Problem Set: The Precise Definition of a Limit

In the following exercises (1-4), write the appropriate εδ definition for each of the given statements.

1. limxaf(x)=N

2. limtbg(t)=M

3. limxch(x)=L

4. limxaϕ(x)=A

The following graph of the function f satisfies limx2f(x)=2. In the following exercises (5-6), determine a value of δ>0 that satisfies each statement.

A function drawn in quadrant one for x > 0. It is an increasing concave up function, with points approximately (0,0), (1, .5), (2,2), and (3,4).

5. If 0<|x2|<δ, then |f(x)2|<1.

6. If 0<|x2|<δ, then |f(x)2|<0.5.

The following graph of the function f satisfies limx3f(x)=1. In the following exercises (7-8), determine a value of δ>0 that satisfies each statement.

A graph of a decreasing linear function, with points (0,2), (1,1), (2,0), (3,-1), (4,-2), and so on for x >= 0.

7. If 0<|x3|<δ, then |f(x)+1|<1.

8. If 0<|x3|<δ, then |f(x)+1|<2.

The following graph of the function f satisfies limx3f(x)=2. In the following exercises (9-10), for each value of ε, find a value of δ>0 such that the precise definition of limit holds true.

A graph of an increasing linear function intersecting the x axis at about (2.25, 0) and going through the points (3,2) and, approximately, (1,-5) and (4,5).

9. ε=1.5

10. ε=3

In the following exercises (11-12), use a graphing calculator to find a number δ such that the statements hold true.

11. [T] |sin(2x)12|<0.1, whenever |xπ12|<δ

12. [T] |x42|<0.1, whenever |x8|<δ

In the following exercises (13-17), use the precise definition of limit to prove the given limits.

13. limx2(5x+8)=18

14. limx3x29x3=6

15. limx22x23x2x2=5

16. limx0x4=0

17. limx2(x2+2x)=8

In the following exercises (18-20), use the precise definition of limit to prove the given one-sided limits.

18. limx55x=0

19. limx0+f(x)=2, where f(x)={8x3 if x<04x2 if x0

20. limx1f(x)=3, where f(x)={5x2 if x<17x1 if x1

In the following exercises (21-23), use the precise definition of limit to prove the given infinite limits.

21. limx01x2=

22. limx13(x+1)2=

23. limx21(x2)2=

24. An engineer is using a machine to cut a flat square of Aerogel of area 144 cm2. If there is a maximum error tolerance in the area of 8 cm2, how accurately must the engineer cut on the side, assuming all sides have the same length? How do these numbers relate to δ,ε,a, and L?

25. Use the precise definition of limit to prove that the following limit does not exist: limx1|x1|x1

26. Using precise definitions of limits, prove that limx0f(x) does not exist, given that f(x) is the ceiling function.

27. Using precise definitions of limits, prove that limx0f(x) does not exist: f(x)={1 if xis rational0 if xis irrational

28. Using precise definitions of limits, determine limx0f(x) for f(x)={x if xis rational0 if xis irrational

29. Using the function from the previous exercise, use the precise definition of limits to show that limxaf(x) does not exist for a0.

For the following exercises (30-32), suppose that limxaf(x)=L and limxag(x)=M both exist. Use the precise definition of limits to prove the following limit laws:

30. limxa(f(x)g(x))=LM

31. limxa[cf(x)]=cL for any real constant c

32. limxa[f(x)g(x)]=LM.