Learning Objectives
- Examine effective research questions
Now that you’ve learned how to narrow a topic, the next step is to transform it into a strong research question.
Developing a Strong Research Question
Good research questions typically start with how, why, or what because these words encourage deeper exploration and analysis. As you refine your research, you may find yourself combining these questions.
Example: How, Why, What Research Questions
- How were anti-aircraft guns used to defend London during the Blitz?
- Why were anti-aircraft guns initially ineffective in defending London?
- What strategies were used to deploy anti-aircraft guns during the Blitz?
Here is a version that combines these questions:
- What changes in technology and deployment made anti-aircraft guns more effective as the Blitz progressed?”
A strong research question like the one shown above allows for in-depth research on a specific, focused topic, helping you gain expertise in a particular aspect of history, science, or any field of study.
Steps to Develop a Research Question

Figure 1. The “how”, “why”, and “what” questions give ample room for elaboration as you write and research your topic. Most of the time they are very difficult to answer with a single word or sentence.
No matter what your topic is, you can follow the same process in narrowing your topic and developing your research question. Once you have a general topic, use this four-step process to refine it:
- Explore the Possibilities: Start by listing different aspects of your topic. If you’re stuck, try browsing encyclopedias or credible websites to spark ideas.
- Choose Your Direction: Which aspects interest you the most? Pick one or two that stand out. If you have multiple research questions in mind, narrow them down to the one you’re most excited to explore.
- Check for Research Potential: Make sure there’s enough credible information available on your chosen aspect. If high-quality sources are scarce, you might need to tweak your focus.
- Frame Your Research Question: Use what, when, where, why, or how to shape a clear, focused question that connects key elements of your topic and identifies relationships between them.
Refine Your Question as You Research
Your initial research question is a starting point, not a final decision. As you dive into your research and begin drafting, your focus may shift—maybe you started with a why question but realized a how question better fits the available research. That’s completely fine!
However, try to avoid shifting your topic so drastically that you have to start over (e.g., moving from anti-aircraft guns during the Blitz to the evacuation of London’s children). If you come across interesting but unrelated material, rather than changing direction entirely, however, save some of that intriguing but different material for a future paper that examines another aspect of your topic.
Try It
Candela Citations
- Modification, adaptation, and original content. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Research Questions. Provided by: Excelsior OWL. Located at: https://owl.excelsior.edu/research/narrowing-and-developing/narrowing-and-developing-research-questions/. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Image of question bubbles. Authored by: Gerd Altmann. Provided by: Pixabay. Located at: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/questions-who-what-how-why-where-1328465/. License: Other. License Terms: https://pixabay.com/service/license/