Assignment Answers and Instructions

icon of two puzzle pieces

Note: These assignments also appear on the Assignments page of this book. This page is reserved for instructor access only, and it also contains available answer keys and solution guides. It is your responsibility to handle answer keys and assignment solutions securely and appropriately to prevent them from being widely available and searchable via the Internet.

The assignments in this course are openly licensed, and are available as-is, or can be modified to suit your students’ needs. If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool.

You can view them below or throughout the course.

We do NOT recommend assigning all of the assignments and discussions, but suggest reviewing them all to pick and choose those that best fit your course. Some of the assignments are more involved and time-consuming, such as Assignment: Hot Topic InfographicAssignment: Anti-Bullying Infographic, and Assignment: Build an Interactive, which could easily span more than one week in the course. Similarly, some of the assignments are interviews that may necessitate more time to successfully complete those.

Module Discussion Assignment Journals Answers and Instructor Notes
Module 1: Lifespan Development
Module 2: Developmental Theories
Module 3: Prenatal Development
Module 4: Infancy
Module 5: Early Childhood
Module 6: Middle Childhood
Module 7: Adolescence
Module 8: Early Adulthood
Module 9: Middle Adulthood
Module 10: Late Adulthood
  • Note that if assigning both of these assignments, you may want to have students interview the same person for both the defining happiness and the late adulthood interview.
Module 11: Death and Dying