Learning Objectives
- Define college success and examine strategies to achieve success in college
A Personal Definition for Success
How do you define college success? The definition really depends on you. Your definition of success may include getting an associate’s degree, or a bachelor’s, master’s, or even a Ph.D. Maybe your definition of success means receiving a certificate of completion or finishing skill-based training.
Maybe your definition of success also includes making social connections or gaining job experience that can apply to your career later on. Maybe you want to establish a balanced health routine that includes enough sleep and time to exercise throughout the week, while also keeping up with your coursework. Maybe success for you means that you spend time working during school to keep your overall debt load smaller or that you balance your student life with your personal life so you can continue pursuing personal interests or spending time with your family.
You might be thinking of other measures of college success, too—like grades. For instance, you might be unhappy with anything less than an A in a course, although maybe this depends on the difficulty of the subject. You might also be perfectly content with passing the class with a C.
Key Takeaway: Defining Success
The definition of success can vary widely from student to student, and one student’s definition of success may even change during their time in school. Understanding your own personal definition of success can go a long way towards ensuring you spend time and energy working towards that vision, and that you’re satisfied and fulfilled with how you spent your time in school.
To help you start to define what success means to you, take this quick self-assessment about your college goals and beyond. How many of these items are important to you?
My Goals For College Success: | YES | NO |
Change my major during my college years | ||
Have good relationships with my professors | ||
Learn if I am eligible for financial aid | ||
Be eligible for scholarships | ||
Win awards for maintaining a high GPA | ||
Get reductions on my car insurance | ||
Prove to my employer that I can work hard | ||
Make my loved ones proud | ||
Make social or professional connections | ||
Get a better job after graduation |
Each of us has a different combination of answers to the questions above, but nearly every student in college answers yes to at least one of these questions. At the same time, we cannot be successful all the time at everything. We have to balance our energy and our focus.
Try It
Opportunity Cost
Deciding to go to college has an opportunity cost. An opportunity cost is based on the economic principle that there are limited resources available and choices must be made. Examples of resources would be things like time and money. If you are spending time doing something, you must give up doing something else you want to do. That is the opportunity cost of your choice. Going to college will have an opportunity cost in your life. An important question to ask at the beginning of your college venture is: what are you willing to trade-off temporarily for the time that it takes to attend college?
Opportunity costs are tied to the idea of return on investment. Once you make an investment of your time and money in college, what investment are you hoping to get in return? How you define success in relation to your college experience impacts how you see the concept of return on investment. Some ways to gauge the return on your college investment include the following: job opportunities after college, financial benefits, social network/connections made while attending college, development of communication and other “soft skills,” and personal enrichment and/or happiness.
What kinds of trade-offs do you think succeeding in college will require of you? How do you think you might explain these trade-offs to someone who isn’t in college or never attended college?
Strategies to Achieve Success
Most students want to be successful in their courses, yet not all college students are. We’ve talked already about common misconceptions about not being “smart enough” for college. Some students suffer from imposter syndrome, or a feeling that they are impostors and don’t belong in college. Impostor syndrome is real and challenging.
Watch It
In this short video, learn more about imposter syndrome and how it can affect college students.
Instead of worrying about whether you are smart enough or belong in college, you might focus on some concrete strategies you can employ to increase your success in college. We suggest you embrace and master the following eight strategies:
- Learn how to take effective notes in class. Instead of writing everything your instructor says, take short-hand notes on main concepts or specific explanations that helped you understand the concepts you are learning.
- Review the text and your reading notes prior to class. This type of preparation will help you retain the information better when it is presented again in class.
- Participate in class discussions. Hearing others’ perspectives and explanations can help you build your understanding of class concepts.
- Go to office hours and ask your instructor questions. Your instructors set aside this time specifically to help students in their classes, and they are more than willing to help when you need extra support.
- Give yourself enough time to research, write, and edit your essays in manageable stages. Breaking your assignments into smaller chunks helps you avoid procrastination and last minute stress.
- Take advantage of online or on-campus academic support resources. For example, tutoring is generally free in college, and the strategies and knowledge you gain will be invaluable.
- Join a study group or find a study buddy. This gives you a chance to ask questions and talk about concepts with others, broadening your understanding.
- Create a regular study schedule and allow yourself ample study time. Most college success experts agree that students should study two hours outside of class for every hour in class. Only break away from your committed schedule if an extreme situation prevents you from sticking to it.
If you find yourself worrying about succeeding in college, ask yourself instead if you can implement or improve your use of some of these strategies.
Overall, students struggle in college not because of natural intellect or smarts, but because of poor time management, disorganization, and lack of quality study time. The good news is that there are ways to combat this, specifically by using strategies like those listed above, and reaching out for support when needed.
impostor syndrome: impostor syndrome is the consistent fear that one does not belong or that one is not good enough; someone suffering from impostor syndrome may worry about being “exposed” as a fraud or fake
opportunity cost: the “cost” of choosing one alternative versus another; if I go running instead of hanging out with my friends, I incur the opportunity cost of not socializing
office hours: office hours are a specific time faculty set aside to meet individually with students who want extra help, have questions, or seek mentoring; some faculty ask students to make an appointment while others have drop-in office hours
Candela Citations
- Impostor syndrome. Authored by: J. Emilio Flores. Located at: https://vimeo.com/208883682. License: Public Domain: No Known Copyright
- Revision, Adaptation, and Original Content. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
- College Success. Authored by: Linda Bruce. Provided by: Lumen Learning. Located at: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/lumencollegesuccess. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Image of woman smiling. Authored by: Felip1. Located at: https://flic.kr/p/riat9A. License: CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial
- License: CC BY: Attribution
- Image of four students. Authored by: UBC Library Communications. Located at: https://flic.kr/p/57H7r4. License: CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
- License: CC BY: Attribution
- Foundations of College Success: Words of Wisdom. Authored by: Thomas C. Priester, editor. Provided by: Open SUNY Textbooks. Located at: http://textbooks.opensuny.org/foundations-of-academic-success/. License: CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
- Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success. Authored by: TED. Located at: https://youtu.be/MtSE4rglxbY. License: All Rights Reserved. License Terms: Standard YouTube License