Additional Resources

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Corequisite Styles and Options


  • Deliver the course as designed to provide specific review content at the start of each module, plus just-in-time review within the text. The review sections may need to be condensed to allow for timely progression through the course. Reference the review material as needed throughout each module.


  • Teach the core material for each module without the review section and, if needed, direct students back to specific review section content as difficulties are encountered.


  • Move the review sections from each module into a single review module titled Module 0: Review at the beginning of the course. The newly created module will serve as material for the first week(s) of class.

Video List

All videos used in the text of this course have been compiled in a spreadsheet for easy review. This spreadsheet details the alignment of videos appearing in the text to skill-level learning outcomes.

Link to access the spreadsheet: College Algebra Corequisite Video List