Problem Set: Limits at Infinity and Asymptotes

For the following exercises, examine the graphs. Identify where the vertical asymptotes are located.

1. The function graphed decreases very rapidly as it approaches x = 1 from the left, and on the other side of x = 1, it seems to start near infinity and then decrease rapidly.

2. The function graphed increases very rapidly as it approaches x = −3 from the left, and on the other side of x = −3, it seems to start near negative infinity and then increase rapidly to form a sort of U shape that is pointing down, with the other side of the U being at x = 2. On the other side of x = 2, the graph seems to start near infinity and then decrease rapidly.
3. The function graphed decreases very rapidly as it approaches x = −1 from the left, and on the other side of x = −1, it seems to start near negative infinity and then increase rapidly to form a sort of U shape that is pointing down, with the other side of the U being at x = 2. On the other side of x = 2, the graph seems to start near infinity and then decrease rapidly.

4. The function graphed decreases very rapidly as it approaches x = 0 from the left, and on the other side of x = 0, it seems to start near infinity and then decrease rapidly to form a sort of U shape that is pointing up, with the other side of the U being at x = 1. On the other side of x = 1, there is another U shape pointing down, with its other side being at x = 2. On the other side of x = 2, the graph seems to start near negative infinity and then increase rapidly.
5. The function graphed decreases very rapidly as it approaches x = 0 from the left, and on the other side of x = 0, it seems to start near infinity and then decrease rapidly to form a sort of U shape that is pointing up, with the other side being a normal function that appears as if it will take the entirety of the values of the x-axis.

For the following functions f(x), determine whether there is an asymptote at x=a. Justify your answer without graphing on a calculator.

6. f(x)=x+1x2+5x+4,a=1

7. f(x)=xx2,a=2

8. f(x)=(x+2)3/2,a=2

9. f(x)=(x1)1/3,a=1

10. f(x)=1+x2/5,a=1

For the following exercises, evaluate the limit.

11. limx13x+6

12. limx2x54x

13. limxx22x+5x+2

14. limx3x32xx2+2x+8

15. limxx44x3+122x27x4

16. limx3xx2+1

17. limx4x21x+2

18. limx4xx21

19. limx4xx21

20. limx2xxx+1

For the following exercises, find the horizontal and vertical asymptotes.

21. f(x)=x9x

22. f(x)=11x2

23. f(x)=x34x2

24. f(x)=x2+3x2+1

25. f(x)=sin(x)sin(2x)

26. f(x)=cosx+cos(3x)+cos(5x)

27. f(x)=xsin(x)x21

28. f(x)=xsin(x)

29. f(x)=1x3+x2

30. f(x)=1x12x

31. f(x)=x3+1x31

32. f(x)=sinx+cosxsinxcosx

33. f(x)=xsinx

34. f(x)=1xx

For the following exercises, construct a function f(x) that has the given asymptotes.

35. x=1 and y=2

36. x=1 and y=0

37. y=4 and x=1

38. x=0

For the following exercises (40-44), graph the function on a graphing calculator on the window x=[5,5] and estimate the horizontal asymptote or limit. Then, calculate the actual horizontal asymptote or limit.

39. [T] f(x)=1x+10

40. [T] f(x)=x+1x2+7x+6

41. [T] limxx2+10x+25

42. [T] limxx+2x2+7x+6

43. [T] limx3x+2x+5

For the following exercises (45-56), draw a graph of the functions without using a calculator. Be sure to notice all important features of the graph: local maxima and minima, inflection points, and asymptotic behavior.

44. y=3x2+2x+4

45. y=x33x2+4

46. y=2x+1x2+6x+5

47. y=x3+4x2+3x3x+9

48. y=x2+x2x23x4

49. y=x25x+4

50. y=2x16x2

51. y=cosxx, on x=[2π,2π]

52. y=exx3

53. y=xtanx,x=[π,π]

54. y=xln(x),x>0

55. y=x2sin(x),x=[2π,2π]

56. For f(x)=P(x)Q(x) to have an asymptote at y=2 then the polynomials P(x) and Q(x) must have what relation?

57. For f(x)=P(x)Q(x) to have an asymptote at x=0, then the polynomials P(x) and Q(x) must have what relation?

58. If f(x) has asymptotes at y=3 and x=1, then f(x) has what asymptotes?

59. Both f(x)=1x1 and g(x)=1(x1)2 have asymptotes at x=1 and y=0. What is the most obvious difference between these two functions?

60. True or false: Every ratio of polynomials has vertical asymptotes.