Introduction to Logical Fallacies

What you’ll learn to do: evaluate logical fallacies in argument

Fallacies are errors or tricks of reasoning. We call it an error of reasoning if the fallacy occurs accidentally; we call it a trick of reasoning if a speaker or writer uses the fallacy in order to deceive or manipulate his or her audience.

The following are reasons to avoid logical fallacies in your writing. Logical fallacies:

  • ruin an otherwise effective argument.
  • damages your ethos, or credibility, as a writer.
  • distracts from the purpose of the argument.

Watch It

This video introduces you to some common fallacies. As you watch, take note about over-simplication and premises as an introduction about logical fallacies.

You can view the transcript for “Critical Thinking Part 3: The Man Who Was Made of Straw” here (opens in new window).