Summary: Solving Proportions and their Applications

Key Concepts

  • Proportion
    • A proportion is an equation of the form [latex]{\Large\frac{a}{b}}={\Large\frac{c}{d}}[/latex] , where [latex]b\ne 0[/latex] , [latex]d\ne 0[/latex] .The proportion states two ratios or rates are equal. The proportion is read ” [latex]a[/latex] is to [latex]b[/latex] , as [latex]c[/latex] is to [latex]d[/latex] “.
  • Cross Products of a Proportion
    • For any proportion of the form [latex]{\Large\frac{a}{b}}={\Large\frac{c}{d}}[/latex] , where [latex]b\ne 0[/latex] , its cross products are equal: [latex]a\cdot d=b\cdot c[/latex] .
  • Percent Proportion
    • The amount is to the base as the percent is to 100. [latex]{\Large\frac{\text{amount}}{\text{base}}}={\Large\frac{\text{percent}}{100}}[/latex]


A proportion is an equation of the form [latex]{\Large\frac{a}{b}}={\Large\frac{c}{d}}[/latex] , where [latex]b\ne 0[/latex] , [latex]d\ne 0[/latex] .The proportion states two ratios or rates are equal. The proportion is read ” [latex]a[/latex] is to [latex]b[/latex] , as [latex]c[/latex] is to [latex]d[/latex] “.


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