Content Overview
Course Materials | YES | NO |
Lumen OHM Questions? | X | |
Editable Text? | X – download pdf doc here | |
Video Support? | X – in the Lumen OHM course | |
Written Assessments/ Test? | X | |
Workbook? | X |
Course Description: This course was originally developed for the Open Course Library project. This course pack contains more than can be taught in one term. The intent of the OCL project was to create a complete course that could be taught using the included materials and structure. With a course like Math for liberal arts, which varies greatly from college to college and even within colleges you may find that you need to customize the course to suit your needs.
The full text is available in pdf or Word document format. Print copies can be obtained here.
General Problem Solving
- Percent, absolute and relative change
- Proportions and rates, unit conversions
- Areas, volumes
- Problem solving and estimation
- Triangles, volume, surface area
- Graph theory, topology, tiling, and Non-Euclidean Geometry
Set Theory
- Set notation
- Truth tables
Numeration System
- Historical counting
- Binary, Octal, hexadecimal
Consumer Math
- Interest, simple interest, compound interest, average daily balance
- Amortization
- Populations and samples, categorizing data, sampling methods
- Experiments, normal distribution, empirical rule, z-scores
- Regression, correlation
- Baye’s theorem, expected value
- Odds, lottery
Growth Models
- Linear growth, exponential growth
- Solve exponentials for time
- Logistic growth
Alternate topics include:
- Weighted Voting
- Fair Division
- Apportionment
- Scheduling
- Crytpography
- Sets
- Measurement and Geometry
- Right Triangles and Introduction to Trigonometry
- Logic
Alternate topics may not have complete sets of quizzes or writing assignments.
Length: One semester
Delivery: This course was designed for fully online delivery. If you are teaching face-to-face, you’ll likely want to include more active learning activities, and do class discussion or group projects in place of writing assignments used for the online course.
Online Content
The Lumen OHM coursepack includes readings, online exercises, and written assignments for each section.

Course Review Access
Follow the link to review the Math for Liberal Arts course materials in Lumen OHM. This demo guest-access course does NOT include the full course – the unit quizzes have been hidden. They are available to instructors when they copy the course.