Draw angles in standard position

Properly defining an angle first requires that we define a ray. A ray consists of one point on a line and all points extending in one direction from that point. The first point is called the endpoint of the ray. We can refer to a specific ray by stating its endpoint and any other point on it. The ray in Figure 1 can be named as ray EF, or in symbol form EF.

Illustration of Ray EF, with point F and endpoint E.

Figure 1

An angle is the union of two rays having a common endpoint. The endpoint is called the vertex of the angle, and the two rays are the sides of the angle. The angle in Figure 2 is formed from ED and EF. Angles can be named using a point on each ray and the vertex, such as angle DEF, or in symbol form \hspace{0.17em}\angle DEF.

Illustration of Angle DEF, with vertex E and points D and F.

Figure 2

Greek letters are often used as variables for the measure of an angle. The table below is a list of Greek letters commonly used to represent angles, and a sample angle is shown in Figure 2.

θ ϕorφ α β γ
theta phi alpha beta gamma
Illustration of angle theta.

Figure 3. Angle theta, shown as θ

Illustration of an angle with labels for initial side, terminal side, and vertex.

Figure 4

Angle creation is a dynamic process. We start with two rays lying on top of one another. We leave one fixed in place, and rotate the other. The fixed ray is the initial side, and the rotated ray is the terminal side. In order to identify the different sides, we indicate the rotation with a small arc and arrow close to the vertex as in Figure 4.

The following video provides an illustration of angles in standard position.


As we discussed at the beginning of the section, there are many applications for angles, but in order to use them correctly, we must be able to measure them. The measure of an angle is the amount of rotation from the initial side to the terminal side. Probably the most familiar unit of angle measurement is the degree. One degree is 1360 of a circular rotation, so a complete circular rotation contains 360 degrees. An angle measured in degrees should always include the unit “degrees” after the number, or include the degree symbol °. For example, 90 degrees = 90°.

Graph of an angle in standard position with labels for the initial side and terminal side.

Figure 5

To formalize our work, we will begin by drawing angles on an xy coordinate plane. Angles can occur in any position on the coordinate plane, but for the purpose of comparison, the convention is to illustrate them in the same position whenever possible. An angle is in standard position if its vertex is located at the origin, and its initial side extends along the positive x-axis. 

If the angle is measured in a counterclockwise direction from the initial side to the terminal side, the angle is said to be a positive angle. If the angle is measured in a clockwise direction, the angle is said to be a negative angle.

Side by side graphs. Graph on the left is a 90 degree angle and graph on the right is a 360 degree angle. Terminal side and initial side are labeled for both graphs.

Figure 6

Drawing an angle in standard position always starts the same way—draw the initial side along the positive x-axis. To place the terminal side of the angle, we must calculate the fraction of a full rotation the angle represents. We do that by dividing the angle measure in degrees by 360°. For example, to draw a 90° angle, we calculate that 90360=14. So, the terminal side will be one-fourth of the way around the circle, moving counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. To draw a 360° angle, we calculate that 360360=1. So the terminal side will be 1 complete rotation around the circle, moving counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. In this case, the initial side and the terminal side overlap.

Since we define an angle in standard position by its terminal side, we have a special type of angle whose terminal side lies on an axis, a quadrantal angle. This type of angle can have a measure of 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° or 360°.

Four side by side graphs. First graph shows angle of 0 degrees. Second graph shows an angle of 90 degrees. Third graph shows an angle of 180 degrees. Fourth graph shows an angle of 270 degrees.

Figure 7. Quadrantal angles have a terminal side that lies along an axis. Examples are shown.

A General Note: Quadrantal Angles

Quadrantal angles are angles whose terminal side lies on an axis, including 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, or 360°.

How To: Given an angle measure in degrees, draw the angle in standard position.

  1. Express the angle measure as a fraction of 360°.
  2. Reduce the fraction to simplest form.
  3. Draw an angle that contains that same fraction of the circle, beginning on the positive x-axis and moving counterclockwise for positive angles and clockwise for negative angles.

Example 1: Drawing an Angle in Standard Position Measured in Degrees

  1. Sketch an angle of 30° in standard position.
  2. Sketch an angle of −135° in standard position.


  1. Divide the angle measure by 360°.

    To rewrite the fraction in a more familiar fraction, we can recognize that


    One-twelfth equals one-third of a quarter, so by dividing a quarter rotation into thirds, we can sketch a line at 30° as in Figure 8.

    Graph of a 30 degree angle.

    Figure 8


  2. Divide the angle measure by 360°.

    In this case, we can recognize that

  3. Negative three-eighths is one and one-half times a quarter, so we place a line by moving clockwise one full quarter and one-half of another quarter, as in Figure 9.
    Graph of a negative 135 degree angle.

    Figure 9


Try It 1

Show an angle of 240° on a circle in standard position.


Watch this video for more examples of determining angles of rotation.