Module 15 Overview, Learning Objectives and Content

Do you remember the order of the planets today, like you did when you were a kid in elementary school? Which planet’s day is longer than its year?  Do all planets revolve in the same direction?  What powers the sun? How did the Solar System form?  Find out the answer to these questions, and more, in this class module.


This module we will take a look at The Solar System. Topics that we will cover are the solar system and its formation, the sun, planets and the Earth’s moon.

module 15 Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Illustrate basic scientific concepts in Earth Science and Astronomy.
  • Compare and contrast geology, meteorology, and oceanography.
  • Describe the effects of the expansion of the universe.
  • Describe the unique properties of each planet.



This module will take a look at the universe, planets, suns and other celestial bodies.

  • Videos
  • Interactive tutorials
  • Practice Problems

Assignments and Graded Assessments

  • PHET Investigating Circular Orbits Lab and Link
  • Module 15 Solar System and the Universe Assessment