Assessment: Career Interview


Make an appointment to conduct an informational interview with a Director, CEO, Manager, or Supervisor who is working in your field of interest. Tell them you are working on a class assignment and you will only take 10-15 minutes of their time. During the interview obtain the answers to the following questions. You may also include any other questions or information you feel is relevant. Your interview results must be typed.  You must also turn in their business card.


  • What field are you researching?


Interview Questions

  • Name and title of person being interviewed
  • Company/Organization Name
  • How long has he/she worked in the field?
  • How long at this company?
  • His/Her steps to getting this position (Previous experience)
  • Education/training/skills necessary for this position (Be specific)
  • Starting salary range for a position of this type
  • Description of a typical day (Be specific)
  • What are work ethics, behaviors, and competencies every manager expects from an employee in this position?
  • What is the best and worst part of this job?
  • What kind of work schedule does this field require? (Overtime, flextime, part-time, travel, on call, etc.)
  • What are the advancement opportunities from this position?
  • What current world events have impacted this field?
  • What impact has this had on the organization/business?
  • What is your opinion about the future of this particular field?
  • What advice do you have for someone interested in this field?


Student Section

  • What did you learn about this role?
  • Did what you learned align with your expectations? Explain.
  • What do you think about the physical location of this company?
  • Do you think you would want to work in this type of environment? Why or Why not?
  • What was the most interesting thing you learned from this interview?