Module 2 Discussion: Reading Analysis and Summary

Select a reading from The Conversation website. Use the categories at the top of the page or the search bar to find something that sounds interesting to you.

STEP 1: Answer the questions below about your reading. Post these questions along with the URL to the article you chose to the discussion forum.

  1. What type of reading is this? What genre is it?
  2. What is the rhetorical context of the article? Identify the writer, audience, topic, purpose, and context.
  3. What is a vocabulary word you learned or found interesting in this article? How was it used in the article, and what is its definition?

Finally, write a summary of your reading selection. This summary should be no longer than 1/3 the length of the original source. (For instance, if your reading selection is 15 paragraphs long, your summary will be no longer than 5 paragraphs long.)

STEP 2: Respond in two separate posts to two classmates (in at least 75 words). Explicitly address their examples and try to extend, complicate, or redirect their points in a substantive, knowledge-demonstrating way.


Sample Grading Rubric
Criteria Proficient Developing Not Evident Points
Follows prompt directions Follows the prompt instructions. Somewhat follows the prompt instructions. Examples may incomplete. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Responds to peers Response is engaged with peer’s post. Posts on time. Response is somewhat engaged with peer’s post. Post is short and/or late. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Total: __/20