Why It Matters: Using and Citing Sources

Why include sources and cite them correctly?Decorative image.

Correctly citing sources is a must when writing a report or paper. Why? Because if there is data or ideas which are not your own, giving credit to the original author is a must. If the credit or citation is not given, then you can be brought up on charges of plagiarism and academic dishonesty, which may lead others to doubt your integrity and could result in a zero for an assignment, no credit for a class, or even expulsion from your college.

Learning how to take the research you want to use in your essays and citing it correctly takes some practice. In this module, we will work through a few exercises to help you use the proper format when citing your sources in both MLA and APA format.

Writing Workshop: Your Working Document

Every component of the working document will be introduced throughout this module in a blue box such as this one. Open your working document now and keep it open as you progress through the module.

  1. Go to the assignment for this module in your LMS. Click on the link to open the Working Document for this module as a Google Document.
  2. Choose “file” then “make a copy” to make your own version of the document. If you prefer to download it as a word or other file, you may.Screenshot of the file, make a copy, button inside of google docs
  3. Rename it as “YOUR NAME: Working Doc – Writing Essentials” and move it to a folder where you can easily find it.screenshot of copy document and renaming settings inside of google docs
  4. Next, go to the sharing settings and change it so that “Anyone with the link can comment.” This will enable your instructor to make comments on the document.Screenshot of GoogleDoc sharing setting set to "Anyone with link can comment"
  5. Now hold onto this document—we’ll need it soon! (You’ll submit the link to your instructor once you’ve completed the Writing Workshop activities).