Recognize features associated with oceans and shorelines.
About 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by water, and the coast, which forms the interface between land and water, is the sight of a particular array of geomorphic processes and a range of landforms. For example, waves and tides involve movement and dissipation of large amounts of energy capable of causing rapid and spectacular changes in landforms along coasts.
What You’ll Learn to Do
- Identify types of ocean movement, including waves, tides, and currents.
- Identify features associated with shorelines.
- Identify different types of costal hazards.
- Discuss human impact on costal processes.
Learning Activities
The learning activities for this section include the following:
- Reading: Ocean Movement
- Reading: Shorelines
- Reading: Costal Hazards
- Reading: Human Modifications of Coastal Processes
- Self Check: Oceans and Shorelines
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