Learning Objectives
- Use a line integral to compute the work done in moving an object along a curve in a vector field.
- Describe the flux and circulation of a vector field.
Applications of Line Integrals
Scalar line integrals have many applications. They can be used to calculate the length or mass of a wire, the surface area of a sheet of a given height, or the electric potential of a charged wire given a linear charge density. Vector line integrals are extremely useful in physics. They can be used to calculate the work done on a particle as it moves through a force field, or the flow rate of a fluid across a curve. Here, we calculate the mass of a wire using a scalar line integral and the work done by a force using a vector line integral.
Suppose that a piece of wire is modeled by curve [latex]C[/latex] in space. The mass per unit length (the linear density) of the wire is a continuous function [latex]{\rho}{({x}, {y}, {z})}[/latex]. We can calculate the total mass of the wire using the scalar line integral [latex]{\displaystyle\int_{C}}{\rho}{({x}, {y}, {z})}{ds}[/latex]. The reason is that mass is density multiplied by length, and therefore the density of a small piece of the wire can be approximated by [latex]{\rho}{({x}^{*}, {y}^{*}, {z}^{*})}{\Delta}{s}[/latex] for some point [latex]({x}^{*}, {y}^{*}, {z}^{*})[/latex] in the piece. Letting the length of the pieces shrink to zero with a limit yields the line integral [latex]{\displaystyle\int_{C}}{\rho}{({x}, {y}, {z})}{ds}[/latex].
Example: calculating the mass of a wire
Calculate the mass of a spring in the shape of a helix parameterized by [latex]\langle{t},2\cos{t},2\sin{t}\rangle[/latex], [latex]0\leq{t}\leq\frac{\pi}2[/latex], with a density function given by [latex]\rho(x,y,z)=e^x+yz[/latex] kg/m.

Figure 1. The wire from Example “Calculating the Mass of a Wire”.
try it
Calculate the mass of a spring in the shape of a helix parameterized by [latex]{\bf{r}}(t)=\langle\cos{t},\sin{t},t\rangle[/latex], [latex]0\leq{t}\leq6\pi[/latex], with a density function given by [latex]\rho(x,y,z)=x+y+z[/latex] kg/m.
Watch the following video to see the worked solution to the above Try It
When we first defined vector line integrals, we used the concept of work to motivate the definition. Therefore, it is not surprising that calculating the work done by a vector field representing a force is a standard use of vector line integrals. Recall that if an object moves along curve [latex]C[/latex] in force field [latex]{\bf{F}}[/latex], then the work required to move the object is given by [latex]\displaystyle\int_c{\bf{F}}\cdot \ d\bf{r}[/latex].
Example: calculating work
How much work is required to move an object in vector force field [latex]{\bf{F}}=\langle{y}x,xy,xz\rangle[/latex] along path [latex]{\bf{r}}(t)=\langle{t}^2,t,t^4\rangle[/latex], [latex]0\leq{t}\leq1[/latex]? See Figure 2.
Flux and Circulation
We close this section by discussing two key concepts related to line integrals: flux across a plane curve and circulation along a plane curve. Flux is used in applications to calculate fluid flow across a curve, and the concept of circulation is important for characterizing conservative gradient fields in terms of line integrals. Both these concepts are used heavily throughout the rest of this chapter. The idea of flux is especially important for Green’s theorem, and in higher dimensions for Stokes’ theorem and the divergence theorem.
Let [latex]C[/latex] be a plane curve and let [latex]{\bf{F}}[/latex] be a vector field in the plane. Imagine [latex]C[/latex] is a membrane across which fluid flows, but [latex]C[/latex] does not impede the flow of the fluid. In other words, [latex]C[/latex] is an idealized membrane invisible to the fluid. Suppose [latex]{\bf{F}}[/latex] represents the velocity field of the fluid. How could we quantify the rate at which the fluid is crossing [latex]C[/latex]?
Recall that the line integral of [latex]{\bf{F}}[/latex] along [latex]C[/latex] is [latex]\displaystyle\int_c{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{T}} \ ds[/latex]—in other words, the line integral is the dot product of the vector field with the unit tangential vector with respect to arc length. If we replace the unit tangential vector with unit normal vector [latex]{\bf{N}}(t)[/latex] and instead compute integral [latex]\displaystyle\int_c{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{N}} \ ds[/latex], we determine the flux across [latex]C[/latex]. To be precise, the definition of integral [latex]\displaystyle\int_c{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{N}} \ ds[/latex] is the same as integral [latex]\displaystyle\int_c{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{T}} \ ds[/latex], except the [latex]{\bf{T}}[/latex] in the Riemann sum is replaced with [latex]{\bf{N}}[/latex]. Therefore, the flux across [latex]C[/latex] is defined as
[latex]\large{\displaystyle\int_c{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{N}} \ ds=\displaystyle\lim_{n\to\infty}\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n{\bf{F}}(P_i^*)\cdot{\bf{N}}(P_i^*)\Delta{s_i}}[/latex],
where [latex]P_i^*[/latex] and [latex]\Delta{s}[/latex] are defined as they were for integral [latex]\displaystyle\int_c{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{T}} \ ds[/latex]. Therefore, a flux integral is an integral that is perpendicular to a vector line integral, because [latex]{\bf{N}}[/latex] and [latex]{\bf{T}}[/latex] are perpendicular vectors.
If [latex]{\bf{F}}[/latex] is a velocity field of a fluid and [latex]C[/latex] is a curve that represents a membrane, then the flux of [latex]{\bf{F}}[/latex] across [latex]C[/latex] is the quantity of fluid flowing across [latex]C[/latex] per unit time, or the rate of flow.
More formally, let [latex]C[/latex] be a plane curve parameterized by [latex]{\bf{r}}(t)=\langle{x}(t),y(t)\rangle[/latex], [latex]a\leq{t}\leq{b}[/latex]. Let [latex]{\bf{n}}(t)=\langle{y}^\prime(t),-x^\prime(t)\rangle[/latex] be the vector that is normal to [latex]C[/latex] at the endpoint of [latex]{\bf{r}}(t)[/latex] and points to the right as we traverse [latex]C[/latex] in the positive direction (Figure 3). Then, [latex]{\bf{N}}(t)=\frac{{\bf{n}}(t)}{||{\bf{n}}(t)||}[/latex] is the unit normal vector to [latex]C[/latex] at the endpoint of [latex]{\bf{r}}(t)[/latex] that points to the right as we traverse [latex]C[/latex].
The flux of [latex]\bf{F}[/latex] across [latex]C[/latex] is line integral [latex]\displaystyle\int_C{\bf{F}}\cdot\frac{{\bf{n}}(t)}{||{\bf{n}}(t)||}[ds[/latex].

Figure 3. The flux of vector field [latex]\bf{F}[/latex] across curve [latex]C[/latex] is computed by an integral similar to a vector line integral.
We now give a formula for calculating the flux across a curve. This formula is analogous to the formula used to calculate a vector line integral (see the equation to compute vector line integrals).
Theorem: calculating flux across a curve
Let [latex]{\bf{F}}[/latex] be a vector field and let [latex]C[/latex] be a smooth curve with parameterization [latex]{\bf{r}}(t)=\langle{x}(t),y(t)\rangle[/latex], [latex]a\leq{t}\leq{b}[/latex]. Let [latex]{\bf{n}}(t)=\langle{y}^\prime(t),-x^\prime(t)\rangle[/latex]. The flux of [latex]{\bf{F}}[/latex] across [latex]C[/latex] is
The proof of The Calculating Flux Across A Curve Theorem Equation is similar to the proof of The Scalar Line Integration Calculation Theorem Equation. Before deriving the formula, note that [latex]||{\bf{n}}(t)||=||\langle y'(t),-x'(t)\rangle||=\sqrt{(y^\prime(t))^2+(x^\prime(t))^2}=||{\bf{r}}^\prime(t)||[/latex]. Therefore,
[latex]\begin{aligned} \displaystyle\int_C{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{N}}ds&=\displaystyle\int_C{\bf{F}}\cdot\frac{{\bf{n}}}{||{\bf{n}}(t)||}ds \\ &=\displaystyle\int_a^b{\bf{F}}\frac{{\bf{n}}}{||{\bf{n}}(t)||}||{\bf{r}}^\prime(t)||dt \\ &=\displaystyle\int_a^b{\bf{F}}[({\bf{r}}(t))\cdot{\bf{n}}(t)dt \end{aligned}[[/latex].
Example: flux across a curve
Calculate the flux of [latex]{\bf{F}}=\langle2x,2y\rangle[/latex] across a unit circle oriented counterclockwise (Figure 4).

Figure 4. A unit circle in vector field [latex]{\bf{F}}=\langle2x,2y\rangle[/latex].
try it
Calculate the flux of [latex]{\bf{F}}=\langle{x}+y,2y\rangle[/latex] across the line segment from [latex](0, 0)[/latex] to [latex](2, 3)[/latex] where the curve is oriented from left to right.
Let [latex]{\bf{F}}(x,y)=\langle{P}(x,y),Q(x,y)\rangle[/latex] be a two-dimensional vector field. Recall that integral [latex]\displaystyle\int_C{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{T}}ds[/latex] is sometimes written as [latex]\displaystyle\int_CPdx+Qdy[/latex]. Analogously, flux [latex]\displaystyle\int_C{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{N}}ds[/latex] is sometimes written in the notation [latex]\displaystyle\int_C-Qdx+Pdy[/latex], because the unit normal vector [latex]\bf{N}[/latex] is perpendicular to the unit tangent [latex]\bf{T}[/latex]. Rotating the vector [latex]d{\bf{r}}=\langle{d}x,dy\rangle[/latex] by 90° results in vector [latex]\langle{d}y,-dx\rangle[/latex]. Therefore, the line integral in Example “Using Properties to Compute a Vector Line Integral” can be written as [latex]\displaystyle\int_C-2ydx+2xdy[/latex].
Now that we have defined flux, we can turn our attention to circulation. The line integral of vector field [latex]\bf{F}[/latex] along an oriented closed curve is called the circulation of [latex]\bf{F}[/latex] along [latex]C[/latex]. Circulation line integrals have their own notation: [latex]\displaystyle\oint_C{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{T}}ds[/latex]. The circle on the integral symbol denotes that [latex]C[/latex] is “circular” in that it has no endpoints. Example “Evaluating a Vector Line Integral” shows a calculation of circulation.
To see where the term circulation comes from and what it measures, let [latex]\bf{v}[/latex] represent the velocity field of a fluid and let [latex]C[/latex] be an oriented closed curve. At a particular point [latex]P[/latex], the closer the direction of [latex]{\bf{v}}(P)[/latex] is to the direction of [latex]{\bf{T}}(P)[/latex], the larger the value of the dot product [latex]{\bf{v}}(P)\cdot{\bf{T}}(P)[/latex]. The maximum value of [latex]{\bf{v}}(P)\cdot{\bf{T}}(P)[/latex] occurs when the two vectors are pointing in the exact same direction; the minimum value of [latex]{\bf{v}}(P)\cdot{\bf{T}}(P)[/latex] occurs when the two vectors are pointing in opposite directions. Thus, the value of the circulation [latex]\displaystyle\oint_C{\bf{v}}\cdot{\bf{T}}ds[/latex] measures the tendency of the fluid to move in the direction of [latex]C[/latex].
Example: calculating circulation
Let [latex]{\bf{F}}=\langle-y,x\rangle[/latex] be the vector field from Example “Independence of Parameterization” and let [latex]C[/latex] represent the unit circle oriented counterclockwise. Calculate the circulation of [latex]\bf{F}[/latex] along [latex]C[/latex].
In Example “Calculating Circulation”, what if we had oriented the unit circle clockwise? We denote the unit circle oriented clockwise by [latex]-C[/latex]. Then
[latex]\large{\displaystyle\oint_{-C}{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{T}} \ ds}=-\displaystyle\oint_C{\bf{F}}\cdot{\bf{T}}=-2\pi[/latex].
Notice that the circulation is negative in this case. The reason for this is that the orientation of the curve flows against the direction of [latex]\bf{F}[/latex].
try it
Calculate the circulation of [latex]{\bf{F}}(x,y)=\left\langle-\frac{y}{x^2+y^2},\frac{y}{x^2+y^2}\right\rangle[/latex] along a unit circle oriented counterclockwise.
Watch the following video to see the worked solution to the above Try It
Example: calculating work
Calculate the work done on a particle that traverses circle [latex]C[/latex] of radius 2 centered at the origin, oriented counterclockwise, by field [latex]{\bf{F}}(x,y)=\langle-2,y\rangle[/latex]. Assume the particle starts its movement at [latex](1, 0)[/latex].
try it
Calculate the work done by field [latex]{\bf{F}}(x,y)=\langle2x,3y\rangle[/latex] on a particle that traverses the unit circle. Assume the particle begins its movement at [latex](-1, 0)[/latex].
Candela Citations
- CP 6.20. Authored by: Ryan Melton. License: CC BY: Attribution
- CP 6.22. Authored by: Ryan Melton. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Calculus Volume 3. Authored by: Gilbert Strang, Edwin (Jed) Herman. Provided by: OpenStax. Located at: https://openstax.org/books/calculus-volume-3/pages/1-introduction. License: CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. License Terms: Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/calculus-volume-3/pages/1-introduction