- absolute extremum
- if ff has an absolute maximum or absolute minimum at c, we say f has an absolute extremum at c
- absolute maximum
- if f(c)≥f(x) for all x in the domain of f, we say f has an absolute maximum at c
- absolute minimum
- if f(c)≤f(x) for all x in the domain of f, we say f has an absolute minimum at c
- absolute value function
- f(x)=|x|={x,x≥0−x,x<0
- acceleration
- is the rate of change of the velocity, that is, the derivative of velocity
- algebraic function
- a function involving any combination of only the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers, and roots applied to an input variable x
- amount of change
- the amount of a function f(x) over an interval [x,x+h] is f(x+h)−f(x)
- antiderivative
- a function F such that F′(x)=f(x) for all x in the domain of f is an antiderivative of f
- arc length
- the arc length of a curve can be thought of as the distance a person would travel along the path of the curve
- average rate of change
- is a function f(x) over an interval [x,x+h] is f(x+h)−f(a)b−a
- average value of a function
- (or fave) the average value of a function on an interval can be found by calculating the definite integral of the function and dividing that value by the length of the interval
- base
- the number b in the exponential function f(x)=bx and the logarithmic function f(x)=logbx
- catenary
- a curve in the shape of the function y=acosh(x/a) is a catenary; a cable of uniform density suspended between two supports assumes the shape of a catenary
- center of mass
- the point at which the total mass of the system could be concentrated without changing the moment
- centroid
- the centroid of a region is the geometric center of the region; laminas are often represented by regions in the plane; if the lamina has a constant density, the center of mass of the lamina depends only on the shape of the corresponding planar region; in this case, the center of mass of the lamina corresponds to the centroid of the representative region
- chain rule
- the chain rule defines the derivative of a composite function as the derivative of the outer function evaluated at the inner function times the derivative of the inner function
- change of variables
- the substitution of a variable, such as u, for an expression in the integrand
- composite function
- given two functions f and g, a new function, denoted g∘f, such that (g∘f)(x)=g(f(x))
- concave down
- if f is differentiable over an interval I and f′ is decreasing over I, then f is concave down over I
- concave up
- if f is differentiable over an interval I and f′ is increasing over I, then f is concave up over I
- concavity
- the upward or downward curve of the graph of a function
- concavity test
- suppose f is twice differentiable over an interval I; if f′′>0 over I, then f is concave up over I; if f′′<0 over I, then f is concave down over I
- constant multiple rule
- the derivative of a constant c multiplied by a function f is the same as the constant multiplied by the derivative: ddx(cf(x))=cf′(x)
- constant rule
- the derivative of a constant function is zero: ddx(c)=0, where c is a constant
- continuity at a point
- A function f(x) is continuous at a point a if and only if the following three conditions are satisfied: (1) f(a) is defined, (2) limx→af(x) exists, and (3) limx→af(x)=f(a)
- continuity from the left
- A function is continuous from the left at b if limx→b−f(x)=f(b)
- continuity from the right
- A function is continuous from the right at a if limx→a+f(x)=f(a)
- continuity over an interval
- a function that can be traced with a pencil without lifting the pencil; a function is continuous over an open interval if it is continuous at every point in the interval; a function f(x) is continuous over a closed interval of the form [a,b] if it is continuous at every point in (a,b), and it is continuous from the right at a and from the left at b
- critical point
- if f′(c)=0 or f′(c) is undefined, we say that c is a critical point of f
- cross-section
- the intersection of a plane and a solid object
- cubic function
- a polynomial of degree 3; that is, a function of the form f(x)=ax3+bx2+cx+d, where a≠0
- decreasing on the interval I
- a function decreasing on the interval I if, for all x1,x2∈I,f(x1)≥f(x2) if [latex]x_1
- definite integral
- a primary operation of calculus; the area between the curve and the x-axis over a given interval is a definite integral
- density function
- a density function describes how mass is distributed throughout an object; it can be a linear density, expressed in terms of mass per unit length; an area density, expressed in terms of mass per unit area; or a volume density, expressed in terms of mass per unit volume; weight-density is also used to describe weight (rather than mass) per unit volume
- dependent variable
- the output variable for a function
- derivative
- the slope of the tangent line to a function at a point, calculated by taking the limit of the difference quotient, is the derivative
- derivative function
- gives the derivative of a function at each point in the domain of the original function for which the derivative is defined
- difference quotient
- of a function f(x) at a is given by
f(a+h)−f(a)h or f(x)−f(a)x−a
- difference rule
- the derivative of the difference of a function f and a function g is the same as the difference of the derivative of f and the derivative of g: ddx(f(x)−g(x))=f′(x)−g′(x)
- differentiable at a
- a function for which f′(a) exists is differentiable at a
- differentiable on S
- a function for which f′(x) exists for each x in the open set S is differentiable on S
- differentiable function
- a function for which f′(x) exists is a differentiable function
- differential
- the differential dx is an independent variable that can be assigned any nonzero real number; the differential dy is defined to be dy=f′(x)dx
- differential form
- given a differentiable function y=f′(x), the equation dy=f′(x)dx is the differential form of the derivative of y with respect to x
- differentiation
- the process of taking a derivative
- discontinuity at a point
- A function is discontinuous at a point or has a discontinuity at a point if it is not continuous at the point
- disk method
- a special case of the slicing method used with solids of revolution when the slices are disks
- domain
- the set of inputs for a function
- doubling time
- if a quantity grows exponentially, the doubling time is the amount of time it takes the quantity to double, and is given by (ln2)k
- end behavior
- the behavior of a function as x→∞ and x→−∞
- epsilon-delta definition of the limit
- limx→af(x)=L if for every ε>0, there exists a δ>0 such that if 0<|x−a|<δ, then |f(x)−L|<ε
- even function
- a function is even if f(−x)=f(x) for all x in the domain of f
- exponent
- the value x in the expression bx
- exponential decay
- systems that exhibit exponential decay follow a model of the form y=y0e−kt
- exponential growth
- systems that exhibit exponential growth follow a model of the form y=y0ekt
- extreme value theorem
- if f is a continuous function over a finite, closed interval, then f has an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum
- Fermat’s theorem
- if f has a local extremum at c, then c is a critical point of f
- first derivative test
- let f be a continuous function over an interval I containing a critical point c such that f is differentiable over I except possibly at c; if f′ changes sign from positive to negative as x increases through c, then f has a local maximum at c; if f′ changes sign from negative to positive as x increases through c, then f has a local minimum at c; if f′ does not change sign as x increases through c, then f does not have a local extremum at c
- frustum
- a portion of a cone; a frustum is constructed by cutting the cone with a plane parallel to the base
- function
- a set of inputs, a set of outputs, and a rule for mapping each input to exactly one output
- fundamental theorem of calculus
- the theorem, central to the entire development of calculus, that establishes the relationship between differentiation and integration
- fundamental theorem of calculus, part 1
- uses a definite integral to define an antiderivative of a function
- fundamental theorem of calculus, part 2
- (also, evaluation theorem) we can evaluate a definite integral by evaluating the antiderivative of the integrand at the endpoints of the interval and subtracting
- graph of a function
- the set of points (x,y) such that x is in the domain of f and y=f(x)
- half-life
- if a quantity decays exponentially, the half-life is the amount of time it takes the quantity to be reduced by half. It is given by (ln2)k
- higher-order derivative
- a derivative of a derivative, from the second derivative to the nth derivative, is called a higher-order derivative
- Hooke’s law
- this law states that the force required to compress (or elongate) a spring is proportional to the distance the spring has been compressed (or stretched) from equilibrium; in other words, F=kx, where k is a constant
- horizontal asymptote
- if limx→∞f(x)=L or limx→−∞f(x)=L, then y=L is a horizontal asymptote of f
- horizontal line test
- a function f is one-to-one if and only if every horizontal line intersects the graph of f, at most, once
- hydrostatic pressure
- the pressure exerted by water on a submerged object
- hyperbolic functions
- the functions denoted sinh,cosh,tanh,csch,sech, and coth, which involve certain combinations of ex and e−x
- implicit differentiation
- is a technique for computing dydx for a function defined by an equation, accomplished by differentiating both sides of the equation (remembering to treat the variable y as a function) and solving for dydx
- increasing on the interval I
- a function increasing on the interval I if for all x1,x2∈I,f(x1)≤f(x2) if [latex]x_1
- indefinite integral
- the most general antiderivative of f(x) is the indefinite integral of f; we use the notation ∫f(x)dx to denote the indefinite integral of f
- independent variable
- the input variable for a function
- indeterminate forms
- when evaluating a limit, the forms 0/0, ∞/∞, 0⋅∞, ∞−∞, 00, ∞0, and 1∞ are considered indeterminate because further analysis is required to determine whether the limit exists and, if so, what its value is
- infinite discontinuity
- An infinite discontinuity occurs at a point a if limx→a−f(x)=±∞ or limx→a+f(x)=±∞
- infinite limit
- A function has an infinite limit at a point a if it either increases or decreases without bound as it approaches a
- infinite limit at infinity
- a function that becomes arbitrarily large as x becomes large
- inflection point
- if f is continuous at c and f changes concavity at c, the point (c,f(c)) is an inflection point of f
- initial value problem
- a problem that requires finding a function y that satisfies the differential equation dydx=f(x) together with the initial condition y(x0)=y0
- instantaneous rate of change
- the rate of change of a function at any point along the function a, also called f′(a), or the derivative of the function at a
- integrable function
- a function is integrable if the limit defining the integral exists; in other words, if the limit of the Riemann sums as n goes to infinity exists
- integrand
- the function to the right of the integration symbol; the integrand includes the function being integrated
- integration by substitution
- a technique for integration that allows integration of functions that are the result of a chain-rule derivative
- Intermediate Value Theorem
- Let f be continuous over a closed bounded interval [a,b]; if z is any real number between f(a) and f(b), then there is a number c in [a,b] satisfying f(c)=z
- intuitive definition of the limit
- If all values of the function f(x) approach the real number L as the values of x(≠a) approach a, f(x) approaches L
- inverse function
- for a function f, the inverse function f−1 satisfies f−1(y)=x if f(x)=y
- inverse hyperbolic functions
- the inverses of the hyperbolic functions where cosh and sech are restricted to the domain [0,∞); each of these functions can be expressed in terms of a composition of the natural logarithm function and an algebraic function
- inverse trigonometric functions
- the inverses of the trigonometric functions are defined on restricted domains where they are one-to-one functions
- iterative process
- process in which a list of numbers x0,x1,x2,x3,⋯ is generated by starting with a number x0 and defining xn=F(xn−1) for n≥1
- jump discontinuity
- A jump discontinuity occurs at a point a if limx→a−f(x) and limx→a+f(x) both exist, but limx→a−f(x)≠limx→a+f(x)
- lamina
- a thin sheet of material; laminas are thin enough that, for mathematical purposes, they can be treated as if they are two-dimensional
- left-endpoint approximation
- an approximation of the area under a curve computed by using the left endpoint of each subinterval to calculate the height of the vertical sides of each rectangle
- L’Hôpital’s rule
- if f and g are differentiable functions over an interval a, except possibly at a, and limx→af(x)=0=limx→ag(x) or limx→af(x) and limx→ag(x) are infinite, then limx→af(x)g(x)=limx→af′(x)g′(x), assuming the limit on the right exists or is ∞ or −∞
- limit at infinity
- the limiting value, if it exists, of a function as x→∞ or x→−∞
- limits of integration
- these values appear near the top and bottom of the integral sign and define the interval over which the function should be integrated
- linear approximation
- the linear function L(x)=f(a)+f′(a)(x−a) is the linear approximation of f at x=a
- linear function
- a function that can be written in the form f(x)=mx+b
- local extremum
- if f has a local maximum or local minimum at c, we say f has a local extremum at c
- local maximum
- if there exists an interval I such that f(c)≥f(x) for all x∈I, we say f has a local maximum at c
- local minimum
- if there exists an interval I such that f(c)≤f(x) for all x∈I, we say f has a local minimum at c
- logarithmic differentiation
- is a technique that allows us to differentiate a function by first taking the natural logarithm of both sides of an equation, applying properties of logarithms to simplify the equation, and differentiating implicitly
- logarithmic function
- a function of the form f(x)=logb(x) for some base b>0,b≠1 such that y=logb(x) if and only if by=x
- lower sum
- a sum obtained by using the minimum value of f(x) on each subinterval
- marginal cost
- is the derivative of the cost function, or the approximate cost of producing one more item
- marginal revenue
- is the derivative of the revenue function, or the approximate revenue obtained by selling one more item
- marginal profit
- is the derivative of the profit function, or the approximate profit obtained by producing and selling one more item
- mathematical model
- A method of simulating real-life situations with mathematical equations
- mean value theorem
- if f is continuous over [a,b] and differentiable over (a,b), then there exists c∈(a,b) such that
- mean value theorem for integrals
- guarantees that a point c exists such that f(c) is equal to the average value of the function
- method of cylindrical shells
- a method of calculating the volume of a solid of revolution by dividing the solid into nested cylindrical shells; this method is different from the methods of disks or washers in that we integrate with respect to the opposite variable
- moment
- if n masses are arranged on a number line, the moment of the system with respect to the origin is given by M=∑i=1nmixi; if, instead, we consider a region in the plane, bounded above by a function f(x) over an interval [a,b], then the moments of the region with respect to the x– and y-axes are given by Mx=ρ∫ba[f(x)]22dx and My=ρ∫baxf(x)dx, respectively
- natural exponential function
- the function f(x)=ex
- natural logarithm
- the function lnx=logex
- net change theorem
- if we know the rate of change of a quantity, the net change theorem says the future quantity is equal to the initial quantity plus the integral of the rate of change of the quantity
- net signed area
- the area between a function and the x-axis such that the area below the x-axis is subtracted from the area above the x-axis; the result is the same as the definite integral of the function
- Newton’s method
- method for approximating roots of f(x)=0; using an initial guess x0, each subsequent approximation is defined by the equation xn=xn−1−f(xn−1)f′(xn−1)
- number e
- as m gets larger, the quantity (1+(1/m))m gets closer to some real number; we define that real number to be e; the value of e is approximately 2.718282
- oblique asymptote
- the line y=mx+b if f(x) approaches it as x→∞ or x→−∞
- odd function
- a function is odd if f(−x)=−f(x) for all x in the domain of f
- one-sided limit
- A one-sided limit of a function is a limit taken from either the left or the right
- one-to-one function
- a function f is one-to-one if f(x1)≠f(x2) if x1≠x2
- optimization problems
- problems that are solved by finding the maximum or minimum value of a function
- partition
- a set of points that divides an interval into subintervals
- percentage error
- the relative error expressed as a percentage
- periodic function
- a function is periodic if it has a repeating pattern as the values of x move from left to right
- piecewise-defined function
- a function that is defined differently on different parts of its domain
- point-slope equation
- equation of a linear function indicating its slope and a point on the graph of the function
- polynomial function
- a function of the form f(x)=anxn+an−1xn−1+⋯+a1x+a0
- population growth rate
- is the derivative of the population with respect to time
- power function
- a function of the form f(x)=xn for any positive integer n≥1
- power rule
- the derivative of a power function is a function in which the power on x becomes the coefficient of the term and the power on x in the derivative decreases by 1: If n is an integer, then ddx(xn)=nxn−1
- product rule
- the derivative of a product of two functions is the derivative of the first function times the second function plus the derivative of the second function times the first function: ddx(f(x)g(x))=f′(x)g(x)+g′(x)f(x)
- propagated error
- the error that results in a calculated quantity f(x) resulting from a measurement error dx
- quadratic function
- a polynomial of degree 2; that is, a function of the form f(x)=ax2+bx+c where a≠0
- quotient rule
- the derivative of the quotient of two functions is the derivative of the first function times the second function minus the derivative of the second function times the first function, all divided by the square of the second function: ddx(f(x)g(x))=f′(x)g(x)−g′(x)f(x)(g(x))2
- radians
- for a circular arc of length s on a circle of radius 1, the radian measure of the associated angle θ is s
- range
- the set of outputs for a function
- rational function
- a function of the form f(x)=p(x)/q(x), where p(x) and q(x) are polynomials
- regular partition
- a partition in which the subintervals all have the same width
- related rates
- are rates of change associated with two or more related quantities that are changing over time
- relative error
- given an absolute error Δq for a particular quantity, Δqq is the relative error.
- removable discontinuity
- A removable discontinuity occurs at a point a if f(x) is discontinuous at a, but limx→af(x) exists
- restricted domain
- a subset of the domain of a function f
- riemann sum
- an estimate of the area under the curve of the form A≈nΣi=1f(x∗i)Δx
- right-endpoint approximation
- the right-endpoint approximation is an approximation of the area of the rectangles under a curve using the right endpoint of each subinterval to construct the vertical sides of each rectangle
- rolle’s theorem
- if f is continuous over [a,b] and differentiable over (a,b), and if f(a)=f(b), then there exists c∈(a,b) such that f′(c)=0
- root function
- a function of the form f(x)=x1/n for any integer n≥2
- second derivative test
- suppose f′(c)=0 and f′′ is continuous over an interval containing c; if f′′(c)>0, then f has a local minimum at c; if f′′(c)<0, then f has a local maximum at c; if f′′(c)=0, then the test is inconclusive
- sigma notation
- (also, summation notation) the Greek letter sigma (Σ) indicates addition of the values; the values of the index above and below the sigma indicate where to begin the summation and where to end it
- slicing method
- a method of calculating the volume of a solid that involves cutting the solid into pieces, estimating the volume of each piece, then adding these estimates to arrive at an estimate of the total volume; as the number of slices goes to infinity, this estimate becomes an integral that gives the exact value of the volume
- slope
- the change in y for each unit change in x
- slope-intercept form
- equation of a linear function indicating its slope and y-intercept
- solid of revolution
- a solid generated by revolving a region in a plane around a line in that plane
- speed
- is the absolute value of velocity, that is, |v(t)| is the speed of an object at time t whose velocity is given by v(t)
- standard form
- equation of a linear function with both variable terms set equal to a constant, ax+by=c.
- sum rule
- the derivative of the sum of a function f and a function g is the same as the sum of the derivative of f and the derivative of g: ddx(f(x)+g(x))=f′(x)+g′(x)
- surface area
- the surface area of a solid is the total area of the outer layer of the object; for objects such as cubes or bricks, the surface area of the object is the sum of the areas of all of its faces
- symmetry about the origin
- the graph of a function f is symmetric about the origin if (−x,−y) is on the graph of f whenever (x,y) is on the graph
- symmetry about the y-axis
- the graph of a function f is symmetric about the y-axis if (−x,y) is on the graph of f whenever (x,y) is on the graph
- symmetry principle
- the symmetry principle states that if a region R is symmetric about a line l, then the centroid of R lies on l
- table of values
- a table containing a list of inputs and their corresponding outputs
- tangent line approximation (linearization)
- since the linear approximation of f at x=a is defined using the equation of the tangent line, the linear approximation of f at x=a is also known as the tangent line approximation to f at x=a
- theorem of Pappus for volume
- this theorem states that the volume of a solid of revolution formed by revolving a region around an external axis is equal to the area of the region multiplied by the distance traveled by the centroid of the region
- total area
- total area between a function and the x-axis is calculated by adding the area above the x-axis and the area below the x-axis; the result is the same as the definite integral of the absolute value of the function
- transcendental function
- a function that cannot be expressed by a combination of basic arithmetic operations
- transformation of a function
- a shift, scaling, or reflection of a function
- triangle inequality
- If a and b are any real numbers, then |a+b|≤|a|+|b|
- trigonometric functions
- functions of an angle defined as ratios of the lengths of the sides of a right triangle
- trigonometric identity
- an equation involving trigonometric functions that is true for all angles θ for which the functions in the equation are defined
- upper sum
- a sum obtained by using the maximum value of f(x) on each subinterval
- variable of integration
- indicates which variable you are integrating with respect to; if it is x, then the function in the integrand is followed by dx
- vertical asymptote
- A function has a vertical asymptote at x=a if the limit as x approaches a from the right or left is infinite
- vertical line test
- given the graph of a function, every vertical line intersects the graph, at most, once
- washer method
- a special case of the slicing method used with solids of revolution when the slices are washers
- work
- the amount of energy it takes to move an object; in physics, when a force is constant, work is expressed as the product of force and distance
- zeros of a function
- when a real number x is a zero of a function f, f(x)=0