Review Topics for Success

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Find the common denominator of two or more fractions and use it to add or subtract them
  • Simplify a fraction to its lowest terms
  • Multiply two or more fractions
  • Divide a fraction by a whole number or another fraction
  • Simplify principal square roots using factorization
  • Use cube root notation to write cube roots
  • Simplify cube roots using factorization
  • Simplify square roots with variables
  • Determine when a simplified root needs an absolute value
  • Convert between radical and exponent notation
  • Use the laws of exponents to simplify expressions with rational exponents
  • Use rational exponents to simplify radical expressions

This module deals primarily with applications of descriptive statistics using technology. But fractions and radicals feature heavily in statistics, so it provides another opportunity to practice simplifying and performing operations on them. This kind of math complements statistical thinking. Operations on fractions and radicals follow a well defined set of rules but allow a generosity of creativity in the application of those rules. Gaining experience with many different forms and procedures by doing as many examples as possible is the key to gaining an instinct for using the rules of fractions and radicals — and statistics.

Of course, the red boxes with helpful tips will appear throughout the module to remind you of important facts and techniques along the way.

Recall for success

Look for red boxes like this one throughout the text. They’ll show up just in time to give helpful reminders of the math you’ll need, right where you’ll need it.