Putting It Together: Crustal Deformation


In this section, you learned the following:

  1. The magnitude of forces needed to fold and deform the Earth’s crust
  2. The difference between stress and strain and what they can produce
  3. The different types of forces acting on the Earth: tension, compression, and shearing
  4. The different types of folds and forces associated with them
  5. The different types of faults and forces associated with them
  6. What the outcomes are of crustal deformation


In this section, we learned that besides providing more spectacular scenery, faults and folds help us interpret the history of the Earth, help trap vital resources (such as oil and water), help us determine the location and cause of earthquakes, and help us in our understanding of the processes that shaped the Earth. Since we live on a dynamic and ever changing planet, these forces will continue to help shape our planet for a very long time.


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