Problem Set: Whole Numbers

Introduction to Whole Number Basics

Identify Counting Numbers and Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, determine which of the following numbers are a) counting numbers and b) whole numbers.

  1. [latex]0,\frac{2}{3},5,8.1,125[/latex]

  2. [latex]0,\frac{7}{10},3,20.5,300[/latex]
  3. [latex]0,\frac{4}{9},3.9,50,221[/latex]

  4. [latex]0,\frac{3}{5},10,303,422.6[/latex]

Model Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, use place value notation to find the value of the number modeled by the [latex]\text{base -10}[/latex] blocks.

Exercise 1

An image consisting of three items. The first item is five squares of 100 blocks each, 10 blocks wide and 10 blocks tall. The second item is six horizontal rods containing 10 blocks each. The third item is 1 individual block.

Exercise 2

An image consisting of three items. The first item is three squares of 100 blocks each, 10 blocks wide and 10 blocks tall. The second item is eight horizontal rods containing 10 blocks each. The third item is 4 individual blocks.

Exercise 3

An image consisting of two items. The first item is four squares of 100 blocks each, 10 blocks wide and 10 blocks tall. The second item is 7 individual blocks.

Exercises 4

An image consisting of two items. The first item is six squares of 100 blocks each, 10 blocks wide and 10 blocks tall. The second item is 2 horizontal rods with 10 blocks each.

Identify the Place Value of a Digit

In the following exercises, find the place value of the given digits.

Exercise 1


  1. 9
  2. 6
  3. 0
  4. 7
  5. 5

Exercise 2


  1. 9
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 8
  5. 7

Exercise 3


  1. 8
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 7
  5. 0

Exercise 4


  1. 8
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 6
  5. 7

Use Place Value to Name Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, name each number in words.

Exercise 1

  1. [latex]1,078[/latex]

  2. [latex]5,902[/latex]
  3. [latex]364,510[/latex]

  4. [latex]146,023[/latex]
  5. [latex]5,846,103[/latex]

  6. [latex]1,458,398[/latex]
  7. [latex]37,889,005[/latex]

  8. [latex]62,008,465[/latex]

Exercise 2

  1. The height of Mount Ranier is [latex]14,410[/latex] feet.

  2. The height of Mount Adams is [latex]12,276[/latex] feet.
  3. Seventy years is [latex]613,200[/latex] hours.

  4. One year is [latex]525,600[/latex] minutes.
  5. The U.S. Census estimate of the population of Miami-Dade county was [latex]2,617,176[/latex].

  6. The population of Chicago was [latex]2,718,782[/latex].
  7. There are projected to be [latex]23,867,000[/latex] college and university students in the US in five years.

  8. About twelve years ago there were [latex]20,665,415[/latex] registered automobiles in California.
  9. The population of China is expected to reach [latex]1,377,583,156[/latex] in [latex]2016[/latex].

  10. The population of India is estimated at [latex]1,267,401,849[/latex] as of July [latex]1,2014[/latex].

Use Place Value to Write Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, write each number as a whole number using digits.

  1. four hundred twelve

  2. two hundred fifty-three
  3. thirty-five thousand, nine hundred seventy-five

  4. sixty-one thousand, four hundred fifteen
  5. eleven million, forty-four thousand, one hundred sixty-seven

  6. eighteen million, one hundred two thousand, seven hundred eighty-three
  7. three billion, two hundred twenty-six million, five hundred twelve thousand, seventeen

  8. eleven billion, four hundred seventy-one million, thirty-six thousand, one hundred six
  9. The population of the world was estimated to be seven billion, one hundred seventy-three million people.

  10. The age of the solar system is estimated to be four billion, five hundred sixty-eight million years.
  11. Lake Tahoe has a capacity of thirty-nine trillion gallons of water.

  12. The federal government budget was three trillion, five hundred billion dollars.

Round Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, round to the indicated place value.

Round to the nearest ten:

  1. [latex]386[/latex]

  2. [latex]2,931[/latex]

Round to the nearest ten:

  1. [latex]792[/latex]

  2. [latex]5,647[/latex]

Round to the nearest hundred:

  1. [latex]13,748[/latex]

  2. [latex]391,794[/latex]

Round to the nearest hundred:

  1. [latex]28,166[/latex]

  2. [latex]481,628[/latex]

Round to the nearest ten:

  1. [latex]1,492[/latex]

  2. [latex]1,497[/latex]

Round to the nearest thousand:

  1. [latex]2,391[/latex]

  2. [latex]2,795[/latex]

Round to the nearest hundred:

  1. [latex]63,994[/latex]

  2. [latex]63,949[/latex]

Round to the nearest thousand:

  1. [latex]163,584[/latex]

  2. [latex]163,246[/latex]

Everyday Math

Writing a Check

Jorge bought a car for [latex]\$24,493[/latex]. He paid for the car with a check. Write the purchase price in words.

Writing a Check

Marissa’s kitchen remodeling cost [latex]\$18,549[/latex]. She wrote a check to the contractor. Write the amount paid in words.

Buying a Car

Jorge bought a car for [latex]\$24,493[/latex]. Round the price to the nearest:

  1. ten dollars
  2. hundred dollars
  3. thousand dollars
  4. ten-thousand dollars

Remodeling a Kitchen

Marissa’s kitchen remodeling cost [latex]\$18,549[/latex]. Round the cost to the nearest:

  1. ten dollars
  2. hundred dollars
  3. thousand dollars
  4. ten-thousand dollars


The population of China was [latex]1,355,692,544[/latex] in 2014. Round the population to the nearest:

  1. billion people
  2. hundred-million people
  3. million people


The average distance between Earth and the sun is [latex]149,597,888[/latex] kilometers. Round the distance to the nearest:

  1. hundred-million kilometers
  2. ten-million kilometers
  3. million kilometers

Writing Exercises

In your own words, explain the difference between the counting numbers and the whole numbers.

Give an example from your everyday life where it helps to round numbers.

Adding Whole Numbers

Use Addition Notation

In the following exercises, translate the following from math expressions to words.

  1. [latex]5+2[/latex]

  2. [latex]6+3[/latex]
  3. [latex]13+18[/latex]

  4. [latex]15+16[/latex]
  5. [latex]214+642[/latex]

  6. [latex]438+113[/latex]

Model Addition of Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, model the addition.

  1. [latex]2+4[/latex]

  2. [latex]5+3[/latex]
  3. [latex]8+4[/latex]

  4. [latex]5+9[/latex]
  5. [latex]14+75[/latex]

  6. [latex]15+63[/latex]
  7. [latex]16+25[/latex]

  8. [latex]14+27[/latex]

Add Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, fill in the missing values in each chart.

Exercise 1

An image of a table with 11 columns and 11 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The first column has the values

Exercise 2

An image of a table with 11 columns and 11 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The first column has the values

Exercises 3

An image of a table with 8 columns and 5 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or column are all null. The first column has the values

Exercise 4

An image of a table with 8 columns and 5 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or column are all null. The first row has the values

Exercise 5

An image of a table with 6 columns and 6 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or column are all null. The first row has the values

Exercise 6

An image of a table with 5 columns and 5 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or first column are all null. The first row has the values

Add Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, add.

  1. [latex]0+13[/latex]

  2. [latex]13+0[/latex]

  3. [latex]0+5,280[/latex]
  4. [latex]5,280+0[/latex]
  5. [latex]8+3[/latex]

  6. [latex]3+8[/latex]

  7. [latex]7+5[/latex]
  8. [latex]5+7[/latex]
  9. [latex]45+33[/latex]

  10. [latex]37+22[/latex]
  11. [latex]71+28[/latex]

  12. [latex]43+53[/latex]
  13. [latex]26+59[/latex]

  14. [latex]38+17[/latex]
  15. [latex]64+78[/latex]

  16. [latex]92+39[/latex]
  17. [latex]168+325[/latex]

  18. [latex]247+149[/latex]
  19. [latex]584+277[/latex]

  20. [latex]175+648[/latex]
  21. [latex]832+199[/latex]

  22. [latex]775+369[/latex]
  23. [latex]6,358+492[/latex]

  24. [latex]9,184+578[/latex]
  25. [latex]3,740+18,593[/latex]

  26. [latex]6,118+15,990[/latex]
  27. [latex]485,012+619,848[/latex]

  28. [latex]368,911+857,289[/latex]
  29. [latex]24,731+592+3,868[/latex]

  30. [latex]28,925+817+4,593[/latex]
  31. [latex]8,015+76,946+16,570[/latex]

  32. [latex]6,291+54,107+28,635[/latex]

Translate Word Phrases to Math Notation

In the following exercises, translate each phrase into math notation and then simplify.

  1. the sum of [latex]13[/latex] and [latex]18[/latex]

  2. the sum of [latex]12[/latex] and [latex]19[/latex]
  3. the sum of [latex]90[/latex] and [latex]65[/latex]

  4. the sum of [latex]70[/latex] and [latex]38[/latex]
  5. [latex]33[/latex] increased by [latex]49[/latex]

  6. [latex]68[/latex] increased by [latex]25[/latex]
  7. [latex]250[/latex] more than [latex]599[/latex]

  8. [latex]115[/latex] more than [latex]286[/latex]
  9. the total of [latex]628[/latex] and [latex]77[/latex]

  10. the total of [latex]593[/latex] and [latex]79[/latex]
  11. [latex]1,482[/latex] added to [latex]915[/latex]

  12. [latex]2,719[/latex] added to [latex]682[/latex]

Add Whole Numbers in Applications

In the following exercises, solve the problem.

Home remodeling

Sophia remodeled her kitchen and bought a new range, microwave, and dishwasher. The range cost [latex]\$1,100[/latex], the microwave cost [latex]\$250[/latex], and the dishwasher cost [latex]\$525[/latex]. What was the total cost of these three appliances?

Sports equipment

Aiden bought a baseball bat, helmet, and glove. The bat cost [latex]\$299[/latex], the helmet cost [latex]\$35[/latex], and the glove cost [latex]\$68[/latex]. What was the total cost of Aiden’s sports equipment?

Bike riding

Ethan rode his bike [latex]14[/latex] miles on Monday, [latex]19[/latex] miles on Tuesday, [latex]12[/latex] miles on Wednesday, [latex]25[/latex] miles on Friday, and [latex]68[/latex] miles on Saturday. What was the total number of miles Ethan rode?


Chloe has a flower shop. Last week she made [latex]19[/latex] floral arrangements on Monday, [latex]12[/latex] on Tuesday, [latex]23[/latex] on Wednesday, [latex]29[/latex] on Thursday, and [latex]44[/latex] on Friday. What was the total number of floral arrangements Chloe made?

Apartment size

Jackson lives in a 7 room apartment. The number of square feet in each room is [latex]238,120,156,196,100,132[/latex], and [latex]225[/latex]. What is the total number of square feet in all [latex]7[/latex] rooms?


Seven men rented a fishing boat. The weights of the men were [latex]175,192,148,169,205,181[/latex], and [latex]\text{225}[/latex] pounds. What was the total weight of the seven men?


Last year Natalie’s salary was [latex]\$82,572[/latex]. Two years ago, her salary was [latex]\$79,316[/latex], and three years ago it was [latex]\$75,298[/latex]. What is the total amount of Natalie’s salary for the past three years?

Home sales

Emma is a realtor. Last month, she sold three houses. The selling prices of the houses were [latex]\$292,540,\$505,875[/latex], and [latex]\$423,699[/latex]. What was the total of the three selling prices?

Finding Perimeter

In the following exercises, find the perimeter of each figure.

Exercise 1

An image of a triangle with side lengths of 14 inches, 12 inches, and 18 inches.

Exercise 2

An image of a right triangle with base of 12 centimeters, height of 5 centimeters, and diagonal hypotenuse of 13 centimeters.

Exercise 3

A rectangle 21 meters wide and 7 meters tall.

Exercise 4

A rectangle 19 feet wide and and 14 feet tall.

Exercise 5

A trapezoid with horizontal top length of 19 yards, the side lengths are 18 yards and are diagonal, and the horizontal bottom length is 16 yards.

Exercise 6

A trapezoid with horizontal top length of 24 meters, the side lengths are 17 meters and are diagonal, and the horizontal bottom length is 29 meters.

Exercise 7

This is a rectangle-like image with six sides. Starting from the top left of the figure, the first line runs right for 24 feet. From the end of this line, the second line runs down for 7 feet. Then the third line runs left from this point for 19 feet. The fourth line runs up 3 feet. The fifth line runs left for 5 feet. The sixth line runs up for 4 feet, connecting it at a corner with start of the first line.

Exercise 8

This is an image with 6 straight sides. Starting from the top left of the figure, the first line runs right for 25 inches. From the end of this line, the second line runs down for 10 inches. Then the third line runs left from this point for 14 inches. The fourth line runs up 7 inches. The fifth line runs left for 11 inches. The sixth line runs up, connecting it at a corner with start of the first line.

Everyday Math


Paulette had a grilled chicken salad, ranch dressing, and a [latex]\text{16-ounce}[/latex] drink for lunch. On the restaurant’s nutrition chart, she saw that each item had the following number of calories:

  • Grilled chicken salad – [latex]320[/latex] calories
  • Ranch dressing – [latex]170[/latex] calories
  • [latex]\text{16-ounce}[/latex] drink – [latex]150[/latex] calories

What was the total number of calories of Paulette’s lunch?


Fred had a grilled chicken sandwich, a small order of fries, and a [latex]\text{12-oz}[/latex] chocolate shake for dinner. The restaurant’s nutrition chart lists the following calories for each item:

  • Grilled chicken sandwich – [latex]420[/latex] calories
  • Small fries – [latex]230[/latex] calories
  • [latex]\text{12-oz}[/latex] chocolate shake – [latex]580[/latex] calories

What was the total number of calories of Fred’s dinner?

Test scores

A students needs a total of [latex]400[/latex] points on five tests to pass a course. The student scored [latex]82,91,75,88,\text{and}70[/latex]. Did the student pass the course?


The maximum weight capacity of an elevator is [latex]1150[/latex] pounds. Six men are in the elevator. Their weights are 210, 145, 183, 230, 159, and 164 pounds. Is the total weight below the elevators’ maximum capacity?

Writing Exercises

How confident do you feel about your knowledge of the addition facts? If you are not fully confident, what will you do to improve your skills?

How have you used models to help you learn the addition facts?

Subtracting Whole Numbers

Use Subtraction Notation

In the following exercises, translate from math notation to words.

  1. [latex]15 - 9[/latex]

  2. [latex]18 - 16[/latex]
  3. [latex]42 - 35[/latex]

  4. [latex]83 - 64[/latex]
  5. [latex]675 - 350[/latex]

  6. [latex]790 - 525[/latex]

Model Subtraction of Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, model the subtraction.

  1. [latex]5 - 2[/latex]

  2. [latex]8 - 4[/latex]
  3. [latex]6 - 3[/latex]

  4. [latex]7 - 5[/latex]
  5. [latex]18 - 5[/latex]

  6. [latex]19 - 8[/latex]
  7. [latex]17 - 8[/latex]

  8. [latex]17 - 9[/latex]
  9. [latex]35 - 13[/latex]

  10. [latex]32 - 11[/latex]
  11. [latex]61 - 47[/latex]

  12. [latex]55 - 36[/latex]

Subtract Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, subtract and then check by adding.

  1. [latex]9 - 4[/latex]

  2. [latex]9 - 3[/latex]
  3. [latex]8 - 0[/latex]

  4. [latex]2 - 0[/latex]
  5. [latex]38 - 16[/latex]

  6. [latex]45 - 21[/latex]
  7. [latex]85 - 52[/latex]

  8. [latex]99 - 47[/latex]
  9. [latex]493 - 370[/latex]

  10. [latex]268 - 106[/latex]
  11. [latex]5,946 - 4,625[/latex]

  12. [latex]7,775 - 3,251[/latex]
  13. [latex]75 - 47[/latex]

  14. [latex]63 - 59[/latex]
  15. [latex]461 - 239[/latex]

  16. [latex]486 - 257[/latex]
  17. [latex]525 - 179[/latex]

  18. [latex]542 - 288[/latex]
  19. [latex]6,318 - 2,799[/latex]

  20. [latex]8,153 - 3,978[/latex]
  21. [latex]2,150 - 964[/latex]

  22. [latex]4,245 - 899[/latex]
  23. [latex]43,650 - 8,982[/latex]

  24. [latex]35,162 - 7,885[/latex]

Translate Word Phrases to Algebraic Expressions

In the following exercises, translate and simplify.

  1. The difference of [latex]10[/latex] and [latex]3[/latex]

  2. The difference of [latex]12[/latex] and [latex]8[/latex]
  3. The difference of [latex]15[/latex] and [latex]4[/latex]

  4. The difference of [latex]18[/latex] and [latex]7[/latex]
  5. Subtract [latex]6[/latex] from [latex]9[/latex]

  6. Subtract [latex]8[/latex] from [latex]9[/latex]
  7. Subtract [latex]28[/latex] from [latex]75[/latex]

  8. Subtract [latex]59[/latex] from [latex]81[/latex]
  9. [latex]45[/latex] decreased by [latex]20[/latex]

  10. [latex]37[/latex] decreased by [latex]24[/latex]
  11. [latex]92[/latex] decreased by [latex]67[/latex]

  12. [latex]75[/latex] decreased by [latex]49[/latex]
  13. [latex]12[/latex] less than [latex]16[/latex]

  14. [latex]15[/latex] less than [latex]19[/latex]
  15. [latex]38[/latex] less than [latex]61[/latex]

  16. [latex]47[/latex] less than [latex]62[/latex]

Mixed Practice

In the following exercises, simplify.

  1. [latex]76 - 47[/latex]

  2. [latex]91 - 53[/latex]
  3. [latex]256 - 184[/latex]

  4. [latex]305 - 262[/latex]
  5. [latex]719+341[/latex]

  6. [latex]647+528[/latex]
  7. [latex]2,015 - 1,993[/latex]

  8. [latex]2,020 - 1,984[/latex]

In the following exercises, translate and simplify.

  1. Seventy more than thirty-five

  2. Sixty more than ninety-three
  3. [latex]13[/latex] less than [latex]41[/latex]

  4. [latex]28[/latex] less than [latex]36[/latex]
  5. The difference of [latex]100[/latex] and [latex]76[/latex]

  6. The difference of [latex]1,000[/latex] and [latex]945[/latex]

Subtract Whole Numbers in Applications

In the following exercises, solve.


The high temperature on June 2 in Las Vegas was 80 degrees and the low temperature was 63 degrees. What was the difference between the high and low temperatures?


The high temperature on June 1 in Phoenix was 97 degrees and the low was 73 degrees. What was the difference between the high and low temperatures?

Class size

Olivia’s third grade class has [latex]35[/latex] children. Last year, her second grade class had [latex]22[/latex] children. What is the difference between the number of children in Olivia’s third grade class and her second grade class?

Class size

There are [latex]82[/latex] students in the school band and [latex]46[/latex] in the school orchestra. What is the difference between the number of students in the band and the orchestra?


A mountain bike is on sale for [latex]\$399[/latex]. Its regular price is [latex]\$650[/latex]. What is the difference between the regular price and the sale price?


A mattress set is on sale for [latex]\$755[/latex]. Its regular price is [latex]\$1,600[/latex]. What is the difference between the regular price and the sale price?


John wants to buy a laptop that costs [latex]\$840[/latex]. He has [latex]\$685[/latex] in his savings account. How much more does he need to save in order to buy the laptop?


Mason had [latex]\$1,125[/latex] in his checking account. He spent [latex]\$892[/latex]. How much money does he have left?

Everyday Math

Road trip

Noah was driving from Philadelphia to Cincinnati, a distance of [latex]502[/latex] miles. He drove [latex]115[/latex] miles, stopped for gas, and then drove another [latex]230[/latex] miles before lunch. How many more miles did he have to travel?

Test Scores

Sara needs [latex]350[/latex] points to pass her course. She scored [latex]75,50,70,\text{and}80[/latex] on her first four tests. How many more points does Sara need to pass the course?

Writing Exercises

Explain how subtraction and addition are related.

How does knowing addition facts help you to subtract numbers?

Multiplying Whole Numbers

Use Multiplication Notation

In the following exercises, translate from math notation to words.

  1. [latex]4\times 7[/latex]

  2. [latex]8\times 6[/latex]
  3. [latex]5\cdot 12[/latex]

  4. [latex]3\cdot 9[/latex]
  5. [latex]\left(10\right)\left(25\right)[/latex]

  6. [latex]\left(20\right)\left(15\right)[/latex]
  7. [latex]42\left(33\right)[/latex]

  8. [latex]39\left(64\right)[/latex]

Model Multiplication of Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, model the multiplication.

  1. [latex]3\times 6[/latex]

  2. [latex]4\times 5[/latex]
  3. [latex]5\times 9[/latex]

  4. [latex]3\times 9[/latex]

Multiply Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, fill in the missing values in each chart.

Exercise 1

An image of a table with 11 columns and 11 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The first column has the values

Exercise 2

An image of a table with 11 columns and 11 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The first column has the values

Exercise 3

An image of a table with 8 columns and 7 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or column are all null. The first column has the values

Exercise 4

PROD: An image of a table with 7 columns and 8 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or column are all null. The first column has the values

Exercise 5

An image of a table with 8 columns and 5 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or column are all null. The first row has the values

Exercise 6

An image of a table with 5 columns and 8 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or column are all null. The first column has the values

Exercise 7

PROD: An image of a table with 6 columns and 6 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or column are all null. The first column has the values

Exercise 8

An image of a table with 6 columns and 6 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The cells not in the first row or column are all null. The first column has the values

Multiply Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, multiply.

  1. [latex]0\cdot 15[/latex]

  2. [latex]0\cdot 41[/latex]
  3. [latex]\left(99\right)0[/latex]

  4. [latex]\left(77\right)0[/latex]
  5. [latex]1\cdot 43[/latex]

  6. [latex]1\cdot 34[/latex]
  7. [latex]\left(28\right)1[/latex]

  8. [latex]\left(65\right)1[/latex]
  9. [latex]1\left(240,055\right)[/latex]

  10. [latex]1\left(189,206\right)[/latex]
  11. [latex]7\cdot 6[/latex]

  12. [latex]6\cdot 7[/latex]

  13. [latex]8\times 9[/latex]
  14. [latex]9\times 8[/latex]
  15. [latex]\left(79\right)\left(5\right)[/latex]

  16. [latex]\left(58\right)\left(4\right)[/latex]
  17. [latex]275\cdot 6[/latex]

  18. [latex]638\cdot 5[/latex]
  19. [latex]3,421\times 7[/latex]

  20. [latex]9,143\times 3[/latex]
  21. [latex]52\left(38\right)[/latex]

  22. [latex]37\left(45\right)[/latex]
  23. [latex]96\cdot 73[/latex]

  24. [latex]89\cdot 56[/latex]
  25. [latex]27\times 85[/latex]

  26. [latex]53\times 98[/latex]
  27. [latex]23\cdot 10[/latex]

  28. [latex]19\cdot 10[/latex]
  29. [latex]\left(100\right)\left(36\right)[/latex]

  30. [latex]\left(100\right)\left(25\right)[/latex]
  31. [latex]1,000\left(88\right)[/latex]

  32. [latex]1,000\left(46\right)[/latex]
  33. [latex]50\times 1,000,000[/latex]

  34. [latex]30\times 1,000,000[/latex]
  35. [latex]247\times 139[/latex]

  36. [latex]156\times 328[/latex]
  37. [latex]586\left(721\right)[/latex]

  38. [latex]472\left(855\right)[/latex]
  39. [latex]915\cdot 879[/latex]

  40. [latex]968\cdot 926[/latex]
  41. [latex]\left(104\right)\left(256\right)[/latex]

  42. [latex]\left(103\right)\left(497\right)[/latex]
  43. [latex]348\left(705\right)[/latex]

  44. [latex]485\left(602\right)[/latex]
  45. [latex]2,719\times 543[/latex]

  46. [latex]3,581\times 724[/latex]

Translate Word Phrases to Math Notation

In the following exercises, translate and simplify.

  1. the product of [latex]18[/latex] and [latex]33[/latex]

  2. the product of [latex]15[/latex] and [latex]22[/latex]
  3. fifty-one times sixty-seven

  4. forty-eight times seventy-one
  5. twice [latex]249[/latex]

  6. twice [latex]589[/latex]
  7. ten times three hundred seventy-five

  8. ten times two hundred fifty-five

Mixed Practice, Part I

In the following exercises, simplify.

  1. [latex]38\times 37[/latex]

  2. [latex]86\times 29[/latex]
  3. [latex]415 - 267[/latex]

  4. [latex]341 - 285[/latex]
  5. [latex]6,251+4,749[/latex]

  6. [latex]3,816+8,184[/latex]
  7. [latex]\left(56\right)\left(204\right)[/latex]

  8. [latex]\left(77\right)\left(801\right)[/latex]
  9. [latex]947\cdot 0[/latex]

  10. [latex]947+0[/latex]
  11. [latex]15,382+1[/latex]

  12. [latex]15,382\cdot 1[/latex]

Mixed Practice, Part II

In the following exercises, translate and simplify.

  1. the difference of 50 and 18

  2. the difference of 90 and 66
  3. twice 35

  4. twice 140
  5. 20 more than 980

  6. 65 more than 325
  7. the product of 12 and 875

  8. the product of 15 and 905
  9. subtract 74 from 89

  10. subtract 45 from 99
  11. the sum of 3,075 and 95

  12. the sum of 6,308 and 724
  13. 366 less than 814

  14. 388 less than 925

Multiply Whole Numbers in Applications

In the following exercises, solve.

Party supplies

Tim brought 9 six-packs of soda to a club party. How many cans of soda did Tim bring?


Kanisha is making a quilt. She bought 6 cards of buttons. Each card had four buttons on it. How many buttons did Kanisha buy?

Field trip

Seven school busses let off their students in front of a museum in Washington, DC. Each school bus had 44 students. How many students were there?


Kathryn bought 8 flats of impatiens for her flower bed. Each flat has 24 flowers. How many flowers did Kathryn buy?


Rey donated 15 twelve-packs of t-shirts to a homeless shelter. How many t-shirts did he donate?


There are 28 classrooms at Anna C. Scott elementary school. Each classroom has 26 student desks. What is the total number of student desks?


Stephanie is making punch for a party. The recipe calls for twice as much fruit juice as club soda. If she uses 10 cups of club soda, how much fruit juice should she use?


Hiroko is putting in a vegetable garden. He wants to have twice as many lettuce plants as tomato plants. If he buys 12 tomato plants, how many lettuce plants should he get?


The United States Senate has twice as many senators as there are states in the United States. There are 50 states. How many senators are there in the United States Senate?


Andrea is making potato salad for a buffet luncheon. The recipe says the number of servings of potato salad will be twice the number of pounds of potatoes. If she buys 30 pounds of potatoes, how many servings of potato salad will there be?


Jane is painting one wall of her living room. The wall is rectangular, 13 feet wide by 9 feet high. What is the area of the wall?

Home décor

Shawnte bought a rug for the hall of her apartment. The rug is 3 feet wide by 18 feet long. What is the area of the rug?

Room size

The meeting room in a senior center is rectangular, with length 42 feet and width 34 feet. What is the area of the meeting room?


June has a vegetable garden in her yard. The garden is rectangular, with length 23 feet and width 28 feet. What is the area of the garden?

NCAA basketball

According to NCAA regulations, the dimensions of a rectangular basketball court must be 94 feet by 50 feet. What is the area of the basketball court?

NCAA football

According to NCAA regulations, the dimensions of a rectangular football field must be 360 feet by 160 feet. What is the area of the football field?

Everyday Math

Stock market

Javier owns 300 shares of stock in one company. On Tuesday, the stock price rose [latex]\$12[/latex] per share. How much money did Javier’s portfolio gain?


Carlton got a [latex]\$200[/latex] raise in each paycheck. He gets paid 24 times a year. How much higher is his new annual salary?

Writing Exercises

How confident do you feel about your knowledge of the multiplication facts? If you are not fully confident, what will you do to improve your skills?

How have you used models to help you learn the multiplication facts?

Dividing Whole Numbers

Use Division Notation

In the following exercises, translate from math notation to words.

  1. [latex]54\div 9[/latex]

  2. [latex]\frac{56}{7}[/latex]
  3. [latex]\frac{32}{8}[/latex]

  4. [latex]6\overline{)42}[/latex]
  5. [latex]48\div 6[/latex]

  6. [latex]\frac{63}{9}[/latex]
  7. [latex]7\overline{)63}[/latex]

  8. [latex]72\div 8[/latex]

Model Division of Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, model the division.

  1. [latex]15\div 5[/latex]

  2. [latex]10\div 5[/latex]
  3. [latex]\frac{14}{7}[/latex]

  4. [latex]\frac{18}{6}[/latex]
  5. [latex]4\overline{)20}[/latex]

  6. [latex]3\overline{)15}[/latex]
  7. [latex]24\div 6[/latex]

  8. [latex]16\div 4[/latex]

Divide Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, divide. Then check by multiplying.

  1. [latex]18\div 2[/latex]

  2. [latex]14\div 2[/latex]
  3. [latex]\frac{27}{3}[/latex]

  4. [latex]\frac{30}{3}[/latex]
  5. [latex]4\overline{)28}[/latex]

  6. [latex]4\overline{)36}[/latex]
  7. [latex]\frac{45}{5}[/latex]

  8. [latex]\frac{35}{5}[/latex]
  9. [latex]72/8[/latex]

  10. [latex]8\overline{)64}[/latex]
  11. [latex]\frac{35}{7}[/latex]

  12. [latex]42\div 7[/latex]
  13. [latex]15\overline{)15}[/latex]

  14. [latex]12\overline{)12}[/latex]
  15. [latex]43\div 43[/latex]

  16. [latex]37\div 37[/latex]
  17. [latex]\frac{23}{1}[/latex]

  18. [latex]\frac{29}{1}[/latex]
  19. [latex]19\div 1[/latex]

  20. [latex]17\div 1[/latex]
  21. [latex]0\div 4[/latex]

  22. [latex]0\div 8[/latex]
  23. [latex]\frac{5}{0}[/latex]

  24. [latex]\frac{9}{0}[/latex]
  25. [latex]\frac{26}{0}[/latex]

  26. [latex]\frac{32}{0}[/latex]
  27. [latex]12\overline{)0}[/latex]

  28. [latex]16\overline{)0}[/latex]
  29. [latex]72\div 3[/latex]

  30. [latex]57\div 3[/latex]
  31. [latex]\frac{96}{8}[/latex]

  32. [latex]\frac{78}{6}[/latex]
  33. [latex]5\overline{)465}[/latex]

  34. [latex]4\overline{)528}[/latex]
  35. [latex]924\div 7[/latex]

  36. [latex]861\div 7[/latex]
  37. [latex]\frac{5,226}{6}[/latex]

  38. [latex]\frac{3,776}{8}[/latex]
  39. [latex]4\overline{)31,324}[/latex]

  40. [latex]5\overline{)46,855}[/latex]
  41. [latex]7,209\div 3[/latex]

  42. [latex]4,806\div 3[/latex]
  43. [latex]5,406\div 6[/latex]

  44. [latex]3,208\div 4[/latex]
  45. [latex]4\overline{)2,816}[/latex]

  46. [latex]6\overline{)3,624}[/latex]
  47. [latex]\frac{91,881}{9}[/latex]

  48. [latex]\frac{83,256}{8}[/latex]
  49. [latex]2,470\div 7[/latex]

  50. [latex]3,741\div 7[/latex]
  51. [latex]8\overline{)55,305}[/latex]

  52. [latex]9\overline{)51,492}[/latex]
  53. [latex]\frac{431,174}{5}[/latex]

  54. [latex]\frac{297,277}{4}[/latex]
  55. [latex]130,016\div 3[/latex]

  56. [latex]105,609\div 2[/latex]
  57. [latex]15\overline{)5,735}[/latex]

  58. [latex]\frac{4,933}{21}[/latex]
  59. [latex]56,883\div 67[/latex]

  60. [latex]43,725/75[/latex]
  61. [latex]\frac{30,144}{314}[/latex]

  62. [latex]26,145\div 415[/latex]
  63. [latex]273\overline{)542,195}[/latex]

  64. [latex]816,243\div 462[/latex]

Mixed Practice

In the following exercises, simplify.

  1. [latex]15\left(204\right)[/latex]

  2. [latex]74\cdot 391[/latex]
  3. [latex]256 - 184[/latex]

  4. [latex]305 - 262[/latex]
  5. [latex]719+341[/latex]

  6. [latex]647+528[/latex]
  7. [latex]25\overline{)875}[/latex]

  8. [latex]1104\div 23[/latex]

Translate Word Phrases to Algebraic Expressions

In the following exercises, translate and simplify.

  1. the quotient of [latex]45[/latex] and [latex]15[/latex]

  2. the quotient of [latex]64[/latex] and [latex]16[/latex]
  3. the quotient of [latex]288[/latex] and [latex]24[/latex]

  4. the quotient of [latex]256[/latex] and [latex]32[/latex]

Divide Whole Numbers in Applications

In the following exercises, solve.

Trail mix

Ric bought [latex]64[/latex] ounces of trail mix. He wants to divide it into small bags, with [latex]2[/latex] ounces of trail mix in each bag. How many bags can Ric fill?


Evie bought a [latex]42[/latex] ounce box of crackers. She wants to divide it into bags with [latex]3[/latex] ounces of crackers in each bag. How many bags can Evie fill?

Astronomy class

There are [latex]125[/latex] students in an astronomy class. The professor assigns them into groups of [latex]5[/latex]. How many groups of students are there?

Flower shop

Melissa’s flower shop got a shipment of [latex]152[/latex] roses. She wants to make bouquets of [latex]8[/latex] roses each. How many bouquets can Melissa make?


One roll of plastic wrap is [latex]48[/latex] feet long. Marta uses [latex]3[/latex] feet of plastic wrap to wrap each cake she bakes. How many cakes can she wrap from one roll?

Dental floss

One package of dental floss is [latex]54[/latex] feet long. Brian uses [latex]2[/latex] feet of dental floss every day. How many days will one package of dental floss last Brian?

Everyday Math

Contact lenses

Jenna puts in a new pair of contact lenses every [latex]14[/latex] days. How many pairs of contact lenses does she need for [latex]365[/latex] days?

Cat food

One bag of cat food feeds Lara’s cat for [latex]25[/latex] days. How many bags of cat food does Lara need for [latex]365[/latex] days?

Writing Exercises

Explain how you use the multiplication facts to help with division.

Oswaldo divided [latex]300[/latex] by [latex]8[/latex] and said his answer was [latex]37[/latex] with a remainder of [latex]4[/latex]. How can you check to make sure he is correct?

Mixed Practice (Applications)

In the following exercises, solve.

Miles per gallon

Susana’s hybrid car gets [latex]45[/latex] miles per gallon. Her son’s truck gets [latex]17[/latex] miles per gallon. What is the difference in miles per gallon between Susana’s car and her son’s truck?


Mayra lives [latex]53[/latex] miles from her mother’s house and [latex]71[/latex] miles from her mother-in-law’s house. How much farther is Mayra from her mother-in-law’s house than from her mother’s house?

Field trip

The [latex]45[/latex] students in a Geology class will go on a field trip, using the college’s vans. Each van can hold [latex]9[/latex] students. How many vans will they need for the field trip?

Potting soil

Aki bought a [latex]128[/latex] ounce bag of potting soil. How many [latex]4[/latex] ounce pots can he fill from the bag?


Bill hiked [latex]8[/latex] miles on the first day of his backpacking trip, [latex]14[/latex] miles the second day, [latex]11[/latex] miles the third day, and [latex]17[/latex] miles the fourth day. What is the total number of miles Bill hiked?


Last night Emily read [latex]6[/latex] pages in her Business textbook, [latex]26[/latex] pages in her History text, [latex]15[/latex] pages in her Psychology text, and [latex]9[/latex] pages in her math text. What is the total number of pages Emily read?


LaVonne treats [latex]12[/latex] patients each day in her dental office. Last week she worked [latex]4[/latex] days. How many patients did she treat last week?


There are [latex]14[/latex] boys in Dave’s scout troop. At summer camp, each boy earned [latex]5[/latex] merit badges. What was the total number of merit badges earned by Dave’s scout troop at summer camp?

Chapter Review Exercises

Introduction to Whole Numbers

Identify Counting Numbers and Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, determine which of the following are (a) counting numbers (b) whole numbers.

  1. [latex]0,2,99[/latex]

  2. [latex]0,3,25[/latex]
  3. [latex]0,4,90[/latex]

  4. [latex]0,1,75[/latex]

Model Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, model each number using [latex]\text{base - 10}[/latex] blocks and then show its value using place value notation.

  1. 258

  2. 104

Identify the Place Value of a Digit

In the following exercises, find the place value of the given digits.


  1. [latex]8[/latex]
  2. [latex]4[/latex]
  3. [latex]1[/latex]
  4. [latex]7[/latex]
  5. [latex]2[/latex]


  1. [latex]4[/latex]
  2. [latex]0[/latex]
  3. [latex]1[/latex]
  4. [latex]9[/latex]
  5. [latex]3[/latex]

Use Place Value to Name Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, name each number in words.

  1. [latex]5,280[/latex]

  2. [latex]204,614[/latex]
  3. [latex]5,012,582[/latex]

  4. [latex]31,640,976[/latex]

Use Place Value to Write Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, write as a whole number using digits.

  1. six hundred two
  2. fifteen thousand, two hundred fifty-three

  3. three hundred forty million, nine hundred twelve thousand, sixty-one

  4. two billion, four hundred ninety-two million, seven hundred eleven thousand, two

Round Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, round to the nearest ten.

  1. [latex]412[/latex]

  2. [latex]648[/latex]
  3. [latex]3,556[/latex]

  4. [latex]2,734[/latex]

In the following exercises, round to the nearest hundred.

  1. [latex]38,975[/latex]

  2. [latex]26,849[/latex]
  3. [latex]81,486[/latex]

  4. [latex]75,992[/latex]

Add Whole Numbers

Use Addition Notation

In the following exercises, translate the following from math notation to words.

  1. [latex]4+3[/latex]

  2. [latex]25+18[/latex]
  3. [latex]571+629[/latex]

  4. [latex]10,085+3,492[/latex]

Model Addition of Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, model the addition.

  1. [latex]6+7[/latex]

  2. [latex]38+14[/latex]

Add Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, fill in the missing values in each chart.

Exercise 1

A table with 11 rows down and 11 rows across. The first row and first column are headers and include the numbers 0 through 9 both across and down, with a plus sign in the first cell. The numbers across in the second row down appear as follows: 0,0, 1, null, 3, 4, null, 6, 7, null, 9. The numbers across in the third row down appear as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, null, null, 7, 8, 9, null. The numbers in the fourth row down appear across as follows: 2, null, 3,4,5,6,7,8, null, 10, 11. The numbers across in the fifth row down appear as follows: 3, 3, null, 5, null, 7, 8, null, 10, null 12. The numbers across in the sixth row down appear as follows: 4, 4, 5, null, null, 8, 9,null, null, 12, null. The numbers across in the seventh row down appear as follows: 5, 5, null, 7, 8, null null, 11, null, 13, null. The numbers across in the eighth row down appear as follows:6, 6, 7, 8, null, 10, null, null, 13, null, 15. The numbers across in the ninth row down appear as follows: null, null, 9, null, null, 12, 13, null, 15, 16. The numbers across in the tenth row down appear as follows: 8,8,9,null, 11, null, null, 14, null, eleventh row down appear as follows: 9, 9, 10, 11, null, 13, 14, null, null, 17, null.

Exercise 2

This table is 5 rows and 8 columns. The top row is a header row and includes the numbers 3 through 9, one number to each cell. The rows down include 6, 7, 8, and 9. There is a plus sign in the first cell. All cells are null.

In the following exercises, add.

  1. [latex]0+19[/latex]

  2. [latex]19+0[/latex]

  3. [latex]0+480[/latex]
  4. [latex]480+0[/latex]
  5. [latex]7+6[/latex]

  6. [latex]6+7[/latex]

  7. [latex]23+18[/latex]
  8. [latex]18+23[/latex]
  9. [latex]44+35[/latex]

  10. [latex]63+29[/latex]
  11. [latex]96+58[/latex]

  12. [latex]375+591[/latex]
  13. [latex]7,281+12,546[/latex]

  14. [latex]5,280+16,324+9,731[/latex]

Translate Word Phrases to Math Notation

In the following exercises, translate each phrase into math notation and then simplify.

  1. the sum of [latex]30[/latex] and [latex]12[/latex]

  2. [latex]11[/latex] increased by [latex]8[/latex]
  3. [latex]25[/latex] more than [latex]39[/latex]

  4. total of [latex]15[/latex] and [latex]50[/latex]

Add Whole Numbers in Applications

In the following exercises, solve.

Shopping for an interview

Nathan bought a new shirt, tie, and slacks to wear to a job interview. The shirt cost [latex]\$24[/latex], the tie cost [latex]\$14[/latex], and the slacks cost [latex]\$38[/latex]. What was Nathan’s total cost?


Jackson ran [latex]4[/latex] miles on Monday, [latex]12[/latex] miles on Tuesday, [latex]1[/latex] mile on Wednesday, [latex]8[/latex] miles on Thursday, and [latex]5[/latex] miles on Friday. What was the total number of miles Jackson ran?

Add Whole Numbers in Applications

In the following exercises, find the perimeter of each figure.

An image of a rectangle that is 8 feet tall and 15 feet wide.

An image of a right triangle that has a base of 12 centimeters, height of 5 centimeters, and diagonal hypotenuse of 13 centimeters.

Subtract Whole Numbers

Use Subtraction Notation

In the following exercises, translate the following from math notation to words.

  1. [latex]14 - 5[/latex]

  2. [latex]40 - 15[/latex]
  3. [latex]351 - 249[/latex]

  4. [latex]5,724 - 2,918[/latex]

Model Subtraction of Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, model the subtraction.

  1. [latex]18 - 4[/latex]

  2. [latex]41 - 29[/latex]

Subtract Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, subtract and then check by adding.

  1. [latex]8 - 5[/latex]

  2. [latex]12 - 7[/latex]
  3. [latex]23 - 9[/latex]

  4. [latex]46 - 21[/latex]
  5. [latex]82 - 59[/latex]

  6. [latex]110 - 87[/latex]
  7. [latex]539 - 217[/latex]

  8. [latex]415 - 296[/latex]
  9. [latex]1,020 - 640[/latex]

  10. [latex]8,355 - 3,947[/latex]
  11. [latex]10,000 - 15[/latex]

  12. [latex]54,925 - 35,647[/latex]

Translate Word Phrases to Math Notation

In the following exercises, translate and simplify.

  1. the difference of nineteen and thirteen

  2. subtract sixty-five from one hundred
  3. seventy-four decreased by eight

  4. twenty-three less than forty-one

Subtract Whole Numbers in Applications

In the following exercises, solve.


The high temperature in Peoria one day was [latex]86[/latex] degrees Fahrenheit and the low temperature was [latex]28[/latex] degrees Fahrenheit. What was the difference between the high and low temperatures?


Lynn wants to go on a cruise that costs [latex]\$2,485[/latex]. She has [latex]\$948[/latex] in her vacation savings account. How much more does she need to save in order to pay for the cruise?

Multiply Whole Numbers

Use Multiplication Notation

In the following exercises, translate from math notation to words.

  1. [latex]8\times 5[/latex]

  2. [latex]6\cdot 14[/latex]
  3. [latex]\left(10\right)\left(95\right)[/latex]

  4. [latex]54\left(72\right)[/latex]

Model Multiplication of Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, model the multiplication.

  1. [latex]2\times 4[/latex]

  2. [latex]3\times 8[/latex]

Multiply Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, fill in the missing values in each chart.

Exercises 1

A table with 10 rows down and 10 rows across. The first row and first column are headers and include the numbers 0 through 9 both across and down, with a plus sign in the first cell. The numbers across in the second row down appear as follows: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, 0, null, 0,0. The numbers across in the third row down appear as follows: 1, 0, 1, 2, null, 4, 5, 6, 7, null, 9. The numbers across in the fourth row down appear as follows: 2, 0, null, 4, null, 8, 10, null, 14, 16, null. The numbers across in the fifth row down appear as follows: 3, null, 3, null, 9, null, null, 18, null, 24, null. The numbers across in the sixth row down appear as follows: 4, 0, 4, 0, 12, null, null, 24, null, null, 36. The numbers across in the seventh row down appear as follows:5, 0, 5, 10, null, 20, null, 30, 35, 40, 45. The numbers across in the eighth row down appear as follows: 6, null, null, 12, 18, null, null, 36, 42, null, 54. The numbers across in the ninth row down appear as follows: 7, 0, 7, null, 21, null, 35, null, null, 56, 63. The numbers in the tenth row down appear as follows: 8, 0, 8, 16, null, 32, null, 48, null, 64, null. The numbers in the eleventh row down appear across as follows: 9, null, null, 18, 27, 36, null, null, 63, 72, null.

Exercises 2

An image of a table with 8 columns and 5 rows. The cells in the first row and first column are shaded darker than the other cells. The first row has the values

Multiply Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, multiply.

  1. [latex]0\cdot 14[/latex]

  2. [latex]\left(256\right)0[/latex]
  3. [latex]1\cdot 99[/latex]

  4. [latex]\left(4,789\right)1[/latex]
  5. [latex]7\cdot 4[/latex]

  6. [latex]4\cdot 7[/latex]

  7. [latex]\left(25\right)\left(6\right)[/latex]
  8. [latex]9,261\times 3[/latex]

  9. [latex]48\cdot 76[/latex]
  10. [latex]64\cdot 10[/latex]

  11. [latex]1,000\left(22\right)[/latex]
  12. [latex]162\times 493[/latex]

  13. [latex]\left(601\right)\left(943\right)[/latex]
  14. [latex]3,624\times 517[/latex]

  15. [latex]10,538\cdot 22[/latex]

Translate Word Phrases to Math Notation

In the following exercises, translate and simplify.

  1. the product of [latex]15[/latex] and [latex]28[/latex]

  2. ninety-four times thirty-three
  3. twice [latex]575[/latex]

  4. ten times two hundred sixty-four

Multiply Whole Numbers in Applications

In the following exercises, solve.


Geniece bought [latex]8[/latex] packs of marigolds to plant in her yard. Each pack has [latex]6[/latex] flowers. How many marigolds did Geniece buy?


Ratika is making rice for a dinner party. The number of cups of water is twice the number of cups of rice. If Ratika plans to use [latex]4[/latex] cups of rice, how many cups of water does she need?


There are twelve theaters at the multiplex and each theater has [latex]150[/latex] seats. What is the total number of seats at the multiplex?


Lewis needs to put new shingles on his roof. The roof is a rectangle, [latex]30[/latex] feet by [latex]24[/latex] feet. What is the area of the roof?

Divide Whole Numbers

Use Division Notation

Translate from math notation to words.

  1. [latex]54\div 9[/latex]

  2. [latex]42/7[/latex]
  3. [latex]\frac{72}{8}[/latex]

  4. [latex]6\overline{)48}[/latex]

Model Division of Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, model.

  1. [latex]8\div 2[/latex]

  2. [latex]3\overline{)12}[/latex]

Divide Whole Numbers

In the following exercises, divide. Then check by multiplying.

  1. [latex]14\div 2[/latex]

  2. [latex]\frac{32}{8}[/latex]
  3. [latex]52\div 4[/latex]

  4. [latex]26\overline{)26}[/latex]
  5. [latex]\frac{97}{1}[/latex]

  6. [latex]0\div 52[/latex]
  7. [latex]100\div 0[/latex]

  8. [latex]\frac{355}{5}[/latex]
  9. [latex]3828\div 6[/latex]

  10. [latex]31\overline{)1,519}[/latex]
  11. [latex]\frac{7505}{25}[/latex]

  12. [latex]5,166\div 42[/latex]

Translate Word Phrases to Math Notation

In the following exercises, translate and simplify.

  1. the quotient of [latex]64[/latex] and [latex]16[/latex]

  2. the quotient of [latex]572[/latex] and [latex]52[/latex]

Divide Whole Numbers in Applications

In the following exercises, solve.


One spool of ribbon is [latex]27[/latex] feet. Lizbeth uses [latex]3[/latex] feet of ribbon for each gift basket that she wraps. How many gift baskets can Lizbeth wrap from one spool of ribbon?


One carton of fruit juice is [latex]128[/latex] ounces. How many [latex]4[/latex] ounce cups can Shayla fill from one carton of juice?

Chapter Practice Test

Determine which of the following numbers are a) counting numbers and b) whole numbers.

  1. [latex]0,4,87[/latex]

Find the place value of the given digits in the number [latex]549,362[/latex].

  1. [latex]9[/latex]
  2. [latex]6[/latex]
  3. [latex]2[/latex]
  4. [latex]5[/latex]

Write each number as a whole number using digits.

  1. six hundred thirteen

  2. fifty-five thousand two hundred eight

Round [latex]25,849[/latex] to the nearest hundred.


  1. [latex]45+23[/latex]

  2. [latex]65 - 42[/latex]
  3. [latex]85\div 5[/latex]

  4. [latex]1,000\times 8[/latex]
  5. [latex]90 - 58[/latex]

  6. [latex]73+89[/latex]
  7. [latex]\left(0\right)\left(12,675\right)[/latex]

  8. [latex]634+255[/latex]
  9. [latex]\frac{0}{9}[/latex]

  10. [latex]8\overline{)128}[/latex]
  11. [latex]145 - 79[/latex]

  12. [latex]299+836[/latex]
  13. [latex]7\cdot 475[/latex]

  14. [latex]8,528+704[/latex]
  15. [latex]35\left(14\right)[/latex]

  16. [latex]\frac{26}{0}[/latex]
  17. [latex]733 - 291[/latex]

  18. [latex]4,916 - 1,538[/latex]
  19. [latex]495\div 45[/latex]

  20. [latex]52\times 983[/latex]

Translate each phrase to math notation and then simplify.

  1. The sum of [latex]16[/latex] and [latex]58[/latex]

  2. The product of [latex]9[/latex] and [latex]15[/latex]
  3. The difference of [latex]32[/latex] and [latex]18[/latex]

  4. The quotient of [latex]63[/latex] and [latex]21[/latex]
  5. Twice [latex]524[/latex]

  6. [latex]29[/latex] more than [latex]32[/latex]
  7. [latex]50[/latex] less than [latex]300[/latex]

In the following exercises, solve.

  1. LaVelle buys a jumbo bag of [latex]84[/latex] candies to make favor bags for her son’s party. If she wants to make [latex]12[/latex] bags, how many candies should she put in each bag?
  2. Last month, Stan’s take-home pay was [latex]\$3,816[/latex] and his expenses were [latex]\$3,472[/latex]. How much of his take-home pay did Stan have left after he paid his expenses?

  3. Each class at Greenville School has [latex]22[/latex] children enrolled. The school has [latex]24[/latex] classes. How many children are enrolled at Greenville School?
  4. Clayton walked [latex]12[/latex] blocks to his mother’s house, [latex]6[/latex] blocks to the gym, and [latex]9[/latex] blocks to the grocery store before walking the last [latex]3[/latex] blocks home. What was the total number of blocks that Clayton walked?


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