The Universe

Lesson Objectives

  • Explain the evidence for an expanding universe.
  • Describe the formation of the universe according to the Big Bang Theory.
  • Define dark matter and dark energy.


  • Big Bang Theory
  • cosmology
  • dark energy
  • dark matter
  • Doppler Effect
  • redshift
  • universe


The study of the universe is called cosmology. Cosmologists study the structure and changes in the present universe. The universe contains all of the star systems, galaxies, gas and dust, plus all the matter and energy that exists now, that existed in the past, and that will exist in the future. The universe includes all of space and time.

Evolution of Human Understanding of the Universe

What did the ancient Greeks recognize as the universe? In their model, the universe contained Earth at the center, the Sun, the Moon, five planets, and a sphere to which all the stars were attached. This idea held for many centuries until Galileo’s telescope helped allow people to recognize that Earth is not the center of the universe. They also found out that there are many more stars than were visible to the naked eye. All of those stars were in the Milky Way Galaxy.

In the early 20th century, an astronomer named Edwin Hubble Figure below discovered that what scientists called the Andromeda Nebula was actually over 2 million light years away — many times farther than the farthest distances that had ever been measured. Hubble realized that many of the objects that astronomers called nebulas were not actually clouds of gas, but were collections of millions or billions of stars — what we now call galaxies.

(a) Edwin Hubble used the 100-inch reflecting telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California to show that some distant specks of light were galaxies. (b) Hubble’s namesake space telescope spotted this six galaxy group. Edwin Hubble demonstrated the existence of galaxies.

Hubble showed that the universe was much larger than our own galaxy. Today, we know that the universe contains about a hundred billion galaxies—about the same number of galaxies as there are stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Expansion of the Universe

After discovering that there are galaxies beyond the Milky Way, Edwin Hubble went on to measure the distance to hundreds of other galaxies. His data would eventually show how the universe is changing, and would even yield clues as to how the universe formed.


If you look at a star through a prism, you will see a spectrum, or a range of colors through the rainbow. The spectrum will have specific dark bands where elements in the star absorb light of certain energies. By examining the arrangement of these dark absorption lines, astronomers can determine the composition of elements that make up a distant star. In fact, the element helium was first discovered in our Sun — not on Earth — by analyzing the absorption lines in the spectrum of the Sun.

While studying the spectrum of light from distant galaxies, astronomers noticed something strange. The dark lines in the spectrum were in the patterns they expected, but they were shifted toward the red end of the spectrum, as shown in Figure below. This shift of absorption bands toward the red end of the spectrum is known as redshift.

Redshift is a shift in absorption bands toward the red end of the spectrum. What could make the absorption bands of a star shift toward the red?

Redshift occurs when the light source is moving away from the observer or when the space between the observer and the source is stretched. What does it mean that stars and galaxies are redshifted? When astronomers see redshift in the light from a galaxy, they know that the galaxy is moving away from Earth.

If galaxies were moving randomly, would some be redshifted but others be blueshifted? Of course. Since almost every galaxy in the universe has a redshift, almost every galaxy is moving away from Earth.

Redshift can occur with other types of waves too. This phenomenon is called the Doppler Effect. An analogy to redshift is the noise a siren makes as it passes you. You may have noticed that an ambulance seems to lower the pitch of its siren after it passes you. The sound waves shift towards a lower pitch when the ambulance speeds away from you. Though redshift involves light instead of sound, a similar principle operates in both situations.

An animation of Doppler Effect

The Expanding Universe

Edwin Hubble combined his measurements of the distances to galaxies with other astronomers’ measurements of redshift. From this data, he noticed a relationship, which is now called Hubble’s Law: The farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from us. What could this mean about the universe? It means that the universe is expanding.

Figure below shows a simplified diagram of the expansion of the universe. One way to picture this is to imagine a balloon covered with tiny dots to represent the galaxies. When you inflate the balloon, the dots slowly move away from each other because the rubber stretches in the space between them. If you were standing on one of the dots, you would see the other dots moving away from you. Also the dots farther away from you on the balloon would move away faster than dots nearby.

Expansion of the Universe Diagram

In this diagram of the expansion of the universe over time, the distance between galaxies gets bigger over time, although the size of each galaxy stays the same.

An inflating balloon is only a rough analogy to the expanding universe for several reasons. One important reason is that the surface of a balloon has only two dimensions, while space has three dimensions. But space itself is stretching out between galaxies like the rubber stretches when a balloon is inflated. This stretching of space, which increases the distance between galaxies, is what causes the expansion of the universe.

An animation of an expanding universe is shown here:

One other difference between the universe and a balloon involves the actual size of the galaxies. On balloon, the dots will become larger in size as you inflate it. In the universe, the galaxies stay the same size, just the space between the galaxies increases.

Formation of the Universe

Before Hubble, most astronomers thought that the universe didn’t change. But if the universe is expanding, what does that say about where it was in the past? If the universe is expanding, the next logical thought is that in the past it had to have been smaller.

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang theory is the most widely accepted cosmological explanation of how the universe formed. If we start at the present and go back into the past, the universe is contracting — getting smaller and smaller. What is the end result of a contracting universe?

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe began about 13.7 billion years ago. Everything that is now in the universe was squeezed into a very small volume. Imagine all of the known universe in a single, hot, chaotic mass. An enormous explosion — a big bang — caused the universe to start expanding rapidly. All the matter and energy in the universe, and even space itself, came out of this explosion.

What came before the Big Bang? There is no way for scientists to know since there is no remaining evidence.

After the Big Bang

In the first few moments after the Big Bang, the universe was unimaginably hot and dense. As the universe expanded, it became less dense and began to cool. After only a few seconds, protons, neutrons, and electrons could form. After a few minutes, those subatomic particles came together to create hydrogen. Energy in the universe was great enough to initiate nuclear fusion and hydrogen nuclei were fused into helium nuclei. The first neutral atoms that included electrons did not form until about 380,000 years later.

The matter in the early universe was not smoothly distributed across space. Dense clumps of matter held close together by gravity were spread around. Eventually, these clumps formed countless trillions of stars, billions of galaxies, and other structures that now form most of the visible mass of the universe.

If you look at an image of galaxies at the far edge of what we can see, you are looking at great distances. But you are also looking across a different type of distance. What do those far away galaxies represent? Because it takes so long for light from so far away to reach us, you are also looking back in time (Figure below).

Images from very far away show what the universe was like not too long after the Big Bang.

After the origin of the Big Bang hypothesis, many astronomers still thought the universe was static. Nearly all came around when an important line of evidence for the Big Bang was discovered in 1964. In a static universe, the space between objects should have no heat at all; the temperature should measure 0 K (Kelvin is an absolute temperature scale). But two researchers at Bell Laboratories used a microwave receiver to learn that the background radiation in the universe is not 0 K, but 3 K (Figure below). This tiny amount of heat is left over from the Big Bang. Since nearly all astronomers now accept the Big Bang hypothesis, what is it usually referred to as?

Background radiation in the universe was good evidence for the Big Bang Theory.

An explanation of the Big Bang:

How we know about the early universe:

History of the Universe, part 2: The Evidence for the Big Bang in 10 Little Minutes provides a great deal of scientific evidence for the Big Bang (2g): (10:10).

KQED: Nobel Laureate George Smoot and the Origin of the Universe

George Smoot, a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, shared the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the origin of the universe. Using background radiation detected by the Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite (COBE), Smoot was able to make a picture of the universe when it was 12 hours old. Learn more at:

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

The Big Bang theory is still the best scientific model we have for explaining the formation of the universe and many lines of evidence support it. However, recent discoveries continue to shake up our understanding of the universe. Astronomers and other scientists are now wrestling with some unanswered questions about what the universe is made of and why it is expanding. A lot of what cosmologists do is create mathematical models and computer simulations to account for these unknown phenomena.

Dark Matter

The things we observe in space are objects that emit some type of electromagnetic radiation. However, scientists think that matter that emits light makes up only a small part of the matter in the universe. The rest of the matter, about 80%, is dark matter.

Dark matter emits no electromagnetic radiation so we can’t observe it directly. However, astronomers know that dark matter exists because its gravity affects the motion of objects around it. When astronomers measure how spiral galaxies rotate, they find that the outside edges of a galaxy rotate at the same speed as parts closer to the center. This can only be explained if there is a lot more matter in the galaxy than they can see.

Gravitational lensing occurs when light is bent from a very distant bright source around a super-massive object (Figure below). To explain strong gravitational lensing, more matter than is observed must be present.

The arc around the galaxies at the center of this image is caused by gravitational lensing. The addition of gravitational pull from dark matter is required to explain this phenomenon.

With so little to go on, astronomers don’t really know much about the nature of dark matter. One possibility is that it could just be ordinary matter that does not emit radiation in objects such as black holes, neutron stars, and brown dwarfs — objects larger than Jupiter but smaller than the smallest stars. But astronomers cannot find enough of these types of objects, which they have named MACHOS (massive astrophyiscal compact halo object), to account for all the dark matter, so they are thought to be only a small part of the total.

Another possibility is that the dark matter is thought to be much different from the ordinary matter we see. Some appear to be particles that have gravity, but don’t otherwise appear to interact with other particles. Scientists call these theoretical particles WIMPs, which stands for Weakly Interactive Massive Particles.

Most scientists who study dark matter think that the dark matter in the universe is a combination of MACHOS and some type of exotic matter such as WIMPs. Researching dark matter is an active area of scientific research, and astronomers’ knowledge about dark matter is changing rapidly.

A video explaining dark matter is here:

Dark Energy

Astronomers who study the expansion of the universe are interested in knowing the rate of that expansion. Is the rate fast enough to overcome the attractive pull of gravity?

  • If yes, then the universe will expand forever, although the expansion will slow down over time.
  • If no, then the universe would someday start to contract, and eventually get squeezed together in a big crunch, the opposite of the Big Bang.

Recently astronomers have made a discovery that answers that question: the rate at which the universe is expanding is actually increasing. In other words, the universe is expanding faster now than ever before, and in the future it will expand even faster. So now astronomers think that the universe will keep expanding forever. But it also proposes a perplexing new question: What is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate? One possible hypothesis involves a new, hypothetical form of energy called dark energy (Figure below). Some scientists think that dark energy makes up as much as 72% of the total energy content of the universe.

Today matter makes up a small percentage of the universe, but at the start of the universe it made up much more. Where did dark energy, if it even exists, come from?

Other scientists have other hypotheses about why the universe is continuing to expand; the causes of the universe’s expansion is another unanswered question that scientists are researching.

KQED: Dark Energy

Meet one of the three winners of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, Lawrence Berkeley Lab astrophysicist Saul Perlmutter. He explains how dark energy, which makes up 70 percent of the universe, is causing our universe to expand. Learn more at:

Lesson Summary

  • The universe contains all the matter and energy that exists now, that existed in the past, and that will exist in the future. The universe also includes all of space and time.
  • Redshift is a shift of element lines toward the red end of the spectrum. Redshift occurs when the source of light is moving away from the observer.
  • Light from almost every galaxy is redshifted. The farther away a galaxy is, the more its light is redshifted, and the faster it is moving away from us.
  • The redshift of galaxies means that the universe is expanding.
  • The universe was squeezed into a very small volume and then exploded in the Big Bang theory about 13.7 billion years ago.
  • Recent evidence shows that there is a lot of matter in the universe that we cannot detect directly. This matter is called dark matter.
  • The rate of the expansion of the universe is increasing. The cause of this increase is unknown; one possible explanation involves a new form of energy called dark energy.

Review Questions

1. What is redshift, and what causes it to occur? What does redshift indicate?

2. What is Hubble’s law?

3. What is the cosmological theory of the formation of the universe called?

4. How old is the universe, according to the Big Bang theory?

5. Describe two different possibilities for the nature of dark matter.

6. What makes scientists believe that dark matter exists?

7. What observation caused astronomers to propose the existence of dark energy?

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

Points to Consider

  • The expansion of the universe is sometimes modeled using a balloon with dots marked on it, as described earlier in the lesson. In what ways is this a good model, and it what ways does it not correctly represent the expanding universe? Can you think of a different way to model the expansion of the universe?
  • The Big Bang theory is currently the most widely accepted scientific theory for how the universe formed. What is another explanation of how the universe could have formed? Is your explanation one that a scientist would accept?