Problem Set: The Limit Laws

In the following exercises (1-4), use the limit laws to evaluate each limit. Justify each step by indicating the appropriate limit law(s).

1. limx0(4x22x+3)limx0(4x22x+3)

2. limx1x3+3x2+547x

3. limx2x26x+3

4. limx1(9x+1)2

In the following exercises (5-10), use direct substitution to evaluate each limit.

5. limx7x2

6. limx2(4x21)

7. limx011+sinx

8. limx2e2xx2

9. limx127xx+6

10. limx3lne3x

In the following exercises (11-20), use direct substitution to show that each limit leads to the indeterminate form 00. Then, evaluate the limit.

11. limx4x216x4

12. limx2x2x22x

13. limx63x182x12

14. limh0(1+h)21h

15. limt9t9t3

16. limh01a+h1ah, where a is a real-valued constant

17. limθπsinθtanθ

18. limx1x31x21

19. limx1/22x2+3x22x1

20. limx3x+41x+3

In the following exercises (21-24), use direct substitution to obtain an undefined expression. Then, use the method of (Figure) to simplify the function to help determine the limit.

21. limx22x2+7x4x2+x2

22. limx2+2x2+7x4x2+x2

23. limx12x2+7x4x2+x2

24. limx1+2x2+7x4x2+x2

In the following exercises (25-32), assume that limx6f(x)=4,limx6g(x)=9, and limx6h(x)=6. Use these three facts and the limit laws to evaluate each limit.

25. limx62f(x)g(x)

26. limx6g(x)1f(x)

27. limx6(f(x)+13g(x))

28. limx6(h(x))32

29. limx6g(x)f(x)

30. limx6xh(x)

31. limx6[(x+1)f(x)]

32. limx6(f(x)g(x)h(x))

In the following exercises (33-35), use a calculator to draw the graph of each piecewise-defined function and study the graph to evaluate the given limits.

33. [T] f(x)={x2,x3x+4,x>3

  1. limx3f(x)
  2. limx3+f(x)

34. [T] g(x)={x31,x01,x>0

  1. limx0g(x)
  2. limx0+g(x)

35. [T] h(x)={x22x+1,x<23x,x2

    1. limx2h(x)
    2. limx2+h(x)

In the following exercises (36-43), use the graphs below and the limit laws to evaluate each limit.

Two graphs of piecewise functions. The upper is f(x), which has two linear segments. The first is a line with negative slope existing for x < -3. It goes toward the point (-3,0) at x= -3. The next has increasing slope and goes to the point (-3,-2) at x=-3. It exists for x > -3. Other key points are (0, 1), (-5,2), (1,2), (-7, 4), and (-9,6). The lower piecewise function has a linear segment and a curved segment. The linear segment exists for x < -3 and has decreasing slope. It goes to (-3,-2) at x=-3. The curved segment appears to be the right half of a downward opening parabola. It goes to the vertex point (-3,2) at x=-3. It crosses the y axis a little below y=-2. Other key points are (0, -7/3), (-5,0), (1,-5), (-7, 2), and (-9, 4).

36. limx3+(f(x)+g(x))

37. limx3(f(x)3g(x))

38. limx0f(x)g(x)3

39. limx52+g(x)f(x)

40. limx1(f(x))2

41. limx13f(x)g(x)

42. limx7(xg(x))

43. limx9[xf(x)+2g(x)]

For the following problems (44-46), evaluate the limit using the Squeeze Theorem. Use a calculator to graph the functions f(x),g(x), and h(x) when possible.

44. [T] True or False? If 2x1g(x)x22x+3, then limx2g(x)=0.

45. [T] limθ0θ2cos(1θ)

46. limx0f(x), where f(x)={0,xrationalx2,xirrational

47. [T] In physics, the magnitude of an electric field generated by a point charge at a distance r in vacuum is governed by Coulomb’s law: E(r)=q4πε0r2, where E represents the magnitude of the electric field, q is the charge of the particle, r is the distance between the particle and where the strength of the field is measured, and 14πε0 is Coulomb’s constant: 8.988×109Nm2/C2.

  1. Use a graphing calculator to graph E(r) given that the charge of the particle is q=1010.
  2. Evaluate limr0+E(r). What is the physical meaning of this quantity? Is it physically relevant? Why are you evaluating from the right?

48. [T] The density of an object is given by its mass divided by its volume: ρ=mV.

  1. Use a calculator to plot the volume as a function of density (V=mρ), assuming you are examining something of mass 8 kg (m=8).
  2. Evaluate limρ0+V(ρ) and explain the physical meaning.