Summary: Solving Sales Tax, Commission, and Discount Applications

Key Concepts

  • Sales Tax The sales tax is a percent of the purchase price.
    • [latex]\text{sales tax}=\text{tax rate}\cdot \text{purchase price}[/latex]
    • [latex]\text{total cost}=\text{purchase price}+\text{sales tax}[/latex]
  • Commission A commission is a percentage of total sales as determined by the rate of commission.
    • [latex]\text{commission}=\text{rate of commission}\cdot \text{original price}[/latex]
  • Discount An amount of discount is a percent off the original price, determined by the discount rate.
    • [latex]\text{amount of discount}=\text{discount rate}\cdot \text{original price}[/latex]
    • [latex]\text{sale price}=\text{original price}-\text{discount}[/latex]
  • Mark-up The mark-up is the amount added to the wholesale price, determined by the mark-up rate.
    • [latex]\text{amount of mark-up}=\text{mark-up rate wholesale price}[/latex]
    • [latex]\text{list price}=\text{wholesale price}+\text{mark up}[/latex]


A commission is a percentage of total sales as determined by the rate of commission.
An amount of discount is a percent off the original price, determined by the discount rate.
The mark-up is the amount added to the wholesale price, determined by the mark-up rate.
sales tax
The sales tax is a percent of the purchase price.


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