Module 8 Overview, Learning Objectives and Content

Midterm Exam-Overview, Learning Objectives and Content

There is no new material in this class module.  Here, you will be reviewing material for the midterm exam.  You will also be expected to have completed the midterm exam by the end of this module.


There is no new material for this module. You are to study, prepare for, and take your midterm exam during this time. The midterm is proctored-which means you should have already set your proctor up from the very beginning of this course. The midterm exam will cover Modules 1-7.

Module 8 Learning Objectives

This module you will focus entirely on the midterm exam.



This module you need to go back through the previous  modules and go through the Learning Materials and Activities for review. Also, go back through your Assessments and Graded Assignments as available. This will prepare you for that midterm exam.