Why It Matters: Geological Resources

Economic Geologic Resources (Useful stuff from the Earth!)


For over four and half billion years planet earth has been generating rocks and minerals, through the geologic processes that we have learned about.
Human beings have been around for a tiny fraction of this time (remember the analogy in Geologic Time chapter?– If earth history were the distance from a King’s nose to outstretched finger, then all of human history would be erased with a swipe of the nail file!); but we are now using certain kinds of mineral and/or natural materials at a frantic pace.
It’s not just fossil fuels—oil, natural gas and coal– but ore deposits and minerals also.

Here is a cool graphic illustrating the type and amount of resources each American will need and use throughout their lives.

Every American born in 2015 will need 3.11 million pounds of minerals, metals, and fuels in their lifetime. This includes 1.25 million pounds of stone, sand, and gravel; 72,115 gallons of petroleum, 903 pounds of lead, 539 pounds of zinc, 11,427 pounds of clays, 33,193 pounds of salt, 985 pounds of copper, 1.59 troy ounces of Gold, 16,651 pounds of phosphate rock, 425,666 pounds of coal, 5,214 pounds of bauxite (aluminum), 26,010 pounds of iron ore, 48,483 pounds of cement, 6.96 million cubic feet of natural gas, and 56,016 pounds of other minerals and metals.

This chart provides us with some staggering statistics on the amount of resources we use:

Every year 39,543 pounds of new minerals must be provided for every person in the United States to make the things we use every day. 9,073 pounds of stone are used to make roads, buildings, bridges, landscaping, and for numerous chemical and construction uses. 6,819 pounds of sand and gravel are used to make concrete, asphalt, blocks, and bricks. 616 pounds of cement are used to make roads, sidewalks, bridges, buildings, schools, and houses. 330 pounds of iron ore are used to make steel, which is used in buildings, cars, trucks, planes, trains, other construction, and containers. 422 pounds of salt are used in various chemicals, highway de-icing, food, and agriculture. 212 pounds of phosphate rock are used to make fertilizers to grow food and as animal feed supplements. 145 pounds of clays are used to make floor and wall tile, dinnerware, kitty litter, bricks and cement, and paper. 66 pounds of aluminum (bauxite) are used to make buildings, beverage containers, autos, and airplanes. 13 pounds of copper are used in buildings, electrical and electronic parts, plumbing, and transportation. 11 pounds of lead are used for batteries (87% of lead consumed here), electrical, communications, and TV screens. 7 pounds of zinc are used to make metals rust resistant, to make various metals and alloys, paint, rubber, skin creams, health care and nutrition supplements. 34 pounds of soda ash are used to make all kinds of glass, in powedered detergents, medicines, as food additives, in photography, and as a water treatment. 6 pounds of manganese are used to make almost all steels for construction, machinery, and transportation. 536 pounds of other nonmetals have numerous uses including glass, chemical, soaps, papers, computers, and cell phones. 22 pounds of other metals have the same uses as non metals, but are also used in electronics, TVs, video equipment, recreation equipment, and more. Additionally we use energy fuels: 915 gallons of petroleum, 5,752 pounds of coal, 88,274 cubic feet of natural gas, and 0.18 pounds of uranium.

Were you surprised see some of the items listed? How about the quantities—3.11 million pounds of resources per person?!

One item not shown on the figure is tantalum. If you have a cell phone, tablet, computer, camera or gaming system you own some tantalum. This resource is used because it has many desirable properties including high heat capacity, ductile and the ability to conduct electricity (Tantalum, 2015). However, tantalum is considered to be a “conflict resource.” This means that it is mined in an area where a dispute or conflict is occurring. It could also mean that the resource is used to perpetuate the conflict. In the case of tantalum, it is mined in an area of the Congo where it is believed to have played a role in helping finance war in the area. This conflict is believed to have caused the death of 5,400,000 since 1998 (Tantalum, 2015)!

Depending on the resource and its location, different mining methods may be used. And these resources are mined on every continent (except Antarctica).

You’re certainly aware of a big distinction within the realm of resources– Renewable and Non-Renewable.  But in reality, there can be a rather blurred line between the two.  Even something like petroleum (the result of micro-organisms that collected on ancient sea floor, then buried by sediment) is sort of renewable, but it would take millions of years!

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how earth and mineral resources form within different types of rock.
  • Recognize various extraction methods and identify different types of mining.
  • Describe geologic materials as current or potential energy resources; note various sources as renewable or nonrenewable.