Summary: Partial Fractions: an Application of Systems

Key Concepts

  • Decompose P(x)Q(x) by writing the partial fractions as Aa1x+b1+Ba2x+b2. Solve by clearing the fractions, expanding the right side, collecting like terms, and setting corresponding coefficients equal to each other, then setting up and solving a system of equations.
  • The decomposition of P(x)Q(x) with repeated linear factors must account for the factors of the denominator in increasing powers.
  • The decomposition of P(x)Q(x) with a nonrepeated irreducible quadratic factor needs a linear numerator over the quadratic factor, as in Ax+Bx+C(ax2+bx+c).
  • In the decomposition of P(x)Q(x), where Q(x) has a repeated irreducible quadratic factor, when the irreducible quadratic factors are repeated, powers of the denominator factors must be represented in increasing powers as



partial fractions the individual fractions that make up the sum or difference of a rational expression before combining them into a simplified rational expression

partial fraction decomposition the process of returning a simplified rational expression to its original form, a sum or difference of simpler rational expressions