Summary: Inverse Functions

Key Concepts

  • If g(x) is the inverse of f(x), then g(f(x))=f(g(x))=x.
  • Each of the toolkit functions, except y=c has an inverse. Some need a restricted domain.
  • For a function to have an inverse, it must be one-to-one (pass the horizontal line test).
  • A function that is not one-to-one over its entire domain may be one-to-one on part of its domain.
  • For a tabular function, exchange the input and output rows to obtain the inverse.
  • The inverse of a function can be determined at specific points on its graph.
  • To find the inverse of a function y=f(x), switch the variables x and y. Then solve for y as a function of x.
  • The graph of an inverse function is the reflection of the graph of the original function across the line y=x.


inverse function
for any one-to-one function f(x), the inverse is a function f1(x) such that f1(f(x))=x for all x in the domain of f; this also implies that f(f1(x))=x for all x in the domain of f1