Learning Objectives
- Explain tips for reading effectively in various disciplines (sciences, social sciences, and math)
Reading Online
It’s more and more likely that you’ll have to do a large portion of your reading for college online (like this!). Because it is sometimes harder to focus on online readings when there are so many distractions readily available at your fingertips, it’s important to be extra thoughtful as you work through online text. Just as you would with a traditional textbook, we will call them “texts” here since you could be reading this on a screen. A text is anything that can be read for meaning.
Here are some strategies for reading online texts more effectively, no matter the subject area:
- Use programs such as task-trackers, timers, and blockers to reduce unwanted distractions.
- Preview the text by scrolling through a section, making note of headers and keywords.
- Be careful when clicking on hyperlinks so that you don’t end up losing sight of your initial reading.
- Navigate through the material in an intentional way.
- Take notes and annotate or outline either on your device, or with a pen and paper.
Reading in the Sciences
Reading in the sciences is likely different than reading in the humanities or for some of your other classes.

Figure 1. Reading in science courses requires learning common patterns in scientific texts.
Explore the Text and Assignments
In a science text, it’s helpful to develop a base understanding of how the material is organized. Go over the course outline and the table of contents and compare the two. In addition, explore the lab manual, if you have one.
You also benefit from knowing what you’re required to learn. Read the introduction of your assigned chapter and connect it with previous chapters or your prior knowledge of the topic. It is important to read the headings, subheadings, summary, and review questions. Remember that most science texts contain review questions; use them to guide your readings.
Look over the pictures, tables, diagrams, photographs, and other images. Sometimes those elements are easier to understand than the words.
In the sciences, it is especially helpful to take notes and learn basic terminology and vocabulary. Studying scientific root prefixes and suffixes and using context clues can help you understand new words.

Figure 2. Look for common patterns in your reading to better understand the material in your science readings.
Analyze For Comprehension
Scientific texts often follow predictable patterns of writing, and recognizing these can help you better understand and organize the material. These patterns are like templates that authors use to present information logically and consistently.
- The classification pattern is commonly used to group and sub-group concepts. For example, when discussing plants, a scientist might break the topic into subheadings like roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. Understanding how information is grouped can help you identify relationships and the hierarchy of ideas, which is essential for note-taking and comprehension.
- The process description pattern explains how something works or the steps involved in a process. For instance, a passage might describe the steps in photosynthesis or how a chemical reaction occurs. As you read, ask yourself whether the focus is on what the process does or how it operates, as this distinction will clarify the purpose of the text.
- The factual-statement pattern is used to define terms, make comparisons, or provide examples. In science, “facts” are precise and evidence-based, so this pattern often conveys foundational knowledge. Recognizing these factual statements helps you distinguish key concepts from supporting details.
- The problem-solving pattern describes scientific challenges or experiments that led to discoveries. These passages often outline a question or problem, the steps taken to address it, and the evidence supporting the results. To analyze this pattern, consider: What is the problem? How was it solved? What conclusions were drawn?
- The experiment-instruction pattern provides detailed steps for conducting experiments. This pattern emphasizes precision, so it is crucial to follow the instructions exactly. Before starting an experiment, identify its purpose, list the required equipment, and outline the steps in order. Switching between the text and the experimental setup requires focus, so use questions like “What results should I expect?” to guide your understanding.
- Lastly, the combination pattern integrates multiple patterns within a single passage. For example, a section might begin with a factual definition, classify components of the topic, and conclude with a process description. Recognizing these shifts in pattern helps you separate main ideas from supporting details and makes complex material more manageable.
By understanding and identifying these patterns, you can approach scientific texts with a clearer strategy, making it easier to comprehend, retain, and apply the information.
Reading in the Social Sciences
Faced with a long list of readings in any social science field, you need to learn to read extensively as well as intensively; it is rarely practical to read everything word for word and line for line. Although close textual reading and interpretation is part of social science tradition, it is often not possible, especially for introductory and intermediate-level survey courses. Instead of trying to read every line and word, consider the following suggestions for more efficient and effective course reading.
Organize reading over the weeks and months
Look over the material to be covered (syllabus and tables of contents in assigned books). Estimate the amount of reading for the semester and try to divide the work on a weekly basis. Try to keep your work and pace steady. It will become less burdensome and easier to manage.
Begin any reading assignment by reading the abstract, preface, introductions, and conclusions
The beginning and end are frequently the most important parts of any text because the author often signals his or her major themes and arguments. It is necessary, however, to look over, sometimes very carefully and completely, the central portions of the text to identify the evidence provided for the major themes/theses. Often, the topic sentence of a paragraph provides the link to the author’s argument.
Mechanics of reading and note-taking
Read the text and make marginal notes indicating what seemed like the strongest parts. When you have completed a once-through of the text, go back and take notes in outline form, by paraphrasing sentences or paragraphs until you have reduced the many pages of text to a few pages. (Make sure to keep an accurate citation to the work so that any future use of these notes and paraphrases can be appropriately cited—you do not want to find yourself engaged in plagiarism.)
Thinking Analytically about readings
- Classify the book or article according to its kind and subject matter. What is the book about?
- Number the major parts in their order and relations. Outline these as you have outlined the whole.
- Define the specific problem or problems the author has tried to solve. What question does the author claim to address? You might also want to think about how this reading fits into the course. Why did the instructor place the reading at this point in the course? What is the topic on the syllabus? How does this reading provide an answer or information for this topic?
- What theoretical statements does the author make? A theoretical statement proposes a relationship. For example, structural theories of deviance suggest that deviance (that which is to be explained) is a consequence of the structure (organization of the parts) of a society. In other words, social structure produces deviance.
- What are the concepts and variables used? Become familiar with the author by defining keywords. Know the details of the argument.
- How does the author’s argument/ position compare with that of others who address the same question or related questions? Where are the points of similarity and difference?
- What value judgments does the author make? What values does the author assume readers will share? What assumptions does the author make that may be contestable?
- What is the author’s methodology? In other words, be concerned not only with the methods used by the author but also with the kinds of arguments implied or given about what methods are more or less appropriate.
- What constitutes evidence in this reading?
- Determine which of the problems the author has solved and which she has not. Of those not solved, decide which the author knows she has failed to solve. If you disagree with the author, on what basis do you rest your disagreement? Is the author uninformed, misinformed, illogical, imprecise, or incomplete? Criticize fairly; do not pass judgment based on personal opinion, taste, or preference. Is the argument internally consistent? Does the evidence (both that presented by the author and other evidence in the field) support the argument?
Reading for Math Class
Unlike some classes where you are able to skim over some readings to look for specific information, readings for a math class require careful reading of every word. Math texts rely heavily on practice problems, so you will typically find a few paragraphs of explanation and introduction, then problems. You want to make sure you have a pencil and paper in hand, and even if you think you know how to do the problem, it’s a good idea to work through every example. Be sure to plan enough time for this, and work slowly through each step. Write down your notes during each step as well, so if you are confused about anything, you’ll be able to pinpoint which step is giving you a hard time.
Here are some tips for working through a solved problem in a math text:
- Work through the problem one step at a time.
- Close the book and try to work it again on your own.
- Repeat until you can reproduce the solution with the book closed.
- Try not to memorize the solution.
- Keep track of “what to do” to move from each line to the next.
- It’s okay if your version has more lines than the author’s. A problem may take you two or three steps to accomplish what the author does in one. This is a good sign that you’re thinking for yourself!
- Be patient. It’s common to spend an hour or two on a single page. It’s worth your time to learn the process.
After you can work through the solved problems on your own, the homework should be much easier since there will be similar problems. Time spent on problems the author has solved for you will pay off in higher grades.
Don’t worry if the author or your instructor makes it “look easy.” They work hard when you aren’t looking. The author chooses “cleaned-up” problems for his or her text. Teachers do the same thing when preparing for a lecture. Good math is messy! If you get really lost, scrap your work and start over on that problem.
Try It
Candela Citations
- Revision and Adaptation. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
- Image of scientist holding molecule. Authored by: Philip Bond. Located at: https://flic.kr/p/NZQuw. License: CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
- How to Read Effectively in the Sciences. Authored by: John Croom III. Located at: http://croomphysics.com/index.php?p=reading_science&lb=reading. Project: Croom Physics. License: CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
- Image of colored tubes. Authored by: poisson lucas. Located at: https://flic.kr/p/eUJs3s. License: CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial
- Guide to Reading Social Science: How to work through long reading assignments. Authored by: Susan S. Sibley. Provided by: MIT. Located at: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/anthropology/21a-245j-power-interpersonal-organizational-and-global-dimensions-fall-2005/study-materials/guidereading.pdf. Project: MIT Open Courseware. License: CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
- Image of math problems. Authored by: Jeremy Mikkola. Located at: https://flic.kr/p/379T7b. License: CC BY: Attribution
- How to Read a Math Textbook. Provided by: Great Basin College. Located at: http://www.gbcnv.edu/documents/ASC/docs/00000075.pdf. License: CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives