Hosted by Lumen Learning, this catalog contains community-developed OER courses. Visit Lumen’s Course Catalog to find our most-recommended OER courses. Contact to learn more.
This text originated from a collaboration between Dr. Caleb Lack and students at the University of Central Oklahoma and Arkansas Tech University. Over 300 students have spent eight semesters and thousands of hours in contributing to this wiki. This text is an alternative to the often quite expensive textbooks used...→
Wikispaces; SUNY
This course provides faculty with an introduction to the laws that influence the use, re-use, and distribution of content they may want to use in a course. Activities include finding openly licensed content for use in a class and publishing openly licensed works created by faculty. At the end of...→
Tidewater Community College Z Course
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College & Lumen Learning
The authors of the open textbook on which this material was originally based were Andrew Fraknoi (Foothill College), David Morrison (NASA Ames Research Center), and Sidney Wolff (National Optical Astronomy Observatories).→
CK12 Intermediate
Judy Baker
Chadron State College for KOCI
Introduces students to the writing process as a means of developing ideas into clear, correct, and effective writing.→
Ronda Dorsey Neugebauer of Chadron State College for KOCI
This is an ever-evolving and growing collection of openly licensed assignments for macro and microeconomics courses. Contributions are always welcome.→
Lumen Learning
Kelvin Seifert
KOCI & Lumen Learning
English Literature: Victorians and Moderns is an anthology with a difference. In addition to providing annotated teaching editions of many of the most frequently-taught classics of Victorian and Modern poetry, fiction and drama, it also provides a series of guided research casebooks which make available numerous published essays from open...→
Dr. James Sexton and Sexton
Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative
Nasser Maksoud (MECC); Dorothy Connelly (BRCC); Diane Phillips (SWCC); John Maxwell (BRCC)
Phil Venditti
Natalia Kuznetsova
Adam Dastrup
Mike Caulfield and Caulfield