Use logarithmic differentiation to determine the derivative of a function
At this point, we can take derivatives of functions of the form y=(g(x))n for certain values of n, as well as functions of the form y=bg(x), where b>0 and b≠1. Unfortunately, we still do not know the derivatives of functions such as y=xx or y=xπ. These functions require a technique called logarithmic differentiation, which allows us to differentiate any function of the form h(x)=g(x)f(x). It can also be used to convert a very complex differentiation problem into a simpler one, such as finding the derivative of y=x√2x+1exsin3x. We outline this technique in the following problem-solving strategy.
Problem-Solving Strategy: Using Logarithmic Differentiation
To differentiate y=h(x) using logarithmic differentiation, take the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation to obtain lny=ln(h(x)).
Use properties of logarithms to expand ln(h(x)) as much as possible.
Differentiate both sides of the equation. On the left we will have 1ydydx.
Multiply both sides of the equation by y to solve for dydx.
Replace y by h(x).
It may be useful to review your properties of logarithms. These will help us in step 2 to expand our logarithmic function.
Recall: Properties of logarithms
The Product Rule for Logarithms
The Quotient Rule for Logarithms
The Power Rule for Logarithms
The Change-of-Base Formula
Example: Using Logarithmic Differentiation
Find the derivative of y=(2x4+1)tanx
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Use logarithmic differentiation to find this derivative.
lny=ln(2x4+1)tanxStep 1. Take the natural logarithm of both sides.lny=tanxln(2x4+1)Step 2. Expand using properties of logarithms.1ydydx=sec2xln(2x4+1)+8x32x4+1⋅tanxStep 3. Differentiate both sides. Use theproduct rule on the right.dydx=y⋅(sec2xln(2x4+1)+8x32x4+1⋅tanx)Step 4. Multiply byyon both sides.dydx=(2x4+1)tanx(sec2xln(2x4+1)+8x32x4+1⋅tanx)Step 5. Substitutey=(2x4+1)tanx.
Watch the following video to see the worked solution to Example: Using Logarithmic Differentiation.
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This problem really makes use of the properties of logarithms and the differentiation rules given in this chapter.
lny=lnx√2x+1exsin3xStep 1. Take the natural logarithm of both sides.lny=lnx+12ln(2x+1)−xlne−3lnsinxStep 2. Expand using properties of logarithms.1ydydx=1x+12x+1−1−3(cosxsinx)Step 3. Differentiate both sides.dydx=y(1x+12x+1−1−3cotx)Step 4. Multiply byyon both sides and simplify.dydx=x√2x+1exsin3x(1x+12x+1−1−3cotx)Step 5. Substitutey=x√2x+1exsin3x.
Example: Extending the Power Rule
Find the derivative of y=xr where r is an arbitrary real number.
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The process is the same as in the last example, though with fewer complications.
lny=lnxrStep 1. Take the natural logarithm of both sides.lny=rlnxStep 2. Expand using properties of logarithms.1ydydx=r1xStep 3. Differentiate both sides.dydx=yrxStep 4. Multiply byyon both sides.dydx=xrrxStep 5. Substitutey=xr.dydx=rxr−1Simplify.
Try It
Use logarithmic differentiation to find the derivative of y=xx.
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Follow the problem solving strategy.
Watch the following video to see the worked solution to the above Try It.
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