Key Equations
Half-life formula | If A=A0ekt, k < 0, the half-life is t=−ln(2)k. |
Carbon-14 dating | t=ln(AA0)−0.000121.A0 is the amount of carbon-14 when the plant or animal died
A is the amount of carbon-14 remaining today. t is that age of the fossil. |
Doubling time formula | If A=A0ekt, k > 0, the doubling time is t=ln2k |
Newton’s Law of Cooling | T(t)=Aekt+Ts, where Ts is the ambient temperature, A=T(0)−Ts, and k is the continuous rate of cooling. |
Key Concepts
- The basic exponential function is f(x)=abx. If b > 1, we have exponential growth; if 0 < b < 1, we have exponential decay.
- We can also write f(x)=abx in terms of continuous growth as A=A0ekx, where A0 is the starting value. If A0 is positive, then we have exponential growth when k > 0 and exponential decay when k < 0.
- In general, we solve problems involving exponential growth or decay in two steps. First, we set up a model and use the model to find the parameters. Then we use the formula with these parameters to predict growth and decay.
- We can find the age, t, of an organic artifact by measuring the amount, k, of carbon-14 remaining in the artifact and using the formula t=ln(k)−0.000121 to solve for t.
- Given a substance’s doubling time or half-life, we can find a function that represents its exponential growth or decay.
- We can use Newton’s Law of Cooling to find how long it will take for a cooling object to reach a desired temperature or to find what temperature an object will be after a given time.
- We can use logistic growth functions to model real-world situations where the rate of growth changes over time, such as population growth, spread of disease, and spread of rumors.
- We can use real-world data gathered over time to observe trends. Knowledge of linear, exponential, logarithmic, and logistic graphs help us to develop models that best fit our data.
- Any exponential function of the form y=abx can be rewritten as an equivalent exponential function of the form y=A0ekx where k=lnb.
- Exponential regression is used to model situations where growth begins slowly and then accelerates rapidly without bound or where decay begins rapidly and then slows down to get closer and closer to zero.
- carrying capacity
- in a logistic model, the limiting value of the output
- doubling time
- the time it takes for a quantity to double
- half-life
- the length of time it takes for a substance to exponentially decay to half of its original quantity
- logistic growth model
- a function of the form f(x)=c1+ae−bx where c1+a is the initial value, c is the carrying capacity, or limiting value, and b is a constant determined by the rate of growth
- Newton’s Law of Cooling
- the scientific formula for temperature as a function of time as an object’s temperature is equalized with the ambient temperature
- order of magnitude
- the power of ten when a number is expressed in scientific notation with one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal
Candela Citations
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- Revision and Adaptation. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
CC licensed content, Shared previously
- Precalculus. Authored by: Jay Abramson, et al.. Provided by: OpenStax. Located at: License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Download For Free at :
- College Algebra. Authored by: Abramson, Jay et al.. Provided by: OpenStax. Located at: License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Download for free at