cosxsinhsinxhUse trig identity for the sine of the sum of two angles.=limh0(sinxcoshsinxh+cosxsinhh)Regroup.=limh0(sinx(cosh1h)+cosx(sinhh))Factor outsinxandcosx.=sinx0+cosx1Apply trig limit formulas.=cosxSimplify.


Figure 3 shows the relationship between the graph of f(x)=sinx and its derivative f(x)=cosx. Notice that at the points where f(x)=sinx has a horizontal tangent, its derivative f(x)=cosx takes on the value zero. We also see that where f(x)=sinx is increasing, f(x)=cosx>0 and where f(x)=sinx is decreasing, f(x)=cosx<0.

The functions f(x) = sin x and f’(x) = cos x are graphed. It is apparent that when f(x) has a maximum or a minimum that f’(x) = 0.

Figure 3. Where f(x) has a maximum or a minimum, f(x)=0. That is, f(x)=0 where f(x) has a horizontal tangent. These points are noted with dots on the graphs.

Example: Differentiating a Function Containing sinx

Find the derivative of f(x)=5x3sinx.

Try It

Find the derivative of f(x)=sinxcosx.

Watch the following video to see the worked solution to the above Try It.

Try It

Example: Finding the Derivative of a Function Containing cosx

Find the derivative of g(x)=cosx4x2.

Try It

Find the derivative of f(x)=xcosx.

Watch the following video to see the worked solution to the above Try It.

Example: An Application to Velocity

A particle moves along a coordinate axis in such a way that its position at time t is given by s(t)=2sintt for 0t2π. At what times is the particle at rest?

Try It

A particle moves along a coordinate axis. Its position at time t is given by s(t)=3t+2cost for 0t2π. At what times is the particle at rest?

Derivatives of Other Trigonometric Functions

Since the remaining four trigonometric functions may be expressed as quotients involving sine, cosine, or both, we can use the quotient rule to find formulas for their derivatives.

Example: The Derivative of the Tangent Function

Find the derivative of f(x)=tanx.

Try It

Find the derivative of f(x)=cotx.

The derivatives of the remaining trigonometric functions may be obtained by using similar techniques. We provide these formulas in the following theorem.

Derivatives of  tanx,cotx,secx,  and  cscx

The derivatives of the remaining trigonometric functions are as follows:








As you navigate problems involving derivatives of trigonometric functions, don’t forget our handy table of trigonometric function values of common angles:

Recall: Trigonometric function values of common angles

Angle 0 π6, or 30 π4, or 45 π3, or 60 π2, or 90
Cosine 1 32 22 12 0
Sine 0 12 22 32 1
Tangent 0 33 1 3 Undefined
Secant 1 233 2 2 Undefined
Cosecant Undefined 2 2 233 1
Cotangent Undefined 3 1 33 0

Example: Finding the Equation of a Tangent Line

Find the equation of a line tangent to the graph of f(x)=cotx at x=π4.

Example: Finding the Derivative of Trigonometric Functions

Find the derivative of f(x)=cscx+xtanx.

Watch the following video to see the worked solution to Example: Finding the Derivative of Trigonometric Functions.

Try It

Find the derivative of f(x)=2tanx3cotx.

Try It

Find the slope of the line tangent to the graph of f(x)=tanx at x=π6.

Try It