Learning Outcomes
- Identify an inverse for tabular data.
- Test whether two functions are inverses.
- Determine the domain and range of an inverse.
Suppose a fashion designer traveling to Milan for a fashion show wants to know what the temperature will be. He is not familiar with the Celsius scale. To get an idea of how temperature measurements are related, he asks his assistant, Betty, to convert 75 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. She finds the formula and substitutes 75 for to calculate .
Knowing that a comfortable 75 degrees Fahrenheit is about 24 degrees Celsius, he sends his assistant the week’s weather forecast for Milan, and asks her to convert all of the temperatures to degrees Fahrenheit.
At first, Betty considers using the formula she has already found to complete the conversions. After all, she knows her algebra, and can easily solve the equation for after substituting a value for . For example, to convert 26 degrees Celsius, she could write
After considering this option for a moment, however, she realizes that solving the equation for each of the temperatures will be awfully tedious. She realizes that since evaluation is easier than solving, it would be much more convenient to have a different formula, one that takes the Celsius temperature and outputs the Fahrenheit temperature.
The formula for which Betty is searching corresponds to the idea of an inverse function, which is a function for which the input of the original function becomes the output of the inverse function and the output of the original function becomes the input of the inverse function.
Given a function , we represent its inverse as , read as “ inverse of .” The raised is part of the notation. It is not an exponent; it does not imply a power of . In other words, does not mean because is the reciprocal of and not the inverse.
The “exponent-like” notation comes from an analogy between function composition and multiplication: just as (1 is the identity element for multiplication) for any nonzero number , so equals the identity function, that is,
This holds for all in the domain of . Informally, this means that inverse functions “undo” each other. However, just as zero does not have a reciprocal, some functions do not have inverses that are also functions.
Given a function , we can verify whether some other function is the inverse of by checking whether either or is true. We can test whichever equation is more convenient to work with because they are logically equivalent (that is, if one is true, then so is the other.)
For example, and are inverse functions.
A few coordinate pairs from the graph of the function are (−2, −8), (0, 0), and (2, 8). A few coordinate pairs from the graph of the function are (−8, −2), (0, 0), and (8, 2). If we interchange the input and output of each coordinate pair of a function, the interchanged coordinate pairs would appear on the graph of the inverse function.
A General Note: Inverse Function
For any one-to-one function , a function is an inverse function of if . This can also be written as for all in the domain of . It also follows that for all in the domain of if is the inverse of .
The notation is read “ inverse.” Like any other function, we can use any variable name as the input for , so we will often write , which we read as inverse of “.
Keep in mind that and not all functions have inverses.
tip for success
The note in the box above cannot be taken too lightly. It’s worth another read to be sure you understand the notation. As with all difficult concepts, it’s perfectly natural to take some time before you understand it. Working the examples in the text section on paper will help.
Example: Identifying an Inverse Function for a Given Input-Output Pair
If for a particular one-to-one function and , what are the corresponding input and output values for the inverse function?
Try It
Given that , what are the corresponding input and output values of the original function
How To: Given two functions and , test whether the functions are inverses of each other.
- Determine whether and .
- If both statements are true, then and . If either statement is false, then and .
Example: Testing Inverse Relationships Algebraically
If and , is
Try It
If and , is
Example: Determining Inverse Relationships for Power Functions
If (the cube function) and , is
Try It
If , is
Determine the Domain and Range of an Inverse Function
The outputs of the function are the inputs to , so the range of is also the domain of . Likewise, because the inputs to are the outputs of , the domain of is the range of . We can visualize the situation.

Domain and range of a function and its inverse
When a function has no inverse function, it is possible to create a new function where that new function on a limited domain does have an inverse function. For example, the inverse of is , because a square “undoes” a square root; but the square is only the inverse of the square root on the domain , since that is the range of .
We can look at this problem from the other side, starting with the square (toolkit quadratic) function . If we want to construct an inverse to this function, we run into a problem, because for every given output of the quadratic function, there are two corresponding inputs (except when the input is 0). For example, the output 9 from the quadratic function corresponds to the inputs 3 and –3. But an output from a function is an input to its inverse; if this inverse input corresponds to more than one inverse output (input of the original function), then the “inverse” is not a function at all! To put it differently, the quadratic function is not a one-to-one function; it fails the horizontal line test, so it does not have an inverse function. In order for a function to have an inverse, it must be a one-to-one function.
In many cases, if a function is not one-to-one, we can still restrict the function to a part of its domain on which it is one-to-one. For example, we can make a restricted version of the square function with its range limited to , which is a one-to-one function (it passes the horizontal line test) and which has an inverse (the square-root function).
If on , then the inverse function is .
- The domain of = range of = .
- The domain of = range of = .
Q & A
Is it possible for a function to have more than one inverse?
No. If two supposedly different functions, say, and , both meet the definition of being inverses of another function , then you can prove that . We have just seen that some functions only have inverse functions if we restrict the domain of the original function. In these cases, there may be more than one way to restrict the domain, leading to different inverse functions. However, on any one domain, the original function still has only one unique inverse function.
A General Note: Domain and Range of Inverse Functions
The range of a function is the domain of the inverse function .
The domain of is the range of .
How To: Given a function, find the domain and range of its inverse.
- If the function is one-to-one, write the range of the original function as the domain of the inverse, and write the domain of the original function as the range of the inverse.
- If the domain of the original function needs to be restricted to make it one-to-one, then this restricted domain becomes the range of the inverse function.
Example: Finding the Inverses of Toolkit Functions
Identify which of the toolkit functions besides the quadratic function are not one-to-one, and find a restricted domain on which each function is one-to-one, if any. The toolkit functions are reviewed below. We restrict the domain in such a fashion that the function assumes all y-values exactly once.
Constant | Identity | Quadratic | Cubic | Reciprocal |
Reciprocal squared | Cube root | Square root | Absolute value | |
Try It
The domain of the function is and the range of the function is . Find the domain and range of the inverse function.
Candela Citations
- Revision and Adaptation. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
- College Algebra. Authored by: Abramson, Jay et al.. Provided by: OpenStax. Located at: http://cnx.org/contents/9b08c294-057f-4201-9f48-5d6ad992740d@5.2. License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Download for free at http://cnx.org/contents/9b08c294-057f-4201-9f48-5d6ad992740d@5.2
- Ex: Find an Inverse Function From a Table. Authored by: Mathispower4u. Located at: https://youtu.be/TSztRfzmk0M. License: All Rights Reserved. License Terms: Standard YouTube License