1.2 – Absolute Value

Learning Objectives

  • (1.2.1) – Evaluating expressions with absolute value signs

(1.2.1) – Evaluating expressions with absolute value signs

  • Absolute value: a number’s distance from zero; it’s always positive:
    •  [latex]|3| = 3[/latex]
    •  [latex]|-5| = 5[/latex]
    •  [latex]|0| = 0[/latex]

Recall that the absolute value of a quantity is always positive or 0.


Find [latex]|7- 10|[/latex].

Try It


Find [latex]-|3-2|[/latex].

Try It

When you see an absolute value expression included within a larger expression, treat the absolute value like a grouping symbol and evaluate the expression within the absolute value sign first. Then take the absolute value of that expression. The example below shows how this is done.


Simplify [latex]\Large\frac{3+\left|2-6\right|}{2\left|3\cdot1.5\right|-\left(-3\right)}[/latex].

The following video uses the order of operations to simplify an expression in fraction form that contains absolute value terms. Note how the absolute values are treated like parentheses and brackets when using the order of operations.