Learning Objectives
- Identify successful strategies for writing introductions
An introduction sets the stage for the rest of the essay. Since writing is a recursive process, a good introduction will include what you hope to achieve in your essay, and you can return to it to help you refer to those same ideas frequently throughout the essay.
Introductions usually follow a common pattern, even though the topics and styles can vary widely. For example, a children’s story might begin with “once upon a time,” while a research article on biomechanical engineering could start with a statement about past studies on soldiers carrying daypacks over various surfaces, including sand, concrete, and railroad ballast. Despite their differences, these introductions serve the same purpose: they orient readers to the topic, time, and place.
A common mistake students make is starting essays too broadly or with obvious statements. For instance, a student writing about the politics of same-sex marriage might begin a paper by saying, “People have been falling in love and getting married for thousands of years.” This kind of opening doesn’t add value and delays getting to the real point of the essay. Many students write vague introductions because they’ve been taught to “start broad” and then narrow down. However, experienced writers know that every part of an introduction should meaningfully contribute to their argument.
There is no strict formula for composing an introduction, however, most effective introductions contain the following ingredients. An introduction:
- provides background about a topic
- locates readers in a specific time and/or place
- starts with a compelling quotation or statistic—something concrete
- includes an ethical appeal, with which you (explicitly or implicitly) show you’ve researched your topic and are credible
- articulates a main claim/thesis (but normally after some buildup)
- explains why the reader should be interested in the topic
Let’s look at some examples of introductions. Students often want to know how many sentences an introduction should be. There is no magic formula although some writing instructors have particular guidelines or preferences.
Example: Introductions
The introduction below provides background information and a compelling quotation or statistic. In the following example, notice how just a few sentences can offer background and make the thesis of the essay clear:
- In the early twentieth century, there were just 8,000 cars in the United States and only 144 miles of paved roads. In 2005, the Department of Transportation recorded 247,421,120 registered passenger vehicles in the United States and more than 5.7 million miles of paved highway. The automobile has changed our way of life dramatically in the last century.
The next introduction makes an argument about the role of a musical instrument in 245 BCE by locating readers in a specific time and/or place.
- In 246 BCE, Ctesibius of Alexandria invented a musical instrument that would develop into what we know as the organ. Called a hydraulis, it functioned via wind pressure regulated by means of water pressure. The hydraulis became the instrument played at circuses, banquets, and games throughout Mediterranean countries.
The example below is a single sentence introduction that could work as a very short introduction to a brief paper or could be expanded for a longer essay.
- While IQ tests have been used for decades to measure various aspects of intelligence, these tests are not a predictor of success, as many highly intelligent people have low emotional intelligence, the important human mental ability to reason about emotions and to use emotions to enhance thought.
Notice how this brief introduction packs a great deal of information into one sentence (not always a recommended strategy) but still manages to articulate a main claim/thesis (that IQ tests are not a predictor of success) while also explaining how the tests have been used and why they may be misleading.
The longer introduction below moves from the image of a six-year-old playing with Barbies to a strong thesis about the benefits of pageants.
- When most people think of normal activities for a six-year-old girl, they picture a sea full of Barbie dolls, coloring books and dress-up clothes. Popular shows such as “Toddlers and Tiaras,” which revolves around exaggerated filming of child pageantry, show America one narrow view of what the pageant world is all about. The media distorts how society views pageants, but, in fact, pageants can be viewed on the same positive level as other popular competitive sports. Pageants can be beneficial because they give children contestants useful life lessons.
Keep in mind that some of the examples above are too short to function as complete introductions and are offered to help you think about how you might get your introduction started.

Figure 1. An attention-grabbing opener, sometimes called a hook, is one strategy to use when writing an introduction- similar to how fishermen use hooks to reel in their catch.
Strategies for Good Introductions
Although there is no one “right” way to write your introduction, there are some common introduction strategies that work well. The strategies below may be helpful when you are feeling stuck and having a hard time getting started.
Consider opening with an interesting fact, an anecdote, a quotation you like, an image, or a question to provoke your reader’s interest.
One technique is to provide information or data in order to draw the audience’s attention to the problem or issue. To present her research on electric car usage and ownership, Yuliya Chernova (2013) writes:
- Electric cars are still such a novelty that little is known about their owners and how they use the vehicles. But recent research is beginning to unlock some of the mysteries. Plug-in vehicles—those that run entirely on battery power or that combine electric and gasoline drives—represent less than 1% of total U.S. vehicle sales, but in the past three years their numbers have grown rapidly. Sales nearly tripled in 2012 and are on track to nearly double this year, according to the Electric Drive Transportation Association, a trade group.
Consider employing anecdotes that dramatize the problem or issue. Brad Tuttle (2013) begins his article, ”The Major Problem with Cheap Electric Cars,” with the following account:
- Mitsubishi is the latest in a long line of automakers to slash prices on an electric car, the unpronounceable, unfortunately named i-MiEV. The model is now the cheapest electric vehicle (EV) on the market, yet it’s still hard to imagine many drivers excitedly running out to buy one.
Another strategy is to respond to a quotation that addresses the problem or issue in some way. Columnist George F. Will (2013) quotes President Barack Obama to begin his own argument about the United States’ policy on Iran’s nuclear program:
- In his disproportionate praise of the six-month agreement with Iran, Barack Obama said: “For the first time in nearly a decade, we have halted progress of the Iranian nuclear program.” But if the program, now several decades old, had really been “halted” shortly after U.S. forces invaded neighboring Iraq, we would not be desperately pursuing agreements to stop it now, as about 10,000 centrifuges spin to enrich uranium.
Overall, your focus in an introduction should be on orienting your reader. Notice how the example below catches the reader’s attention with references to Atari and the television show Dynasty and closes with a strong, clear thesis.
- Play Atari on a General Electric brand television set? Maybe watch Dynasty? Or read old newspaper articles on microfiche at the library? Twenty-five years ago, the average college student did not have many options when it came to entertainment in the form of technology. Fast-forward to the twenty-first century, and the digital age has digital technology, consumers are bombarded with endless options for how they do most everything–from buying and reading books to taking and developing photographs. In a society that is obsessed with digital means of entertainment, it is easy for the average person to become baffled. Everyone wants the newest and best digital technology, but the choices are many and the specifications are often confusing.
Remember, an effective introduction will capture your reader’s attention, provide context for your topic, and transition to your thesis.
Candela Citations
- Writing Introductory and Concluding Paragraphs. Provided by: Minnesota Libraries Publishing. Located at: https://open.lib.umn.edu/writingforsuccess/chapter/9-4-writing-introductory-and-concluding-paragraphs/. Project: Writing for Success. License: CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
- Introductions. Provided by: Excelsior College. Located at: http://owl.excelsior.edu/writing-process/introductions-and-conclusions/. Project: Excelsior OWL. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Image of fishing line. Authored by: Free-Photos. Provided by: Pixabay. Located at: https://pixabay.com/photos/fly-fishing-fishing-rod-fishing-rod-1149502/. License: Other. License Terms: https://pixabay.com/service/terms/#license
- Sample paragraph, Approaches to Written Argument . Provided by: Radford University. Located at: https://lcubbison.pressbooks.com/chapter/core-101-opposing-viewpoints/. Project: Radford University Core Handbook. License: Public Domain: No Known Copyright
- How do I introduce a topic and explain its significance. Provided by: Radford University. Located at: https://lcubbison.pressbooks.com/chapter/core-101-academic-argument-essay/. Project: Radford University Core Handbook. License: Public Domain: No Known Copyright