Quadric Surfaces

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the main features of ellipsoids, paraboloids, and hyperboloids.
  • Use traces to draw the intersections of quadric surfaces with the coordinate planes.

Quadric Surfaces

We have learned about surfaces in three dimensions described by first-order equations; these are planes. Some other common types of surfaces can be described by second-order equations. We can view these surfaces as three-dimensional extensions of the conic sections we discussed earlier: the ellipse, the parabola, and the hyperbola. We call these graphs quadric surfaces. 


Quadric surfaces are the graphs of equations that can be expressed in the form


When a quadric surface intersects a coordinate plane, the trace is a conic section. Since these conic sections show up frequently in this section, we review some commonly encountered equations briefly below:

Recall: Equations of Conic Sections

The equation x2=4py, where p is a constant, represents a parabola; the parabola is opening upward if p>0 and downward if p<0.  Similarly, the equation y2=4px, where p is a constant, also represents a parabola; the parabola is opening rightward if p>0 and leftward if p<0. The equation x2a2+y2b2=1, where a and b are constants, represents an ellipse.  It has a horizontal major axis if a>b>0 and a vertical major axis if b>a>0.  The length of its horizontal axis is 2a and the length of its vertical axis is 2b.

The equation x2a2y2b2=1, OR the equation y2b2x2a2=1 where a and b are constants, represents an hyperbola.  The hyperbola has two branches opening either to the right and left, in the case of the first equation, or up and down, in the case of the second equation.

An ellipsoid is a surface described by an equation of the form x2a2+y2b2+z2c2=1. Set x=0 to see the trace of the ellipsoid in the yz-plane. To see the traces in the xy– and xz-planes, set z=0 and y=0, respectively. Notice that, if a=b, the trace in the xy-plane is a circle. Similarly, if a=c, the trace in the xz-plane is a circle and, if b=c then the trace in the yz-plane is a circle. A sphere, then, is an ellipsoid with a=b=c.

Example: sketching an ellipsoid

Sketch the ellipsoid x222+y232+z252=1.

The trace of an ellipsoid is an ellipse in each of the coordinate planes. However, this does not have to be the case for all quadric surfaces. Many quadric surfaces have traces that are different kinds of conic sections, and this is usually indicated by the name of the surface. For example, if a surface can be described by an equation of the form x2a2+y2b2=zc, then we call that surface an elliptic paraboloid. The trace in the xy-plane is an ellipse, but the traces in the xz-plane and yz-plane are parabolas (Figure 3). Other elliptic paraboloids can have other orientations simply by interchanging the variables to give us a different variable in the linear term of the equation x2a2+z2c2=yb or y2b2+z2c2=xa.

This figure is the image of a surface. It is in the 3-dimensional coordinate system on top of the origin. A cross section of this surface parallel to the x y plane would be an ellipse.

Figure 3. This quadric surface is called an elliptic paraboloid.

Example: identifying traces of quadric surfaces

Describe the traces of the elliptic paraboloid x2+y222=z5.

try it

A hyperboloid of one sheet is any surface that can be described with an equation of the form x2a2+y2b2z2c2=1. Describe the traces of the hyperboloid of one sheet given by equation x232+y222z252=1.

Watch the following video to see the worked solution to the above Try IT.

You can view the transcript for “CP 2.53” here (opens in new window).

Hyperboloids of one sheet have some fascinating properties. For example, they can be constructed using straight lines, such as in the sculpture in Figure 6(a). In fact, cooling towers for nuclear power plants are often constructed in the shape of a hyperboloid. The builders are able to use straight steel beams in the construction, which makes the towers very strong while using relatively little material (Figure 6(b)).

This figure has two images. The first image is a sculpture made of parallel sticks, curved together in a circle with a hyperbolic cross section. The second image is a nuclear power plant. The towers are hyperbolic shaped.

Figure 6. (a) A sculpture in the shape of a hyperboloid can be constructed of straight lines. (b) Cooling towers for nuclear power plants are often built in the shape of a hyperboloid.

Example: chapter opener: Finding the focus of a parabolic reflector

Energy hitting the surface of a parabolic reflector is concentrated at the focal point of the reflector (Figure 7). If the surface of a parabolic reflector is described by equation x2100+y2100=z4, where is the focal point of the reflector?

This figure has two images. The first image is a picture of satellite dishes with parabolic reflectors. The second image is a parabolic curve on a line segment. The bottom of the curve is at point V. There is a line segment perpendicular to the other line segment through V. There is a point on this line segment labeled F. There are 3 lines from F to the parabola, intersecting at P sub 1, P sub 2, and P sub 3. There are also three vertical lines from P sub 1 to Q sub 1, from P sub 2 to Q sub 2, and from P sub 3 to Q sub 3.

Figure 7. Energy reflects off of the parabolic reflector and is collected at the focal point. (credit: modification of CGP Grey, Wikimedia Commons)

Seventeen standard quadric surfaces can be derived from the general equation


The following figures summarizes the most important ones.

This figure is of a table with two columns and three rows. The three rows represent the first 6 quadric surfaces: ellipsoid, hyperboloid of one sheet, and hyperboloid of two sheets. The equations and traces are in the first column. The second column has the graphs of the surfaces. The ellipsoid graph is a vertical oblong round shape. The hyperboloid of one sheet is circular on the top and the bottom and narrow in the middle. The hyperboloid in two sheets has two parabolic domes opposite of each other.

Figure 8. Characteristics of Common Quadratic Surfaces: Ellipsoid, Hyperboloid of One Sheet, Hyperboloid of Two Sheets.

This figure is of a table with two columns and three rows. The three rows represent the second 6 quadric surfaces: elliptic cone, elliptic paraboloid, and hyperbolic paraboloid. The equations and traces are in the first column. The second column has the graphs of the surfaces. The elliptic cone has two cones touching at the points. The elliptic paraboloid is similar to a cone but oblong. The hyperbolic paraboloid has a bend in the middle similar to a saddle.

Figure 9. Characteristics of Common Quadratic Surfaces: Elliptic Cone, Elliptic Paraboloid, Hyperbolic Paraboloid.

Example: identifying equations of quadric surfaces

Identify the surfaces represented by the given equations.

  1. 16x2+9y2+16z2=144
  2. 9x218x+4y2+16y36z+25=0

try it

Identify the surface represented by equation 9x2+y2z2+2z10=0.