Putting It Together


( Children reciting : The Golden Rule )

“Do unto others, as you would have them do to you”…the Golden Rule.  It sounds a lot like Kant’s first categorical imperative doesn’t it?

Be Good! Do the “right” thing! It requires learning how to make moral decisions following ethical principles. Not always easy. We begin learning as small children and we never stop learning about and trying to make the right decisions. The same will apply to your business someday, from start to finish.

In this final module of the course on business ethics you studied “intermediate golden rule 202.  Let’s review the advanced ethics curriculum that you learned by (of course) asking some more questions:

  1. Does it make more sense to you to view and see ethics from a “descriptive” (it is whatever I actually do)  or a “normative” (it is what I should do) approach?  Why?
  2. Is the only problem with following Kant’s categorical imperatives, is that many times it is uncomfortable and difficult to do? If so, is too much to expect that the process of making ethical decisions be pleasant?
  3. Does the “rights” theories of John Locke and modern day libertarians inevitably fail when MY “rights” collide and infringe on yours?
  4. After applying the alternative rights and duties theories to real life ethical dilemmas, which one do you think works the best? And why?  Do you think the two theories should or can be blended together? How?

You are now near the completion of the course. You have learned much about how the law is involved and influences the success of every business decision and that understanding the relationship between the law and your business is critically important to every business decision. You have also learned that every business decision is a decision with moral and ethical consequences on everyone. With that in mind…just one final question: