Summary of Trigonometric Functions

Essential Concepts

  • Radian measure is defined such that the angle associated with the arc of length 1 on the unit circle has radian measure 1. An angle with a degree measure of 180° has a radian measure of π rad.
  • For acute angles θ, the values of the trigonometric functions are defined as ratios of two sides of a right triangle in which one of the acute angles is θ.
  • For a general angle θ, let (x,y) be a point on a circle of radius r corresponding to this angle θ. The trigonometric functions can be written as ratios involving x,y, and r.
  • The trigonometric functions are periodic. The sine, cosine, secant, and cosecant functions have period 2π. The tangent and cotangent functions have period π.

Key Equations

  • Generalized sine function


periodic function
a function is periodic if it has a repeating pattern as the values of x move from left to right
for a circular arc of length s on a circle of radius 1, the radian measure of the associated angle θ is s
trigonometric functions
functions of an angle defined as ratios of the lengths of the sides of a right triangle
trigonometric identity
an equation involving trigonometric functions that is true for all angles θ for which the functions in the equation are defined