Additional Resources

More information about remixing and adapting resources

Distinguishing Between OER and All that Other Stuff on the Internet and Works Within Works, and Collections by Maricopa Community College Faculty OER course. Licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0
Course materials if you have any concerns about the copyright status of works you want to remix. These two modules from the Maricopa Community College Faculty OER course will help you understand differences between free, open access, and OER, as well as citations and collections.

BC Open Education Technology Collaborative by BCCampus. Licensed CC-BY 4.0
If you are looking for inspiration on how to bring remixing and adapting resources to your classroom as instructor, this group is a resource for you and the goals and group chat can be informative

Tricky Copyright Scenarios: OER Style by Maricopa Community College Faculty OER course. Licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0
If you want to test yourself, this quiz about tricky copyright scenarios that apply to OER will help you understand better how to remix and adapt educational materials safely

More information about creating and sharing OER

CK12 OER. Licensed CC-BY-NC 3.0
To create an open textbook with existing OER for K-12 education visit this site, login as a teacher and click create new

OER Faculty Workshop by Maricopa Community College Faculty OER course. Licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0
For a deeper dive into the process of choosing the appropriate licenses for educational resources, visit this OER course in full

Creating Open Educational Resources by the University of British Columbia. Licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0
A video and information on considerations to make when licensing and sharing OER at higher education institutions

More information about accessibility

Module 9: Accessibility by Open Washington: Open Educational Resources Network. Licensed CC-BY 4.0
This module will help you design resources in a way that they will be accessible to all learners.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 by the World Wide Web Consortium
The WCAG 2.0 is a stable, referenceable technical standard that helps developers of any kind of online content (from websites to text and PDF files), create or check their materials for accessibility. Many grant givers or governments (like the European Union) even require institutions to follow those guidelines when publishing public sector information or education resources.

Accessibility and Open Educational Resources by CAST Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education. Licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0
The CAST project (Center for Applied Special Technology that promotes universal design for learning) has a helpful overview and checklist for things to consider when designing educational resources, especially for postsecondary education.

More information about open policies

CC Pukeko by Creative Commons New Zealand. Licensed CC-BY 4.0
Take a look at this video about schools in New Zealand implementing Creative
Commons licenses (time 3:48)

CC in Schools by Creative Commons New Zealand. Licensed CC-BY 4.0
More information on the implementation of Creative Commons licenses used in schools at the institutional level.

Institutional Guide by BCCampus. Licensed CC-BY 4.0
A guide for institutional adoption with resources for those at all levels of the institution and resources to accompany adoption initiatives.

OER Policy Development Tool by Amanda Coolidge and Daniel DeMarte, Institute for Open Leadership Fellows. Licensed CC-BY 4.0
An interactive tool for institutional policy development.