Renee Dimino and three cohorts I colleges discuss both student-facing and faculty/staff-facing guided pathways communication.
Session recording
Session slides
SUNY Guided Pathways Glossary
We welcome colleges in the SUNY Guided Pathways project to use this document as a resource for communicating guided pathways. We consider this a living document, so please send any revisions, additions, or feedback to Renee Dimino at
Guided Pathways Websites/Resources: Implementation Communication
Bakersfield College, California
Community College of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
JCC Guided Pathways, Jamestown Community College
JCC Guided Pathways Forums, Jamestown Community College
RCC Guided Pathways Start-up Meeting Presentation, Rockland Community College
MVCC Guided Pathways, Mohawk Valley Community College
Guided Pathways Websites: Student-facing
San Jacinto, Texas
Pierce College, Washington State
Northeast WI Technical College, Wisconsin
Connecting Careers and Educational Paths for Prospective Students, Corning Community College