REVIEW: Using Decimals in Money Applications

Learning Outcomes

  • Translate expressions from a given scenario
  • Answer a question by using operations on decimals

We often apply decimals in real life, and most of the applications involving money. Take a moment to review the Strategy for Applications outlined below.

Strategy for Applications

  1. Identify what you are asked to find.
  2. Write a phrase that gives the information to find it.
  3. Translate the phrase to an expression.
  4. Simplify the expression.
  5. Answer the question with a complete sentence.



Paul received [latex]$50[/latex] for his birthday. He spent [latex]$31.64[/latex] on a video game. How much of Paul’s birthday money was left?


What are you asked to find? How much did Paul have left?
Write a phrase. [latex]$50[/latex] less [latex]$31.64[/latex]
Translate. [latex]50 - 31.64[/latex]
Simplify. [latex]18.36[/latex]
Write a sentence. Paul has [latex]$18.36[/latex] left.


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Jessie put [latex]8[/latex] gallons of gas in her car. One gallon of gas costs [latex]$3.529[/latex]. How much does Jessie owe for the gas? (Round the answer to the nearest cent.)


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Four friends went out for dinner. They shared a large pizza and a pitcher of soda. The total cost of their dinner was [latex]$31.76[/latex]. If they divide the cost equally, how much should each friend pay?


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Be careful to follow the order of operations in the next example. Remember to multiply before you add.


Marla buys [latex]6[/latex] bananas that cost [latex]$0.22[/latex] each and [latex]4[/latex] oranges that cost [latex]$0.49[/latex] each. How much is the total cost of the fruit?


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