Geometric Sequences

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Find the common ratio for a geometric sequence.
  • Give terms of a geometric sequence.
  • Write the formula for a geometric sequence.

Finding Common Ratios

A geometric sequence changes by a constant factor. Each term of a geometric sequence increases or decreases by a constant factor called the common ratio. The sequence below is an example of a geometric sequence because each term increases by a constant factor of 6. Multiplying any term of the sequence by the common ratio 6 generates the subsequent term.

A sequence , {1, 6, 36, 216, 1296, ...} that shows all the numbers have a common ratio of 6.

A General Note: Definition of a Geometric Sequence

A geometric sequence is one in which any term divided by the previous term is a constant. This constant is called the common ratio of the sequence. The common ratio can be found by dividing any term in the sequence by the previous term. If [latex]{a}_{1}[/latex] is the initial term of a geometric sequence and [latex]r[/latex] is the common ratio, the sequence will be

[latex]\left\{{a}_{1}, {a}_{1}r,{a}_{1}{r}^{2},{a}_{1}{r}^{3},…\right\}[/latex].

How To: Given a set of numbers, determine if they represent a geometric sequence.

  1. Divide each term by the previous term.
  2. Compare the quotients. If they are the same, a common ratio exists and the sequence is geometric.

Example 1: Finding Common Ratios

Is the sequence geometric? If so, find the common ratio.

  1. [latex]1\text{,}2\text{,}4\text{,}8\text{,}16\text{,}..[/latex].
  2. [latex]48\text{,}12\text{,}4\text{, }2\text{,}..[/latex].

Try It

Is the sequence geometric? If so, find the common ratio.


Try It

Is the sequence geometric? If so, find the common ratio.


Try It

Writing Terms of Geometric Sequences

Now that we can identify a geometric sequence, we will learn how to find the terms of a geometric sequence if we are given the first term and the common ratio. The terms of a geometric sequence can be found by beginning with the first term and multiplying by the common ratio repeatedly. For instance, if the first term of a geometric sequence is [latex]{a}_{1}=-2[/latex] and the common ratio is [latex]r=4[/latex], we can find subsequent terms by multiplying [latex]-2\cdot 4[/latex] to get [latex]-8[/latex] then multiplying the result [latex]-8\cdot 4[/latex] to get [latex]-32[/latex] and so on.

[latex]\begin{align}&{a}_{1}=-2 \\ &{a}_{2}=\left(-2\cdot 4\right)=-8 \\ &{a}_{3}=\left(-8\cdot 4\right)=-32 \\ &{a}_{4}=\left(-32\cdot 4\right)-128\end{align}[/latex]

The first four terms are [latex]\left\{-2\text{, }-8\text{, }-32\text{, }-128\right\}[/latex].

How To: Given the first term and the common factor, find the first four terms of a geometric sequence.

  1. Multiply the initial term, [latex]{a}_{1}[/latex], by the common ratio to find the next term, [latex]{a}_{2}[/latex].
  2. Repeat the process, using [latex]{a}_{n}={a}_{2}[/latex] to find [latex]{a}_{3}[/latex] and then [latex]{a}_{3}[/latex] to find [latex]{a}_{4,}[/latex] until all four terms have been identified.
  3. Write the terms separated by commons within brackets.

Example 2: Writing the Terms of a Geometric Sequence

List the first four terms of the geometric sequence with [latex]{a}_{1}=5[/latex] and [latex]r=-2[/latex].

Try It

List the first five terms of the geometric sequence with [latex]{a}_{1}=18[/latex] and [latex]r=\frac{1}{3}[/latex].

Try It

Using Explicit Formulas for Geometric Sequences

We can write explicit formulas that allow us to find particular terms.

[latex]{a}_{n}={a}_{1}{r}^{n - 1}[/latex]

Let’s take a look at the sequence [latex]\left\{18\text{, }36\text{, }72\text{, }144\text{, }288\text{, }…\right\}[/latex]. This is a geometric sequence with a common ratio of 2. An explicit formula for this sequence is

[latex]{a}_{n}=18\cdot {2}^{n - 1}[/latex]

A General Note: Explicit Formula for a Geometric Sequence

The nth term of a geometric sequence is given by the explicit formula:

[latex]{a}_{n}={a}_{1}{r}^{n - 1}[/latex]

Example 4: Writing Terms of Geometric Sequences Using the Explicit Formula

Given a geometric sequence with [latex]{a}_{1}=3[/latex] and [latex]{a}_{4}=24[/latex], find [latex]{a}_{2}[/latex].

Try It

Given a geometric sequence with [latex]{a}_{2}=4[/latex] and [latex]{a}_{3}=32[/latex] , find [latex]{a}_{6}[/latex].

Example 6: Writing an Explicit Formula for the nth Term of a Geometric Sequence

Write an explicit formula for the [latex]n\text{th}[/latex] term of the following geometric sequence.

[latex]\left\{2\text{, }10\text{, }50\text{, }250\text{, }\dots\right\}[/latex]

Try It

Write an explicit formula for the following geometric sequence.

[latex]\left\{-1\text{, }3\text{, }-9\text{, }27\text{, }\dots\right\}[/latex]

Try It

Solving Application Problems with Geometric Sequences

In real-world scenarios involving arithmetic sequences, we may need to use an initial term of [latex]{a}_{0}[/latex] instead of [latex]{a}_{1}[/latex]. In these problems, we can alter the explicit formula slightly by using the following formula:


Example 7: Solving Application Problems with Geometric Sequences

In 2013, the number of students in a small school is 284. It is estimated that the student population will increase by 4% each year.

  1. Write a formula for the student population.
  2. Estimate the student population in 2020.

Try It

A business starts a new website. Initially the number of hits is 293 due to the curiosity factor. The business estimates the number of hits will increase by 2.6% per week.

a. Write a formula for the number of hits.

b. Estimate the number of hits in 5 weeks.