Welcome (Click on “MCC Advisor Handbook” above to go to “Table of Contents”)

Welcome to MCC’s Advisor Handbook!

Please Note: We are excited to launch this brand new version of the MCC Advisor Handbook! Because this is new, we’re sure that we have missed some things, and we need your help! If there is an area that you feel needs more information, or something that we forgot to include, please e-mail advisorhandbook@monroecc.edu. Updates are preferred in Word format whenever possible. Thank you for your help in making this a collaborative resource that can help everyone!

This handbook is a resource for both professional and faculty advisors to reference important information concerning advisement at MCC.

Use the SEARCH BAR in the top right corner of the screen to easily look for the information that you need. Just a short phrase or keyword like “SAP,” “honors,” “FACE,” or “placement testing” will help you find the content that you need right away.

Or, you can click MCC ADVISOR HANDBOOK (at the top left, blue area) to view the table of contents and peruse everything the Advisor Handbook has to offer. Click on any topic and the search bar will return.

Don’t print it!

One of the reasons that the updated Advisor Handbook is so exciting is that it is completely online. That means that when advisement requirements change, the handbook can be updated immediately and that new info will be right at your fingertips. This allows for more accurate information to better advise our students.

Have something to add?

Since the online Advisor Handbook is an interactive, living resource, it can be updated as soon as there is a change to a piece of information. If you know of something that should be revised, please email advisorhandbook@monroecc.edu. It is requested that updates be sent in Word format whenever possible. Thank you!

Please note: Because of the online format of the Advisor Handbook, it is possible that information contained herein could be publicly searchable. Therefore, any submitted content should not contain identifying student information, confidential information, or anything else that you wouldn’t want to be potentially known outside of MCC.